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Posts posted by Roman51

  1. So many wrong posts here...

    Co.Th domains require a company registered with a matching or very similar company name.

    Vat or trademark not required at all so ignore those comments.

    Registered company 100% required, don't try without.

    Domain name and company name matching, officially yes, though last couple of posts suggest that exceptions similar to 100b overriding the motorbike helmet law may apply, with similar legalities.

    sleep.png ... nonsense ..

    Do you even read what offers these companies that people write above?

    For eg. quote form EuropeID.com about .CO.TH domain offer:

    If you choose to take advantage of our Local Presence/Proxy Service for Thai domains, EuropeID itself, our local branch office or a local representative designated by us will become the legal holders and administrative contacts of the pertinent .CO.TH domains. ~ EuropeID source

    so.. what you are buying is not only the .CO.TH domain, you can buy a domain and if you do not meet legal requirements, you can additionaly buy the local presence of a company representative localy in Thailand
  2. I expect when the Win 10 upgrade nagware icon appeared in the taskbar, someone opened it, and clicked yes they want to reserve their copy. Then Win 10 was downloaded. But even then it still requires the person the click the upgrade icon to go ahead and do the upgrade once it downloads. So, they got what they asked for.

    Now even when reserving Win 10 for download (intentionally or by mistake) a person can "unreserve" that copy using the same icon menu and the Win 10 upgrade files will not automatically download. But they need to do this before the upgrade files download. The Win 10 nagware upgrade icon will stay in the taskbar probably until 29 Jul 16 when the free upgrade period ends...it just a person has to be sure not to use it to reserve their copy.

    Unless something has changed a person can uninstall the Windows update that installs the Win 10 nagware upgrade icon and then immediately "Hide that particular update" in the Window 7/8.X Check for Windows Updates menu to keep the update from reinstalling itself.

    Hmm, thanks for the reply. Perhaps confused me that when I've marked all updates from Win8 except Win10. After that and click get updates, on the taskbar displayed information about downloading Win10. Even if it's just download process of Win10, and after that it does not update to win10. I think that system should download only these updates that I've chosen (Win8) not those for Win10. I specially unchecked for not downloading! But as you said PIB, windows update may just download the Win10, but wouldn't force to install it without permission. I'll check it. Thanks for your help.

  3. Solutions for your problem can be special trustee and local presence services for particular domain names with restrictions. There are several companies who offer those services for restricted domains, like .CO.TH that you've talked about. Last year I needed Thai domain too, but it's quite difficult to find reliable company who offer trusted .co.th services. Finally I've found Web-Solutions.eu and can honestly recommend them.

    Here you can find more info about purchase thai domain: https://web-solutions.eu/co-th-domain-name-registration.htm

  4. I recently had a similar probem. My friend bought herself a new laptop with Win8. She wanted to be sure this is only Win8 because her dad uses the same system, and sometimes she helps him with OS problems by phone, so it need to be the same system. Unfortunately, the Win8 system tried to forced upgrade to Win10. I just wanted to download the latest updates to Win8 without going to Win10. But .. it can't be done.. For now I just turned off avaliability of any updates.

  5. What about Mexico? Obviously some security issues there

    Hmm.. how about Jukatan and Cancun? Maybe it's not the cheapest place. Crime is not there at a high level. It's very touristy area so it is certainly more expensive there. But I think still quite cheap for the European earner in euros or well-to-do American?

  6. Honestly I would feel bad knowing that I don't have any alternatives. Like for example, money given to my sister for safekeeping, to whom I could apply in the case of losing everything I have, to be able to return to my country.

    But consider the case about which you write. So I have nothing, lost everything, I have no money for a rainy day. I understand that I am not a citizen of Thailand? In this case, first I would go for help to Embassy of my country.

  7. I'm wondering whether it is possible to register a particular .co.th domain name.

    Yes you can.

    I'm unsure of the laws in Thailand regarding this, so I wanted to make sure first. I tried the DIP (Department of Intellectual Property) website, however it seems that any relevant information is in Thai only.

    I am not a resident of Thailand or living there, so I'm unable to call DIP too.

    There are special companies that help in the registration of domains with restrictions, like .CO.TH. This type of companies offer special services of the local trustee, that help to register the domain for people even without trademark or particular country citizenship (if it's required).
    Here: https://web-solutions.eu/how-to-register-domains-thailand.htm you can find more information about entire registration process of Thai domains.
    I hope that helped
  8. I really do not understand .. how Europe could have been in the past few weeks been literally flooded with immigrants from the Middle East. I feel sorry for these people because of war, but inviting the numbers of immigrants by Germany was just ridiculous. Sometimes I feel that sudden desire to immigration by so much number of people at once, is even set by some politicians who just want to cause chaos in Europe. The bigger problem is that Germany now close their borders, for imigrants, because there are too much of them. A poor immigrants will be in the neighbor countries that have to deal with them..

  9. I completely forgot about promising "Fear The Walking Dead," which will show us how did the whole zombie apocalypse started. In a few days another 4 episode!

    • Like 2
  10. Each subsequent Android was supposed to be faster and better. But last I read on the internet interesting information. News concerned collusion android developers and smartphones manufacturers. Subsequent updates have to slow down your old smartphones. All this so that people have to buy new equipment. Thank you very much Android.. I'll stick with my old, good and fast blackberry.

  11. My sister had problems with shortness of breath and severe heartbeats. She thought it was something really serious. It turned out that by poor nutrition, supplying the body with not enough vitamins and minerals. Her symptoms were the cause of high potassium deficiency!

  12. I hope that Netflix will join to Asia market really soon, because the have really amazing TV shows. Like for example House of Cards or Daredevil.. really recommend if you've got access to netflix platform. Now I've just started to watch Narcos, it's really good series too.

  13. Few solutions:

    1. Raid on PC, but if you use laptop often, like u said before, it won't be solution for you. But maybe for somebody else who read this topic.

    2. Cloud drive. If you've got almost everytime internet connection. Good choice will be use free or paid cloud disk, like: dropbox, box, sync or others. In this case you will always have updated and protected files. So if you're PC or laptop would crash. You can still log on your cloud account and can download all data using any other PC or laptop.

    3. Typical and old fashioned copy / pasate technique :)

  14. Another interesting information .. I've heard that Microsoft's latest OS spying on users without their consent. And now I read that without our knowledge also uses the Internet to send our people of other updates. I hope that Microsoft repent, because I will not tolerate (without my permission) to use my network connection, that isn't the fastest one. As well I will not tolerate free share of my private things on PC hard drive. Probably it's time to switch OS to Linux..

  15. The latest information is that worth to withdraw from Flash because now the most popular browser which is Google Chrome stop support the flash technology begining in 1 September this year. For now, mainly pop-up adverts, but I think that over time give up the Flash altogether in favor of HTML5 which is much better.

  16. If Internet service providers provide enough bandwidth capacity that will allow users to watch movies online. If so, I think entry of Netflix company to the Asian TV shows market, will be a big impact. Of course, if the prices for the month of use will be cheap enough. But the prices in America and Europe show us that price for Netflix services isn't only the conversion of currency exchange rates between dollar and euro. But it's adaptation to the average financial situation in the country. If the price will be around several $ per month, then I think that Netflix will find many new customers here in Asia.

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