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Posts posted by sammym

  1. Alt where in the video was I trying to scam the taxi driver? I simply said we would pay the metered fare and would not pay a premium... As I've said I chose to give him a tip (can't remember how much, I rounded it up and think it was between 30-40 baht). At home do you pay random amounts added on as not to scam people?

    I flew with the cheapest airline as I usually do. Air China - cost me about £330 return. On flights I take a few prescribed diazepam and fall asleep so it makes no difference to me. If I was a millionaire I might see if differently. But that's just a personal preference.

    One thing though - what is the obsession with receipts from taxis for security reasons? When you get in a tuk tuk or other taxi do you get a receipt before travelling? That's a genuine question. Apart from when travelling for work I've never asked for receipts or been given one. And if someone was going to attack or rob you I'd assume they would take the receipt anyway.

  2. I'm sorry for offending some people. This forum has helped me out with finding stuff to do in Thailand. And I'm grateful for that.

    I suppose my aversion to someone randomly adding amounts to the meter is cultural. In London I'd be pretty shocked if a taxi driver said he was adding something to the meter... If I wish to give a tip I will do. I understand it's a poor country, and in my own way I try to be generous. I don't book online and prefer to pay the places in person. So they get all the money etc, I also do tip when I want and buy local when I can to put back into the economy.

    Anyway - I'm having a great time in Thailand. I've just got back from Pai. Riding a bike through the mountains was amazing. Chilling in the waterfalls was refreshing and exploring lod cave was an experience I won't forget soon. I hope everyone on here is enjoying this country as much as me :) only 11 days before Vietnam, then Cambodia and then back to Thailand for another month in the islands over Xmas and new year. I'll continue doing my thing - I have my budget and am loving doing this on a budget. I meet amazing people, both local and foreign and I've even picked up a few words of Thai. I'll miss the north a lot - more kind and decent people I'm yet to meet. Got a flat tyre and a man gave me a lift to a garage. He wouldn't take money off me, and it only cost me 150 baht for a new inner tube. I don't know if that's expensive or not - but it was a bargain to me when I was tired and wanted to get home.

  3. I'm sorry for offending some people. This forum has helped me out with finding stuff to do in Thailand. And I'm grateful for that.

    I suppose my aversion to someone randomly adding amounts to the meter is cultural. In London I'd be pretty shocked if a taxi driver said he was adding something to the meter... If I wish to give a tip I will do. I understand it's a poor country, and in my own way I try to be generous. I don't book online and prefer to pay the places in person. So they get all the money etc, I also do tip when I want and buy local when I can to put back into the economy.

    Anyway - I'm having a great time in Thailand. I've just got back from Pai. Riding a bike through the mountains was amazing. Chilling in the waterfalls was refreshing and exploring lod cave was an experience I won't forget soon. I hope everyone on here is enjoying this country as much as me :) only 11 days before Vietnam, then Cambodia and then back to Thailand for another month in the islands over Xmas and new year. I'll continue doing my thing - I have my budget and am loving doing this on a budget. I meet amazing people, both local and foreign and I've even picked up a few words of Thai. I'll miss the north a lot - more kind and decent people I'm yet to meet. Got a flat tyre and a man gave me a lift to a garage. He wouldn't take money off me, and it only cost me 150 baht for a new inner tube. I don't know if that's expensive or not - but it was a bargain to me when I was tired and wanted to get home.

  4. It's doesn't upset me!!

    I'm in my 5 bed 5 bath pool villa in Krabi set on 1400sqm of private land. Worth approx 15 million by. I've got a 3 bed house in Berkshire UK, 2 X 1 Bed flats in Berkshire UK all rented. I've got a house in Udon in 1/2 rai land & another piece of land 1 rai sitting there. All paid up.

    Believe me, you don't upset me!

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Congratulations. All that and you can still find the time and energy to get emotional about a video on YouTube rather than enjoy life. Sad sad person.

    Rather than petty point scoring pm me and I'll send you a Thai phone number. We could even meet up in person when I pass through krabi... Or maybe you are just an Internet hero with a salaried wife :)

  5. I'm not the one posting videos of myself & gf trying to save 50bt!!

    Think about what you've done to make yourself look like an idiot!!

    Stay off the drugs & grow up

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    No you are the person who is spending there time and energy posting about how much is upsets you...

    Anyway I'm in the canyon at Pai chilling waiting for sunset. You stay being you and I'll be be. I'm sure I know which of us will be happier!

  6. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad smile.png have a good day mate.


    You are the kind of person I avoid in life

    For the sake of 50bt you beat the guy down to get one over on him then you stay in a crap hole hotel!!!

    Grow up pal. Im English & you're an embarrassment.

    Disgusting in my opinion

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Good - you sound like a bellend.

  7. You talk of pathetic arguments and then you go and contradict yourself... A moment it's air con and now it's not. How much I tip is immaterial... I could say 10k or 1 baht... But it wouldn't change the point about the original video... Which is where to get picked up if you want to avoid the fee and the queue.

    Now going back to silly arguments... How long is the video, I don't know around 5 minutes. How many times does that go into thirty? If maths isn't your strong point you could square the number of minutes and be below your stupid 30 minute haggling figure.

    Anyway - having a beer now. Have a nice evening, as I will smile.png

    Yes my bad. I assumed you could afford air con room but after watching your video , turns out you can not even afford that but a fan room yet still need to cheat to run electricity for 24 hours, your words not mine.

    You do not tip, it's just a fact .

    Enjoy your beer, 7-11 selling alcohol times just started,make sure to stand by the door so you can get air con breeze when doors open.

    Keep an eye out, they might sell discounted cans if someone drops it.

