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Posts posted by Doonagirl

  1. I wrote this post to express my sadness over 2 women being rude to a thai person who was working on Phi Phi after the tsunami. I went to Phi Phi to help put my money back into their pockets and was shocked that these two women who were certainly not from Africa but a country whose currency gets twice as much as mine at the thai exchange. The comment about how do I know how much pants cost in their country is really stupid I have been around the world many a time and have a fair idea about the cost of clothes in other countries....the two women moaning about the price of the "pants" (this is an ozzie term as I am australian not american thats a hot tip for the guy who wrote the post saying I was a yank, mate you are a racist) upset me and was plain and simply rude. I don't care about vendors and how much they "make off tourists" for goodness sake Phi Phi had just about been wiped off the map and these women couldn't spend an extra 150 baht (1 and a bit euros to them). Maybe I am a bit naive but I have a good heart and was trying to get my point across that we should look after each other, as there is no room for rudeness in this world. I cannot tolerate people being unkind to others and my post was not about how much the pants cost etc but really about being nice to people especially when they have been to hel_l and back.

    So anyone who wants to waste their energy bagging out my post be fairdinkum!


  2. Hi

    I am coming to Thailand to complete a Divemasters course with a dive company. The company said they could supply me with a letter stating I would be studying with them. My concern is how to obtain a visa so I can stay on with the company (do I have to do border runs and how many is the limit?) after completing course to work for them for 3 mths.

    Any advise appreciated :o

  3. Hey can anyone help me. Firstly me and my boyfriend are coming to thailand to do a divemasters course so we will need to stay for a while (6 mths-12mth) and we need to know how this is possible.....we will need long term accomadation prepared to pay 7000-10000 baht a month nothing too dodgy. We also want to know do we need to book an ongoing ticket to say london or can we have a one way to thailand and be let in with just this?

    Don't want to be stuck at Bangers because if immigration

    Any answers are much appreciated.

    Doonagirl :o

  4. Hi ya. I am Australian and wanting to head to Thailand next April to travel the country for 6mths. I know I can get a 60 day visa before I leave. Once this runs out am I then able to do a border run and extend for 30 days? When the 30 days runs out can I then do 2 more border runs to extend this by 60 days. So in total it may be possible to stay 5 mths....... or is it simply 90 days and your out?

    A little advice on this would be appreciated.


    Doonagirl :o

  5. No probs, the funny thing is I guess we were planning on becoming more than just good mates but this has thrown a spanner in the works as the saying goes.

    All the advise I could give to my mate is that he is to be totally honest with the thai bird and whatever happens the outcome is that he is going to be a dad and I will be there to support him (ive been practising my karate moves just incase things get a bit hairy) and whatever he decides to do.

  6. thanks for the advise, yes I am planning on heading over at the end of this mth now give them time to sort out their differences......still a bit worried as I hear thai girls can become very jealous

    of farang women and may not understand we are just good mates.

    Sorry, I'm not a wise Lady. Just a male.

    Be careful and think twice, especially if his gf is 'a bit of a psycho'. Quite a nasty situation your bf, his ex-gf and you are in...

    Give it some more time than the few weeks you are talking about.

    Good luck.


  7. Hi need some advice from wise ladies in this forum. My male friend is living in Thailand and I am going to visit him in a couple of weeks. He broke up wiv his thai girl of 8mths a few wks ago and has just been told she is now 2mths pregnant. He is in total shock and not sure what to do, I feel like I am going into a war zone, I do not want to turn up to have his ex girlfriend stabbing me in the back, apparently she is a bit of a physcho.

    Any advise would be great


  8. :o I have just looked into the Thai Embassy website and found out that as of the 12th Sept 05 Australians aged between 18-30 can now apply for a work/holiday visa that is valid for 1 yr.

    The requirements are you need to have tertiary qualifications (fulltime no less then 3 yrs worth)

    What exactly is meant by tertiary? Does this mean a University degree?

    My understanding of Tertiary is anything study after leaving school for example completing a TAFE course.

    Can anyone give me suggestions, or maybe have been through the process before?



  9. Hey Soph, sorry to hear about your hair, I had quite naturally dark hair and thought I would lighten it with one of those home streaking kits......

