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Posts posted by cockatoowho

  1. 10 minutes ago, Anythingleft? said:

    Surely it's at least a step in the right direction things will not change overnight it will be lengthy process but it has to start somehow and somewhere

    Give them the credit they deserve for starting and addressing the issue, the more highlighted it becomes then maybe more fresh faces will be inclined to join and stand for positions that were previously locked out of by the corruption where they too could now make a difference for the future

    It is only a step in their own direction to the demise of many. Who and what this mongrel bunch are about is spelt out in the comment by 'cumgranosalum'. and attested by many others.

  2. 1 hour ago, jamesbrock said:


    Consider that there are roughly 250,000 police, and when the need arises for a massive presence they can only scrounge up 90,000-100,000...



    The problem with the RTP and offences by its own, is that the offenders and the investigators are from the same agency, and invariably higher-ranking officers would be exposed in any in-depth investigation, so it's all too easy to put a stop to any efforts of the investigating officials. The alleged guilty are simply transferred to inactive posts until the media scrutiny dies down and the issue fades from public view. 



    I would hazard a guess that "a good clear out of all the corrupt police here" would only leave a very few junior newbies throughout the entire country.


    That being said, with the army currently in control, and possessing police powers, now would be as good a time as any for the necessary clean out. Pity no one with the political power or will is in a position to do what's needed.

    The only reason the military would clean up the police is for personal gain, one is as bad as the other and no doubt have the goods on one another at senior level. Check, with checkmate cowing in the shadows

  3. 1 hour ago, robblok said:


    Tinfoil to think a junta who is in full power would bomb tourist spots and gain the worlds attention and get economic problems. To what end.. gain power.. they have that.. they can already pretty much do what they want. So yes people who think that i consider people with tinfoil hats.


    Your second statement has nothing to do with the first. 

    The only tinfoil here is your argument, very thin. Governments all over the world have been using red flag events for a myriad of reasons, to just brush it aside by using the pathetic recourse that it is a conspiracy theory is not only naive but very ignorant. Due to your simplistic views of the world it would be a lost cause attempting to enlighten you to why they (government) are most likely responsible.

  4. One must seriously question just who is behind all this when the authorities always use the same modus operandi in dealing with these incidents.  In 24  hours, they examine the scene, clean it up, report arrests then backtrack on the statement, blame a political opposition, then claim all is back to normal.

    Is it not odd that no one immediately strikes again to prove them wrong or continues to cause mayhem to push their agenda, and isn't it odd that the timing of these events happen at just the appropriate time for the government. Conspiracy theory or not? fact and fiction are closer than we think,  many a theory have turned out to be true. 

    However, you can be sure of one thing and in keeping with the MO, appropriate persons will be detained and charges laid endorsing and substantiating their claims to why it happened. The exact contrary of what we are to believe is often the truth.


  5. 1 hour ago, djjamie said:

    He is certainly doing a good job.


    As the PM he has to keep a level head and ensure a sense of calm is installed in the population moving forward while offering any feedback or progress in the terrible events of yesterday. 


    What would some hope he do. Hide up North and send a few Facebook updates occasionally!

    Now I get it, you keep making outlandish comments because you want to be the centre of attraction, must be hard  going through life backing losers and being ridiculed. Seriously though, don't you think you are a little old to be having a schoolboy crush?

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