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Che Serna

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Posts posted by Che Serna

  1. I am not a fan of Chinese Indian or Arab tourism to Thailand either. But at the same time who is going to replace these people in terms of income for Thais. Recently a Chinese person I know cancelled her trip to Thailand by advice given by her Chinese travel agent in Sydney. What this shows is Chinese travel agents all over the world are de-facto banningThailand as a destination. Good or bad it is not for me to say.  

  2. I am half Southern European, Spanish & half Japanese. Look it depends a lot on your personal preferences. Personally, for me, I would not touch a southern EU girl, even if I speak the language. What matters most to me is apart from looks, is whats in the heart & the head. South American women from Argentina, Brasil, Columbia, Venezuela are head spinners better than anything in the EU has with nicer hearts!

    As for Scandinavian awful inside & out. In Sweden, they have an app that allows the girl to approve first before sex (see Julian Assange case). I certainly don't find a tattooed pierced Scandinavian chick with bad feminist attitudes even remotely attractive. At least Spanish, Portuguese, Italians are pretty, greeks not so much

    As for Asia, I rate Thai the looking Best and Japanese girls the second best in beauties in Asia. Flips can be nice looking, but no thanks, all out for a visa, me luv you long time visa marriage scam. Chinese are pretty, but not for me, culturally difficult but some are really beautiful. Thai women have character, feminine & hot in bed, clean like Japanese as well. The really good thing is you don't find them attractive, fine! More for us!       

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  3. If you look at this practice from a purely sanctimonious western prospective of course not surprisingly most would say NO.

    But that's is also misinformed, in Australia in matters of fraud & others. Companies's, such as insurance companies are able to donate funds to the police investigation, specially if the fraud is jurisdictional and an expensive operation.

    Did as suggested the Australian gov's pay certain Indonesian officials to be more vigilant in stopping people smuggling? The answer is obviously YES.

    Does any and all western gov donate/bribe Asian and other police forces to be more vigilant & get results?, say for example the Philippines? Yes.

    So the reality Western gov, police forces pay for vigilance and intelligence all the time don't they directly to the police forces mentioned likely in cash donation?...The answer is YES!

    From an Asian lens seems to me the Thai police did a great job in catching those terrorists....Did the reward money make a difference?...Absolutely YES.

    Do Businessmen in Asia donate to the police in the Philippines, Thailand Cambodia etc etc?...Absolutely they do

    So yes looking closely at the facts everyone pays the police in Asia one way or another.

  4. "Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA, the nation’s Poland’s dominant gas company, still has to buy a minimum of about 8.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year (300 billion cubic feet) from Gazprom under a long-term contract signed in 1996. The accord will remain in force until 2022."

    So this article is a fabrication by omission. American Polish propaganda

  5. "Polskie Gornictwo Naftowe i Gazownictwo SA, the nation’s Poland’s dominant gas company, still has to buy a minimum of about 8.5 billion cubic meters of gas per year (300 billion cubic feet) from Gazprom under a long-term contract signed in 1996. The accord will remain in force until 2022."

    So this article is a fabrication by omission. American Polish propaganda

  6. Yes more reliable in that those Asian countries did not become a part of the US lead sanctions. (with the exception of the US vassal state of Japan, but even Japan only did a sanctions light)

    Answer: Yes the Asian states are more reliable than Europe!

    The results of the sanctions is the Europeans lost all their market share in Russia which went to Asian and South American countries.

    So from the Russian prospective today.....Asia is a much better and more reliable partner.

  7. The likelihood of Poland instigating this policy of creating a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal has always been expected.

    The reason being is Russia will shut down the Ukrainian pipeline next year and directly pump via Germany.

    The current pipeline goes to Poland via Ukraine then on to Western Europe therefore Poland has a BIG PROBLEM!

    In anycase it is uncertain how much oil/gas Russia will be able to export to the EU in the near future once the Chinese pipelines are fully operational. Russia has finally finally learned that the EU is no friend & an unreliable partner and Russia future lies in Asia.

    Russia not only intends to export Gas and oil to China but to all of Asia.

    What this article does not state is that imported LNG is going to cost much much more than natural gas coming from Russia and if the price of gas goes up as expected Poland is in deep doo doo.

    it is worth noting that shale gas in Poland has been deemed none existent or not viable as all the major companies have pulled out of Poland in relation to exploitation of shale gas in Poland .

  8. I have never liked Phuket went there once, It makes my skin crawl. The type of tourists from places like Australia and others that frequent that place of extremely low caliber.

    Have never been to Pattaya either in my 15 or so trips to Thailand,.. heard that pretty awful as well?....I will soon find out as I intend to visit Pattaya inter alia next month

  9. We have a clear admission from you in saying:"The banning of Brown will not stop acts of DV". If that is the case according to your admission? Then this action is pure window dressing..a pig with lipstick in other words!

    You can't have it both ways !...You can't say the act of banning brown is useless (useless because it will not stop the act of DV in anyway)... and at the same time say its a right decision by the Gov!

    That a contradiction that has no merit whatsoever.

    Honestly do you really think banning a rapper being sensationally punished ( at the expense of his fans) one week is going to make any real impact the following week?