    I followed the instructions left the bleach in for 20 minutes rinsed it out and shock horror my hair was orange! Apparently when you put bleach in your hair to lighten it you need to wait for the bleach to develope especially if you have brown hair 20 minutes is not long enough as the bleach strips the pigment out of your hair first you will notice your hair is orange, then yellow and then the last stage is blonde (if your lucky) then you need to use a toner to get rid of the yellow/golden highlights. If it makes you feel better I then had to ran down to the supermarket wearing a hat, I dyed my hair brown with a semi permanet colour and my hair then went green! My hair was very fragile from the bleach and the colour I put through it so I went to the hairdressers, cut my hair short and actually loved it!

    Now I have blonde highlights in my hair which are done professionally as it takes about 1hr for the bleach to lighten my hair ,I also shampoo my hair with a toner (silver shampoo which is a purple colour) once a week to get rid of the gold.

    When I travel to thailand I always take my toner as I have forgotten it on a number of occasions and the hairdressers don't understand what toner is....they want to bleach your hair which is a bit scary!

    My advice to you would be to either keep dying your hair with brown until the orange grows out or bit the bullet and go short!



  10. :o I am looking into doing a four week 100hr TEFL course in April 06 in Krabi. Does anyone know much about the course and how much one should be expected to pay top do it? The instructers are english so you need to pay in GBP.

    Is there alot of work in this part of thailand and how much is one expected to be paid per month for teaching?

  11. Just got back from a silly season party where I met many local mates and seasonal associates. As I keep to myself alot, I don't often invest in long and winding discussions. Tonight was an exception.

    I spoke to a lot of males this evening (both local and seasonal expats who visit each year for varying lengths of stay) on all manner of topics. A discussion arose about female expats and how we cope with living in a largely male dominated society (here in Thailand).

    I asked the guys how they they view us long-term female expats as opposed to their local partners here in LOS and their female compatriots in their homelands. They told me how much they admire us, they said:

    "You've got balls. And we don't understand how you do it and why you stay because this is a male domain" !!! :D

    But, they elaborated, "we find that both admirable and scary". They couldn't really explain any further (maybe the beer had something to do with that?) .... although they tried!

    The reason I posted this in Ladies, is because I want the opinions of ladies and guys that care to venture into this part of the forum.


    Any comments most welcome.....  :D

    balls Vulgar Slang.

    The testicles.

    Courage, especially when reckless.

    Great presumptuousness.

    I guess what the guys were trying to say is that we are not afraid to give it a go!


  12. My take on this and I could be wrong is that the vendors aren't the ones hurting the worst. The owners tend to be non-thai and doing pretty good by Thai standards. Plus they are getting these knock offs manufactured for almost nothing in bangkok and then selling them to the tourists for whatever they can get. Believe me, they don't sell it if they don't make at least 20-30%. I know a young lady that has a vendor biz selling swimwear to the tourists. She buys them at 150 bht and sells them for 250 to 450 bht each. Not a bad business. If you want to help the real poor that are suffering then donate some money to organizations that feed and clothe the poor. That's way the money goes directly to those in need.

    :o I guess what I was trying to get across is that we take a lot for granted. I come from one of the luckiest countrys in the world and wouldn't stop to consider how much the vendor's are making on their sales when buying from Phi Phi, its all still extremely cheap and the standard of living there is no where near mine at home. In retail you should actually get back 100% on your sales, so 20-30% isn't really "making a living" by any standards.

  13. Well after the break up with my English boyfriend, I stayed for just under a year, it was great.  Then the money ran out, so I was back in UK for 7 months working my ass off!  Now have been back for 20 months working here and it is great!

    Do you plan on working or just hanging out?

    How did you get to stay in Thailand for so long working? I was looking into teaching english?? Not sure but a few suggestions would be lovely from someone with experience.



  14. Are you both in Thailand now?  Is he Thai?  Obviously these factors could affect ways in which you could make the break up easier.

    If you are in your home country, then I would say jump on a plane and be done with it.  Hard I know, but I did it once with an ex of mine in England - I was heartbroken for about a month, but as soon as I really started to settled back into being in Thailand he was soon forgotten - this was definately the best way I could have done it.  We are still friends now so it worked for the best.

