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Cook my sock

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Posts posted by Cook my sock

  1. Russian Collateral damage is a drop in the ocean compared to what the west have inflicted on Syria

    Lets look at the facts. A few years ago and Assad looked like the next toppling dictator, or so we thought. Israel were keen to see Assad go and Russia lose a strategic base near their coast - so Mossad, M15 and the CIA train up a rebel army in the Jordanian desert to finally topple the Assad regime, fully knowing this army had close connections to Al Qaeda. Unfortunately this rebel army splintered and before you knew it, ISIS appear. Now the west didn't know what to do. So they carefully and quietly dropped the Assad political hot potato and let a humanitarian crisis take hold.

    This has been the single most scandalous war crime since the 2nd world war. Do your research and look at the estimated civilian casualties. Once beautiful cities and centuries old historic monuments lie in ruins. We stood by and did nothing. And now the problem is literally on europes doorstep with a million refuges we dare to complain.. What a disgrace we are.

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  2. Saying Putin supporting Assad is a danger to the region is moronic.

    The same people would have backed the toppling of Saddam.

    Unfortunately chucking dictators out with no plan B like the US do time and time again results in destabilising regions. Which is actually what the US and Israel wants..

    Israel are the ones pushing the yanks into this. They desperately want Russia out of Syria, for obvious reasons. Russia want to keep their base on the coast and personally think Putin is running rings around the yanks atm

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  3. We've trained, armed and let a bunch of lunatics destroy hundreds of thousands of lives and priceless historical sites.

    Now we are in panic as a million displaced Syrians take refuge in Europe.

    Something about coming home to roost..

    So let's face it, are we in a position to tell Putin not to bomb these lunatics?

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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