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Mr Creosote

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Posts posted by Mr Creosote

  1. Oh we have some very brave arm chair critics in here.....maybe you wouldn't be so brave if some of them hells angles came around for a vist....for you guys stuck in your passive holiday dream world theres been bikie wars going on in the land down under for some time lot of shoot em up drugs and all them other things associated with organized crime....oh boy its in your back yard now......stay inside at night guys....

    Well don't know if the only news you read is TV but its front page stuff in AU cause the dead guy was a Hells Angle...and just about everything written about them seems true....

    It's hell trying to get some angles right....

    I saw a pic of him ....he the dead guy ...he wasn't in Pattaya on holidays i can assure you...seems the AU HA have spread there wings...and you guys were worried about the Russians.

    Errm...in fact, HA have been in TH for a long time. I am told they operate their clubhouse out of Pattaya, too.

  2. They do not look to hot to me and by the looks of things Russians. The Pm is buliding bridges with the Russia PM how cosey.

    What a waste of time and money and those Russians will do anything to stop competition. Just a complete waste of time I would say.

    Like many who follow the visa and work permit laws here legally, they are just pissed off that they have to go through all the hassles of getting the visa and for paying taxes when the "illegals" do not. The process now of getting the correct visas has been made extremely difficult, largely to do with all the cheats. I have been trying to renew my O visa (marriage) and had to jump through many hoops because they are basically labelling all foreigners as visa cheats until proven otherwise.

  3. If you try to report the cabbies, they will come at you with a machete. Or they will just laugh it off. Especially the cabbies trolling the stretch between Asoke to Nana. I dont even bother trying to flag one down anymore, I just call up Grab Taxi or Uber.

    Oh and does this crackdown cover New Year's Eve as well? Traditionally, on this the night the cabbies will NOT, under any circumstances, turn on the meter and instead offer wildly inflated "take it or leave it" prices.

  4. Suiciders are a strange lot. You cannot apply common logic to them. Of course it would be cheaper and easier to kill yourself at home. But who knows, maybe he wanted to see something nice once before his act. Why not Thailand. Also, if you know about depression, it comes in leaps and bounds. It is very strong one day and totally absent the other. Typically, the impulsion to kill yourself occurs when there is not at present a material reason to do so, or that reason has ceased for the moment. When there is adversity, that stimulates the will to fight. You cannot, then, rely on always finding such al reason, such as a girlfriend who has left him etc.

    Just speculating like a good TV poster but I should think the answer could be on his cell phone/computer if he had one (i.e wasn't nicked by the first responders). Messages etc.

  5. Wow, that is a huge bust. Clearly, they are sending the stuff through the smaller airports in the hopes that sleepy locals at Immigration dont bother checking. Or perhaps it got picked up first at the international airport then tracked to Krabi for the bust. Hope they get the Big Boss here but its very likely that he is protected.

  6. Considering the news about the Manila Airport bullet scam only just appeared in the last couple weeks, I'm willing to bet the Thais heard about it and realized it's worth doing the same scam here. I'll bet we'll soon be seeing several more reports of random bullets in luggage over the coming weeks and months. Time to wrap all your bags in cellophane!

    But more importantly, what is that officer wearing on his head? His underwear?

    Doubtful, in my opinion. If it was a scam, the media wouldn't have been involved. Also, the guy probably used the same bag to go to the range and a few bullets slipped into the folds of his bag. Kind of a rookie move traveling with a bag that may have gun powder residue or bullets in it though.

  7. Got a small question regarding government power in Germany, does the government have any right to order any community to do anything ever except in very limited circumstances. It would make sense to put those refugees in that location only if it was requested by the community.

    The penalty for non compliance to this order would be what ?

    Besides carry on with the xenophobia mis-information, propaganda and of course racism, never does anyone with actual first hand experience of a refugee ruining anything post, doesn't stop them already having an opinion, with facts just as unwelcome as these people.

    Glad my family was able escape war torn Germany and Poland and as refugees were given passage to Australia and Canada. Where new lives where begun and they embraced and loved their country. But here is the thing, they didn't flee cause they were persecuted or because they were poor or because they had different political position to the majority of the country No they left because they didn't want to live in war zone or pay heavily again as they had done in the Great War.

    The attitudes shown towards people just trying to live is really disheartening, if the shoe was ever on the other foot , many of you would beg for sympathy. You really think what is said about these people currently stirring doom couldn't be said about the vast majority of westerners. And with the total lack of compassion and bleeting over helping people, you think if you don't integrate refugees who stay on as citizens welcoming them, it will work out better. If you make it hard for them to be German and exclude them, it will be on you when the consequences manifest in the following generations. Sad

    Heres a far out thought. Imagine a crane standing in the middle of the square in a nice European city with a body hanging from a noose for all to see. Imagine pickup trucks filled with black turbaned men carrying AK-47's driving around trying to find people who are going against their version of Sharia Law. Imagine the ancient Churches of Europe blown up and replaced with Mosques. Imagine that women will have no education or standing in society any more in Europe. This is a worst case scenario I know, but it happened in places like Iran which was a very progressive country until it met extreme Islam. You may argue that not all Muslims are extreme and I agree. The problem is that the extreme ones make all the noise and the quiet majority sits back and lets it happen and are forced into voting the way of the nutters (for fear of reprisal). In a democratic society, all it takes is a majority vote to make the changes and the European population is dwindling while the immigrant populations are flourishing (look at the birth rates).

  8. Interesting article does not say anything about where it came from, however being an ex seaman I would say its bunker oil, heavy fuel oil, discharged from some ships bilge.

    Confused here. Why would bunker fuel be in a ships bilge system?

    Oil leakage from main engine and generators , oil heaters ect into the bilge builds up after a while but it's supposed to be pumped ashore while in port.

    Thanks, however my understanding is that any ship-board drainage system where bunker oil can possibly drain (i.e. engine room, bunkering stations), would be a closed system. Therefore, it would not have an outlet line going overboard. Yes? I propose that another possibility would be from a ship-to-ship bunkering process that went wrong.

  9. Went for a walk on Takiab beach about an hour ago and it is filthy. It is definitely an oil based substance. It is very thick in blobs where you can actually pick it up. But then it gets messy and hard to get off stuff like your feet or shoes. Had to use the clothes washing powder to remove it and it took some effort. The beach is looking terrible and it will greatly affect wildlife and being the start of the tourist season, there may be some very disappointed people if something isn't done soon.

    Ya, you shouldn't touch since it could be crude oil and possibly toxic. Here is the MSDS (Master Safety Data Sheet) on on crude oil explaining the hazards:


  10. This link is to a search made on Washingtons Posts website.


    There's nothing said about confession to the reporter of WP, but if Lucky11 has a link, show it and I will beg you pardon.

    Article purporting their innocence by Terrence McCoy Oct 10th 2014

    Now there’s confusion over the condoms. In the migrants’ purported confession, they said they hadn’t used a condom when sexually assaulting Witheridge — despite the fact police said their sperm was found on a condom linked to the scene.

    More confusing "evidence" again. I believe that the police are trying to make a case of premeditation here. Now I am no forensic expert but if two young simple minded Burmese rapists where brutally attacking a woman on a public beach, would they pause to put on a rubber bandy and then strip it off after the affair and chuck it on the beach? If so, these are some cool headed muthafookers. My understanding is that in SEA, it is common knowledge that men prefer to ride bare back. Just a thought.

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