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Posts posted by roblam

  1. I can't agree more. I'm not sure why Americans (they in particular) are extremely paranoid about the giving-out-your-bank-account-number thing. I lived in Europe for years and Kontonummer, account number, numero de compte, numero de cuenta etc are not state secrets. Sharing them fulfills one of the very purposes of such accounts-- to send and receive money.

    I bought something from an American a few months ago. To pay him I asked him for his bank account number. He was immediately aggressive to the point of being extremely accusative. "In your dreams, dude! I'm not giving you my bank account number! You thought I would make it easy for you to steal from me, you m*****f*****! I'm reporting you to the FBI now!"


    Only in the United States of America.

  2. I use mine for International purchases with no problems. I have even used it in ATMs in foreign countries. Did you get a card with a chip or without? I'm pretty sure the ones with a chip cannot be used internationally.

    The chips work in all modern atms that are equipped to handle them, I had never a problem in eastern Europe or Hong Kong etc

    3rd world places like Cambodia or small towns in Indonesia will be a bit more hit and miss as upgrading the atm maybe a few more years there....

    Shows how you know nothing at all about these countries. You are extremely wrong.

    Cambodia's ATMs are chip compatible and just as sophisticated as those in Thailand and first world countries. All banks in Cambodia issue chip cards. There are no non-chip cards in Cambodia. I have cards from ABA, ANZ, Acleda and Vattanac banks. They all have chips on them.

    And saying "3rd world places like Cambodia or small towns in Indonesia will be a bit more hit and miss as upgrading the atm maybe a few more years there" is ignorance at its worst. Thailand is also a 3rd world country, if you might have forgotten that.

    ATMs in Cambodia are sourced from western countries and are just as sophisticated as those in Thailand. Cambodian card issuers issue chip-embedded cards. I have used them overseas, in Europe too where chip and pin is ubiquitously the norm.

  3. I have never needed a credit card, and especially here in Thailand where you have to pay 5% more if you pay by CC compared with cash + the bank charges fees for the card, too. I really do not understand people who have money and still need a credit card. CIMB desperately wanted to give me one and I politely refused. CC is profitable for the bank, not for the customer.

    Try to book your next airline ticket, only to realise how inconvenient it is to sit in front of a computer with just cash in your wallet, contemplating how best to settle payment for a seat on an almost fully booked flight.

  4. Confused. How does an expired USA visa affect or relate to one's staying in Thailand every 30 days or the issue at hand?

    Photoshopping or falsification of an airline booking shows some degree of criminal energy in your effort to cross borders. You might one day find yourself presenting that doctored booking to an overzealous immigration officer who might then proceed with googling the airline's phone number on his phone. That would be the point of no return.

    • Like 1
  5. Most (all?) Embassy's will not "certify" Academic qualifications.

    I had read this on the U.S.Embassy web site some months ago but didn't find it during a quick search earlier. I don't know how a legitimate, oh never mind. I don't think the U.S. or Canada or the U.K. would do it but when it comes to third world countries? Who again, ever knows.

    That's a demeaning statement. Grouping U.S., Canada and UK together... and the rest are third world countries.

  6. Yeah yeah yeah... it's all bad in the Philippines. It's crap.. bad food.. armed to the teeth.. unsuited to your pampered life..

    If you don't like my country, stay within your four walls. You all talk, or rather write (being keyboard warriors you all are) as if your own country is a model of excellence or perfection. A paragon of virtue. Unflawed and a shining example of the best country on this planet (no wonder you moved to Thailand and desperately seek ways to extend those visa stamps).

    There are people who do see the beauty of the Philippines because they simply are the kind who have an open mind and a more intelligent way of exploring the good or positive in someone or something.


  7. Try this card:


    It's not a bank account but you can top up (reload) the card at any KTB branch.

    From the card's terms/conditions:

    9. The KTB e-Money Cardholder is able to refill cash in the KTB e-Money Card at the Bank's branches or other service points that the Bank opens for service providing in accordance with the following cash amounts specified by the Bank.

    Minimum of 100 Baht/time/card and
    Maximum of 50,000 Baht/time/card

    The site mentions where to get it:

    How to get Miracle Thailand card

    • Krung Thai Bank (KTB) branches or more details at www.ktb.co.th/ktb/en
    • KTB currency exchange booths throughout Thailand
    • The Association of Thai Travel Agents (ATTA)
    • The Leading Travel Agencies in Thailand
  8. Someone enlighten me why this went, guessing social media (referring to "online") and not directly to the police station instead? The way I'm reading the article, it would indicate that and no mentioning of "went to the police first, nothing has happened and went online afterwards to get it's due punishment".

    It does, however, read that it isn't his first out of the line action and just adding a pathetic 500B fine on that seems too low to call it even.

    Also, why didn't the student file a complain with the police? By the video footage she may not have been aware of it, but since she will have been shown the footage afterwards....why not? This just feeds right into the hands of those that can and will blow things out of proportion...I'm looking at you feminism and your obsession for the patriarchy.

    This makes for extremely tedious reading. Try to rewrite this in a more educated manner.

  9. Always amazed me that some countries let foreign banks open branches ? What is the reason ?

    Why would this amaze you? There are Bank of America representative offices worldwide. ANZ operates in most Asian countries. Cambodia's Acleda Bank is expanding their operations to Laos and Myanmar. Singapore's DBS has branches all over Hong Kong. Krung Thai Bank and SCB have a presence in Phnom Penh. etc etc

    This is a global economy. Crossborder trades require financial institutions to have a presence beyond their own four walls.

  10. One possible scenario is that the border jumper was shot by someone from his group. I am not sure why they would do this, but the article doesn't mention Thai border agents as the shooters--only that shots came from the Thai side.

    Almost certain the Thai was shot by a Thai. Thai police forces regularly shoot people at borders. Cambodians have been shot to death at the Thai-Cambodian border by Thai soldiers. Aside from the U.S. this is the only other country on this planet with a trigger-happy police force.

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