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Posts posted by Shermanator

  1. If justice was truly to be served in cases like this one, there would be a "rape machine" in a kind of "tiled torture room" with other rapists who got away with life in prison being appointed as cleaners and care takers and maintenance staff for such rooms and machines; this empathy depraved subhuman, named Saengkhao would then be strapped to that machine for a good 90 minutes (lubricants denied by the judge) and if still alive being tossed from a train at full speed. What goes around, comes around - in this case I am 101% for death penalty.

    Same should happen to swines like "Nui" who raped and killed several small children in the past and got away with two life sentences (photo). This rule of reducing a death sentence to life if the culprit admits should be cancelled. Such animals have no right to live and contaminate our world with their presence.


  2. These kind of posts are completely beyond me... There are millions of them (like this one) out there, waiting:


    Why ask others "What shall I do?" when you know the answer deep inside already? Why is everyone trying to find reasons for not breaking up with a partner that just causes them emotional and/or physical and/or financial harm????

  3. Even though the RTP - due to the Koh Tao and bomb crime scene cockups and the 3m reward for nothing grab - have lost 99.9% of their credibility, there still is the chance of accidents happening from time to time. Not every dead body automatically is a rape/murder case.

    By jumping to premature conclusions and spreading hearsay you return credibility to the RTP what actually is counterproductive to change, respectively a long overdue and thorough "format C" of the RTP forces!

    RIP to the poor girl and sincerest condolences to family and friends.

  4. No idea what all the fuzz is about. Get a legal visa, i.e. retirement, b, or marriage visa! Stop whining if they clamp down on cheap Charly flip flop and Batik clothes wearing idiots (working illegally as tour guides, touts, dive masters, drug dealers, fraudsters, forgers, etc.) who think that doing a visa run every 30 days will flawlessly work forever. I pay a lot of money to keep my tax papers, visa and work permit in order, pay employees, their social insurance, etc.... Why should anyone else have it the easy, illegal and cheap way? mad.gif

    A 30 visa on arrival is legal!

    Who is working illegally?

    What you pay has no meaning at all to people who are staying within the law.

    6,000 baht for a year visa and work permit is a lot???

    So by your deluded maths, a visa runner who pays (for example) 2,000 baht per month is is paying more than three times more than you!

    Not only reading skills but the ability of contemplating and understanding a full sentence would help you to get out of that tiny, pityful box you must live in.

    Here the sentence for you again, in bold, so you can find where it starts and where it ends since you seem to have problems with that: I pay a lot of money to keep my tax papers, visa and work permit in order, pay employees, their social insurance, etc...

    On top of it all I provide jobs for 7 Thai and 6 Burmese workers, all paid every 1st of the month in full plus expenses, social insurance and visa etc. for our Burmese employees.

    Your turn!

  5. No idea what all the fuzz is about. Get a legal visa, i.e. retirement, b, or marriage visa! Stop whining if they clamp down on cheap Charly flip flop and Batik clothes wearing idiots (working illegally as tour guides, touts, dive masters, drug dealers, fraudsters, forgers, etc.) who think that doing a visa run every 30 days will flawlessly work forever. I pay a lot of money to keep my tax papers, visa and work permit in order, pay employees, their social insurance, etc.... Why should anyone else have it the easy, illegal and cheap way? mad.gif

  6. "Police are currently checking CCTV footage from the area to see if they can find out exactly wahtr caused Mr Anan to die..." I'd bet on massive blood loss and/or severe head injuries... coffee1.gif

    Further, I'd guess that the Honda Wave was pimped up with breaks not functioning, headlights and back lights not functioning or at least one of them, that the tires were as narrow as bicycle ones, perhaps without profile and that no helmet was worn and - as we all love to see it daily - one hand was held in front of the face to safeguard against the rain, wind, oncoming lights... while the other hand was used to perhaps squeeze out a pimple, type an sms, or check on the hair... Trailer truck might have pulled out with warning lights or indicators still flashing, but unfortunate young Mr. Anan perhaps was too busy to watch out, too fast, to drunk, to drugged, too candy crushed? Of course there is the slight chance that the trailer truck driver really was to blame. In that case, RIP to the victim.

  7. These fools will only wake up one day when there is NO MORE tourist coming to Thailand to scam.... They only live for today and don't have the ability to think of the day after tomorrow. Sad but true, their ALL IN on this scam.

    Word of mouth is the most powerful media in the world ( can make or brake you ) and for every tourist they scam and rob of his hard earned spending money they loose a potential 5 - 10 future tourist which now take their business elsewhere instead of coming to Thailand.

    Come and discover Thainess....

    Thailand dont need ISiS to f***ck up their country, their doing it themselves and there will soon be nothing left for their children to build a future on. Amazing Stupidity at the highest Grade amaginable

    Well spoken!!!!! Couldn't have said it better myself! thumbsup.gif

  8. Why the F am I getting so angry when I read, Jet Ski Mafia "warned" to end scam? Thai officials want us (whites, Farangs, walking ATMs, whatever they want to call us) to do everything by the book. One slip, tax wise, Thai partner wise, nominee-wise, accounting wise (which is often beyond our control) from our side - or as a private person, one bar brawl with one of their fellow countrymen going down and we are OUT!!! Live, investment, everything possibly destroyed over one single slip. But those criminals, after they have been on international TV, even pointing guns at tourists, threatening them and cheating them out of milions of Baht with the world watching this since DECADES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and now they eventually WARN them? This must be a nightmare and I will wake up soon, right? Seems they have a share too much of a percentage to let this "extra income" go, huh????

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