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Posts posted by Etueno

  1. Very difficult situation, you clearly want the best for you son from your perspective. Having kids and be in a Thai-Dutch relationship I see clearly the different in approach to kids. I dont agree also to pamper them, but try to let them know bit by bit.


    For example to clean their rooms, tell them that we do it together and grab a Slusi or something afterwards. Then you catch two flies at once, you have some quality time afterwards. The approach of mom is indeed totally different she will clean the room herself. But thats the culture difference you have to coop with it. Like my wife always says...yeah we were treated totally different when we were kids, but worked out also fine...Who am I to argue that:). Good luck!

  2. Very difficult situation, you clearly want the best for you son from your perspective. Having kids and be in a Thai-Dutch relationship I see clearly the different in approach to kids. I dont agree also to pamper them, but try to let them know bit by bit.


    For example to clean their rooms, tell them that we do it together and grab a Slusi or something afterwards. Then you catch two flies at once, you have some quality time afterwards. The approach of mom is indeed totally different she will clean the room herself. But thats the culture difference you have to coop with it. Like my wife always says...yeah we were treated totally different when we were kids, but worked out also fine...Who am I to argue that:)

  3. Wow the whole story sounds to ke like self destruction. You are throwing years away to live with somebody that will have multiple other partners with your own consent. Also for your daughters this is not the best life example they can get. Hope the best for you, only way is to terminate this, 'relation', but admit it can be hard. Good luck.

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