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Posts posted by tracker

  1. some pratical experience:


    i have a ford ranger from 2000. have used normal, b20, b10 and b7 diesel. Bought this car new 21 years ago... Still running ok. Started with b20 maybe 6 to 8 months ago. Did 3 or 4 full tanks. Then our local pump stopped selling it. switched to b10 ever since.


    but.... I have also used it in my old tractor (b20 and b10) and had to replace all the diesel rubber lines because it solved the rubber and blocked the lines. Not sure about the ford. maybe all the lines are steel. Use the car daily.

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  2. This was posted on the US national library of medicine, national institute of health:

    link to article


    copied from the text:


    Efficacy of facemasks

    The physical properties of medical and non-medical facemasks suggest that facemasks are ineffective to block viral particles due to their difference in scales [16], [17], [25]. According to the current knowledge, the virus SARS-CoV-2 has a diameter of 60 nm to 140 nm [nanometers (billionth of a meter)] [16], [17], while medical and non-medical facemasks’ thread diameter ranges from 55 µm to 440 µm [micrometers (one millionth of a meter), which is more than 1000 times larger [25]. Due to the difference in sizes between SARS-CoV-2 diameter and facemasks thread diameter (the virus is 1000 times smaller), SARS-CoV-2 can easily pass through any facemask [25].


    Maybe re-think the face-daiper strategy? fire away crowd ????

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  3. the reddit folks, who also were on the gamestop shares rally, are now on crypto market. they decided to buy bitcoin, ethereum and..... dogecoin. my guess is they will not stop until it is at the 5th place fir the "market cap". (as moment of this writing they are on 7th)

  4. 5 minutes ago, Led Lolly Yellow Lolly said:

    What excites me these days are super capacitors because they last for decades and are bomb proof. I started deploying them in short runtime applications where replacing SLAs every five years became an annoyance.


    What about supercapacitors in combination with those batteries? As an aircon (motor) starts it always draws a huge current, and as soon as it runs stable, it goes back to lower values. So using batteries and SCaps you might save on batteries. This idea might also work on solar panels + supercaps. (just brainstorming here...)

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  5. processed food is garbage for the body. having said that, it will have different effects as nobody is the same, especially older persons. Their bodies have different states of health much bigger than in younger adults. So one person can eat all the processed food without any problem while the other gets already problems smelling it.


    Having my own problems (@ 60years), I monitor my blood-pressure daily, giving me interesting results on processed food: eat wheat for instance, gives a blood-pressure rise AFTER 24 hours. I have no explanation on that, other than to say I've seen it happen on a regular basis (difficult to ditch bread out of the diet). Other interesting observation is that, having a stone in my galbladder since 2016 (2.5cm), I can use a lot of cold pressed virgin oils over my salads without problems, but eating deep fried food (almost always from processed plant-oils) gives problems... as, unfortunately, also ice-cream.


    I do not eat much soy products as the amino-acids in them mimick estrogen in the body. Being a man of 60, that seems not beneficial for me. There is one exception: I use the low sugar version of vfit (blue color) germination brown-rice milk, which has 2.5% soy-protein added. This is used with oats/fruits. There is no raw milk available here, so  that seems the best next option.


  6. There is this guy, Ernst Götsch, which uses the term "syntropic agriculture" and turned a huge almost lifeless piece of land into a very productive forest (produces very high quality cacao beans). His way is focused onto alley cropping with support trees and grasses which are used for mulch and fertilizer. Also he claims if you prune at the right time, no irrigation is needed. 



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  7. having done a permaculture designer's cursus, it teaches you to plant the trees you want but speed up the growth process by the so called "support species" (trees). For instance, the well known tree "kha-thin" is a nitrogen fixing tree, has green foilage in the dry season and gives you a lot of biomass with pruning. This pruning you add to your main trees you want to grow in your jungle. Once you main trees are big enough, they shade out the kha-thin. A good design can speed up the process from 40 to 50 years to 10-15.... There are a lot of videos available on the subject.

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  8. Yesterday, my wife was called to a mooban meeting. The forest department was present. They urged people to sign a paper, stating that you have 20 rai of land max, give them all the land more than that, and on top of that, once signed, you cannot change the ownership for 30 years. If you do not sign, they said no water & electricity can come to your land.


    Some background. Our whole valley is situated about 15km east of pala-u, 30km west from hua-hin, prachuap khirikhan. This seems to be a country wide policy "to give poor people land". Our whole valley is farm land (mainly rubber-trees, pineapple & palm), and I personally know people here living and farming off this land for around 50 years. 


    We own 30 rai, and I know people in the area who own around 100 rai (mostly farmland title (3)). I wonder what the forest department is thinking... are people going to give their land away (like 80 rai?). Also I wonder why they need a signature? 

    Does anybody has answers to this?


    And, by the way, nobody signed any paper in that meeting

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  9. maybe this helps some: I use this herb for over 15 years. When I feel flu symptoms coming up, I take 4 to 5 pills (in serious attack every 3 hours 4 pills) in the morning and the same for the evening. that goes on for 2 days. Then all symptoms have disappeared (every time!). Also I use it for any internal inflamation (e.g. tooth-ache)


    It does not work so fast as a paracetamol, but it does work. I used to take the tea of the leaves, but switched to pills as the nickname "king of bitter" sure deserves every letter of it.

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  10. 1 hour ago, papa al said:

    Why did she switch to a Honda 500?

    did a quick search through her vids. The Himalaya is in Peru and she can't go there due to the restrictions in travel caused by covid. She bought the honda (2nd hand, 5 yrs) because europe borders are open and wanted to make a europe tour.

  11. If you follow the whole release of the Himalaya, from the first models until now, you'll find that the 1st model had a lot of problems. The later models had these problems addressed. Seems they are improving fast. For a good review of this model, you can follow a utub channel called "itchy boots", where a woman travels (solo) with her Himalaya motorcycle over half the world.


    Also, I think it is fair to expect not to get the high quality of the more expensive bikes from Japan, US or Germany, although the quality of today from RE seems to be higher than Chinese bikes...

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