    No I am in Oz and he is not thai. How long did you stay in Thailand when you headed back?I want to stay there as long as I can, any suggestions as to how to go about it? :o

  15. I had one friend say something about "thinning blood" but I have no idea how one's blood might thin, or if blood even thins.... blink.gif

    Has your body acclimated?

    Yes my body has changed - on the back of a bike last night I was shaking and not because of the crazy drivers :D

    I went to Australia 4 months ago and was bitterly cold in Brisbane.

    At least in Scotland, where I'm going next week, it is warm for the time of year 10C :o

    Four months ago it was winter in Oz so naturally it was cold. Now it is summer at we have had 44 degree days....hot stuff

    I spent November in Krabi, absolutely beautiful weather and funny enough now I am home I can handle the long hot summer days of Oz.

  16. :o Why is it so hard to breakup with someone, well not just someone my best friend whom I have shared 7 years of my life with. He is joining the police force, I want to travel more and see more of thailand, meet up with a friend I met in thailand and live life to the fullest.

    Any suggestions on how to go about it are most welcome.


  17. LOL, don't worry girlx, you just came out of a relationship & it will take you a while to appreciate the male of the species again.

    It's like self induced memory loss (or something like that) basically meaning that for a while after a break up, we find it hard to see the positive in men but then, slowly, our brains wipe out all the crap & we start to be interested in them again, conveniently forgetting all their bad points & how much of a pain in the ass they can be,  :D this state lasts until the next break, when the cycle repeats itself. :o


    If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away.

    If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay.

    Stop making excuses for a man and his behaviour.

    Allow your intuition (or spirit) to save you from heartache.

    Stop trying to change yourself for a relationship that's not meant to


    Slower is better.

    Never live your life for a man before you find what makes you truly


    If a relationship ends because the man was not treating you as

    you deserve then heck no, you can't "be friends".

    A friend wouldn't mistreat a friend.

    Don't settle. If you feel like he is stringing you along, then he probably is.Don't stay because you think "it will get better."

    You'll be mad at yourself a year later for staying when things are not


    The only person you can control in a relationship is you.

    Avoid men who've got a bunch of children by a bunch of different women.

    He didn't marry them when he got them pregnant, why would he treat you any differently?

    Always have your own set of friends separate from his.

    Maintain boundaries in how a guy treats you. If something bothers you,

    speak up.

    Never let a man know everything.

    He will use it against you later.

    You cannot change a man's behaviour.

    Change comes from within.

    Don't EVER make him feel he is more important than you are...

    even if he has more education or in a better job.

    Do not make him into a quasi-god.

    He is a man, nothing more nothing less.

    Never let a man define who you are.

    Never borrow someone else's man.

    If he cheated with you, he'll cheat on you.

    A man will only treat you the way you ALLOW him to treat you.

    All men are NOT dogs.

    You should not be the one doing all the bending... compromise is two way


    You need time to heal between relationships... there is nothing cute about baggage...

    Deal with your issues before pursuing a new relationship

    You should never look for someone to COMPLETE you... a relationship

    consists of two WHOLE individuals...

    look for someone complimentary... not supplementary.

    Dating is fun... even if he doesn't turn out to be Mr. Right.

    Make him miss you sometimes... when a man always know where you are,and

    you're always readily available to him - he takes it for granted.

    Never move into his mother's house. Never co-sign for a man.

    Don't fully commit to a man who doesn't give you everything that you


    Keep him in your radar but get to know others.

    Share this with other women and men (just so they know)...

    You'll make someone smile, another rethink her choices, and another

    woman prepare.

    They say it takes a minute to find a special person, an hour to


    them, a day to love them and an entire lifetime to forget them.

  18. I am planning to go to the 14 January fullmoon party at Koh Phangan. I will be going from Phuket. Can anyone tell me which is the best way to go. I can also use information on accomodation when at Koh Phangan.

    Thank you.

    I went from Ko Samui by ferry, really easy. I stayed in Thong sala, its about a 1/2 taxi ride from the full moon party but it cost me $7 a night in a hut on the beach, depends though if you like sleeping under a mossie net on a mattress?

    I loved it had my own beach, pretty laid back.

    You can stay at Al's cafe on Thong Sala its air conditioned and really clean for about 600 bht a night

    Have fun be safe


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