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Posts posted by Hugene

  1. I am addressing tutors at the moment who want to make some extra money. This is a C2C Education Platform for tutors and students:


    If you are a tutor, make sure that you create a proper profile with quality pics. Do spend some time describing your teaching experience. This is your right to upload pics or not, to describe your teaching experience or not; However, fully completed profiles will have the advantage of being seen on top of the uncompleted. Don't forget that there are two options: being a student and a tutor. Some teachers registered their profiles as students, not tutors. You can set your rates, but do it reasonably because if your qualifications or experience aren't those to be proud of-then set a lower rate.

    Feel free to register here and look for your students. We have just launched the website. So, it will take some time for us to grow big and see a big student list. Make sure that you create proper profiles with real names and good quality pics. Stage two of the website will see mobile applications for Androids, Iphones and Tablets. This website is aiming at entering all ASEAN countries. So, wherever you are, we are happy to see you here on our platform. It will go through four stages of development. We will see a fancy website upon completion.

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