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Cat On Moon

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Posts posted by Cat On Moon

  1. So the Rouble is worth less in Thailand than it was. If a Russian has property assets in Thailand, then he can sell and covert to Roubles and make a profit..Logically many Russians would better off selling.

    1 Rouble in 2014, and 1 Rouble in 2015 - is too much different.
    For 1 rouble in 2014 you could bought more commodities in Russia, than for 1 rouble in 2015. Because prices in Russia is grow. And purchase power of Russian rouble is down. So, in your scenario, yes, seller may get profit, but this is only "paper profit", not real profit.
    In practice, many Russian people don't keep they money in Russian roubles. They may have roubles for everyday life, but for serious sum Russians keep they money in $US or Euro.
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