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Posts posted by hhlimhh

  1. Attention!

    New and groundbreaking proposal to end the turmoil in Thailand and make everybody happy:

    Let Somchai/Taksin govern the North from Chiang Mai while Sondhi and his Yellow People can govern the rest from Bangkok. The North can than separate and be known as Lana-land or Lalaland. Issan can join them if they wish after a referendum. The Bangkok run part may be called Krungthep-land or Moomooland.

    Actually the South may split from Bangkok as well. Apart from Patani state which will surely go to Muslims the Phuket and Samui islands can perhaps became independent Farang Kingdoms. The names for them can perhaps be decided later after few drinking competitions.

    This is the best solution so far.

  2. Oh yeah, Mr.Chuan, the man solely responsible for the SE Asia crash of '97.

    :D yelling the secret message into the silent forest, uh?

    ...you haven't done your homework! But after all it's only a forum.... :D


    One man solely responsible for SE Asia crash, I nearly spat out my lunch. Poor Chuan, he wasn't even in power when it happened. :o

    Anyway, back to Thaksin now, I'm sure that he's done a deal as there is no way that he would have come back if he thought he was going to be found guilty.

    Agree or not agree. SEA crash start to snowball in 92, when Chuan is in power. That is why so many people regard him as the the man soley responsible for it. Chavalit guilty only for not quickly undo what Chuan did. But politics is always dirty, not only in Thailand. The most successful one is the one who can hide the most truth.

    oh, go on, spoil us...

    what did chuan do in 1992 that was the beginning of the end?? When I said 'do' I mean, apart from the fact that he was PM at the time, what policies did he implement, what were their effects, and how did this lead to rich thai's borrowing offshore at low interest rates to invest here in thailand?

    Go on, knock us all out. You sound like you know what you are talking about...not.

    If you don't want to listen to other people opinion, don't.....

    That opinion is not from me, but rather in general how ppl sees it.....

    You sound like you do not know what you are talking about .... you are.

  3. Oh yeah, Mr.Chuan, the man solely responsible for the SE Asia crash of '97.

    :D yelling the secret message into the silent forest, uh?

    ...you haven't done your homework! But after all it's only a forum.... :D


    One man solely responsible for SE Asia crash, I nearly spat out my lunch. Poor Chuan, he wasn't even in power when it happened. :o

    Anyway, back to Thaksin now, I'm sure that he's done a deal as there is no way that he would have come back if he thought he was going to be found guilty.

    Agree or not agree. SEA crash start to snowball in 92, when Chuan is in power. That is why so many people regard him as the the man soley responsible for it. Chavalit guilty only for not quickly undo what Chuan did. But politics is always dirty, not only in Thailand. The most successful one is the one who can hide the most truth.

  4. Honda City for sale. View to appreciate.

    Dec 2005, very seldom drive as the owner stay in overseas. Low mileage of not more than 15K. Silver colour.

    Asking for TB 480,000 negotiable. Email me at hhlimhh AT gmail.com and I will send you the picture of the car. I don't have it now but the owner will send to me by email

    This sales is not by any broker. I am just helping a friend to sell, and I take no commission. The only deal is one round of 18 hole golf.

  5. However, I am at a age where I still remember how democrats left a financially broke country in 1997 to Thaksin

    Don't make a full out of yourself. Democrats TOOK financially broke country in 1997 from Chavalit, Thaksin served as Deputy Premier then.

    Right and wrong. Bubble and foundation was created before and after 1997 no action as well, it is debatable. There is no need for strong words, plus.

    It is good now everything is clear and follow the people desire. Just celebrate OK?

  6. It is interesting to see so many people here, even when Thaksin fell, they even poke him further to humilation in the forum. This is just so evil. When the coup declare not to publish anything that cause division, doesn't publishing any bad opinion about Thaksin is causing that as well to pro thaksin people?

    Thai politics is for thai. However, I am at a age where I still remember how democrats left a financially broke country in 1997 to Thaksin and he did well to bring it up. Without him, most of you all might already fighting for a simple bread in your own country.

    Don't take me as Pro Thaksin because I am not. And I am not Pro Democrats either and I see them more evil than TRT. They too will be banned as their executives admitted that he tried to stop small party from taking over, but says that he was acting on his own, remember? Where is the idea of TRT fabricating the accuse comes from?

    From what I see, the TRT exec resigns because they do not trust the finding and some decision will be made to fabricate some evidence to ban TRT. The whole coup is politically motivated as you can see the cabinet is formed from those who has been sacked by TRT.

    My opinion to non Thai.... stop meddling with Thai politics. It doesn't worth it. There are almost none one trust worthty politician here ... or make it in the whole world.

  7. Bloodless coup. I am not suprise given the party overthrown is TRT. Their supporter are not that aggresive unlike the Democrats or the militants in the southern region. Hopefully, with TRT overthrown, the southern will return to peace.

    This is really a black day for democracy. The economy will be shaken. You will see the property will drop sharply down in the next few months. And the future days will be getting worse as foreign investment will further drop. For those who are deciding between investing in Vietnam or Thailand, it is just so easy to decide now. Vietnam it is.

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