    That is nonsense because the following week the incident will be forgotten forever, then people like you will need to vent on someone else.

    Only the truly blind cannot see this Gov ploy is to get people like yourself (who have suffered the trauma of domestic violence) by using a rapper for scapegoating & enjoyment to make themselves feel better about themselve because of Gov's insincere punitive action, which as you admit is useless in curtailing DV....That is useless grandstanding! What if I told you I suffered from DV? Unfortunaltey such matters are personal and private & you will get no admission from me in relation to that subject.

    Still I can see the big picture (Gov Con)... you can't!

    What really matters is real/sound Gov policy to stop DV not some sensational scam to make people feel better and vent..that will not stop the DV problem in Australia one iota!

  10. @Simple 1...You wrote: Government Ministers have confirmed he is being made an example based upon 'character test' to underline the current campaign to try & reduce domestic violence in Oz;.. have to see if his appeal is upheld.

    Does anyone really think making a "Selective Example" of a rap singer is going to reduce DV in Australia?...Thats simply absurd!

    Sure Chris Brown may be an <deleted> with anger problems?....But to suggest he not being allowed to rap in Australia is somehow going to stop DV from occuring is "Ridiculous" & shows just how little imagination the Australia Gov has!

  11. @aboctok

    In relation to your comment as to the ability of the Immigration department to say No & to have a stay in that regard to challenge,.. not only by the Minister who can overrule the judgement, but the IRT as well as and the high court if need be.

    So the law in Australia has various way of overturning a Dima decision...Simply Fact!

    Incidentally Tickets are still being sold to his Sydney concert as early as today. So I am in the dark why this is being done?..Tickets are not generally sold if the artist will not be allowed to perform ?

    For your further education,..the doctrine of the "Balance of Probabilties and Beyound Reasonable Doubt are legal tests used by all legal practioners.

    I won't bother to let you know what those % mean..Ask a lawyer LMAO

  12. @aboctok

    A law cannot be called generally applied for all without prejudice as you put it.,,if it is "Discretionary". Point number one!.... Dima is certainly always Discretionary by nature of her powers!..You have alluded to that in your comments.

    YOU WROTE: How do you know that people with similar criminal histories are typically granted visas for Australia?

    I can say beyound a balance of probabilities people with DV convictions are not (until now?) prejudiced to be refused a visa due to having a DV conviction in their own countries respective jurisdictions.

    It has never been an issue until being politicised until now...Make no mistakeit is a political ploy to gain womens vote by Turnbull and his lot.

    R Kelly/James Brown among many are two people who have DV convictions among others and they have been allowed to tour.

    Are you really suggesting that DV convictions are a legal test of the fit and proper person dicta that is applied to say Americans or English or many other normal tourists who visit here upon arrival?

    Sorry can't enter Australia due to DV conviction in the US/Germany/Uk//France.. some 5-10-20 years ago?

    I said before and it is a FACT in NSW DV has the LARGEST NOT GUILTY VERDICTS!... That suggests in a breakup/specially when property is concerned (under legal advise most likely) women will alledge DV when none has existed.

    That is at least fact in NSW!... Does that common action differ in the UK or America?... I doubt it myself?

    In fact the burder of proof is being hardened in NSW because of so many fraudulent cases of DV...Finally the Family Court cannot ignore the results of not guilty in NSW for men accused of DV....This has a good effect on childrens custody...which has been a long time a coming! Perhaps procedural fairness in the Family Court will not now favour women due to the huge not guilty verdicts in NSW Courts?

  13. In NSW ( unsure about other states?.. by suggest same) the largest NOT GUILTY verdicts have been in cases where women have accused men of domestic violence...that fact is pointing in how easy it is for women to falsely accuse men of DV.

    I am not familiar with the Chris Brown/Rihanna case...So I can't comment with any authority in this matter.

    But the point is this,...is it lawful to stop people with domestic violence convictions to visit Australia or any other place?

    Why have one law for a popstar & another for the millions of convicted DV men guilty or not?

    So If you ban Chris Brown?..Then you need to ban any and all citizens across the world from entering Australia with a similar record. That would be fair and lawful would it not?..I certainly do not think this is on the cards!

    Cleary this STUPID New Minister Michaelia Cash is trying to get Turnbulls (New Government) in a favourable light but using fear of men bashing women yet again in order to gain votes and popularity with women voters.

    Actually the opposite will happen if Chris Browns visa is not approved!

  14. I think it would be better if you were slightly more educated than you are!

    The US backed proxy stooge Swe MannThura is a Burmese politician who has been Speaker of the Pyithu Hluttaw, the lower house of parliament,( co-stooge of ASSK) was put under house arrest due to moves construed to be actions that would benefit the USA or specifically being an agent of the USA.

    I don't have a clue where you have been?..Likely a hole in the ground?

    But clearly you may not know the USA has a plan called a pivot to China, which includes the subjugation of Myanmar (which borders China) and if they could?...The US would use Myanmar in its encirclement dicta..that is ringing Myanmar with US missiles facing China in order to contain China's rise, not to mention the oil gas, water, natural resources the US could steal... But they can't and they won't succeed in anycase.

    Hope I have educated someone as misinformed as you?..On the house dunce!

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