    May be idea for new video, drop and damage cans to save further 2-5 baht. wink.png

    How can you know what I can or cannot afford? If I'm comfortable and happy in a fan room why should I get an air con room because you perceive it to be better? Are you judging me because of your perception of my wealth (or lack of it), or because I "cheated" some electricity.

    You need to look up the definition of a fact. If I tip or not is none of your business. However if you are confident in your assertion I'd give up running a hotel in a third world country and take up buying lottery tickets.

    I do enjoy a beer from 7-11 though. I'm not a big drinker, but when I'm chilling on a balcony having a beer is nice. Does your beer taste better/worst depending on where it is purchased from? I'm not sure I'd want to purchase a broken bottle. But I'll bear it in mind.

    Have you always been so sad and bitter? You are in an amazing country with loads to see. But you chose to come on the internet and be negative. Try being happy and seeing the good in things. It will make you a better person.

    P.S. Where is your hotel? I'm travelling around I'd be happy to meet you and have a beer. In person I'm sure you are a nice bloke and we could get along. I'd even buy it!

  8. I love the way the OP is denying it is about saving money but clearly states in post 22 that it is about avoiding the fee.

    I reckon he edited that video as his first sad attempt to pass the wrong way through the one way barrier was an epic fail.

    Coming to Thailand for years apparently but can't pronounce Khao San correctly. My Thai is rubbish but even I know it is a cow sound not a co sound.

    I've never denied it was about saving money. I go in metered cabs to save money. At home I get the cheapest rate mortgage I can, hey I even import my cameras from China to save a lot of money. I have no problem saving money. If you'd have looked at post 1, or even the video it's about saving BOTH time AND money.

    Correct - I did pass the wrong way thought the gate originally. Well spotted.

    This is my second time in Thailand. The comment in the video about "many times" was merely at attempt to get the driver to drop the 50 baht thing and put the taxi on the meter.

    I don't get why you are so negative? I've just got into a lovely guest house in chang mai. The internet is fast, there is no card to cut the electricity out when I leave and it's LESS than 200 baht a night. I don't judge things by how much they cost me, but how much I like them. I'm looking forward to a day exploring here. I'll rent a bike and have a great time. I'm happy - I don't feel the need to be negative. I hope you can get to that point soon.

  9. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad smile.png have a good day mate.

    This video is aimed at cheap charlie backpackers who would rather spend 30 mins on arguing just save $1

    In 15 years i have never seen or been in lines for 45 mins to get a taxi and after 19 hour flight last thing anyone in the right mind wants to do is haggle and argue in order to save $1

    Do not try to make it out as if getting a taxi is a problemblink.png

    Indeed it is sad, you book cheapest hotel and then cheat to have air con going while you away.

    Travelling on the cheap and being a cheap charlie is NOT one of the same

    As a hotel owner, in my opinion nothing short of fraud. I wonder if at home you run your aircon while you awayrolleyes.gif

    the big return in Los of Bonnie and Clyde cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif they stroke again !!! cheesy.gif cheesy.gif cheesy.gif

    Yep the big tipper gets not only cheapest room, but room without air, so no more than 200 baht per night and then he wants to run fan 24 hours per day.

    True quality tourist.

    Next video would be how to skip 200 baht room bill and keep moving aroundbah.gif

    You talk of pathetic arguments and then you go and contradict yourself... A moment it's air con and now it's not. How much I tip is immaterial... I could say 10k or 1 baht... But it wouldn't change the point about the original video... Which is where to get picked up if you want to avoid the fee and the queue.

    Now going back to silly arguments... How long is the video, I don't know around 5 minutes. How many times does that go into thirty? If maths isn't your strong point you could square the number of minutes and be below your stupid 30 minute haggling figure.

    Anyway - having a beer now. Have a nice evening, as I will smile.png
  10. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad smile.png have a good day mate.

    This video is aimed at cheap charlie backpackers who would rather spend 30 mins on arguing just save $1

    In 15 years i have never seen or been in lines for 45 mins to get a taxi and after 19 hour flight last thing anyone in the right mind wants to do is haggle and argue in order to save $1

    Do not try to make it out as if getting a taxi is a problemblink.png

    Indeed it is sad, you book cheapest hotel and then cheat to have air con going while you away.

    Travelling on the cheap and being a cheap charlie is NOT one of the same

    As a hotel owner, in my opinion nothing short of fraud. I wonder if at home you run your aircon while you awayrolleyes.gif

    Why are you using ridiculous examples? Did it look to you that it took me half an hour? Do you think it would have been quicker for me to get a form filled in and then a form given to a driver only to then be walked to a cab?

    We are not talking about aircon being run all day. Again you are using an extreme and ridiculous argument. We are talking about charging a laptop... If you have a problem with that why don't you put up a sign telling people not to do it?

    Getting a cab there isn't illegal. It's above board. It saves time and money. Sorry that you don't like that.

    (Side note - the taxi drivers don't get the 50 baht. The poor do not do well out of it.)

  11. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad smile.png have a good day mate.

    "Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad"

    get the electricity to run without the card = Is this legal? Do you do that in your home too?

    Tell us more, interesting...

    I have no idea if it's legal or not. I'm not a lawyer and know less about Thai Criminal Law than I do about English. I'd guess that if it was a major problem they would have notices saying not to do it. However life wouldn't be so miserable if you didn't find something to whinge and complain about would it... I've created a couple of video's to try and help people who are travelling and coming to Thailand. I have no problem if you don't like them - you can tell me. But seriously - you must have better things to do with your time than worry about ridiculous hypothetical legal arguments about stealing electricity via using a piece of paper rather than the piece of plastic provided.

    Anyway - have a nice day mate. I'm getting a sleeper train later. I'll be breaking the rules by taking some alcohol with me. I'll share it with whoever else is on my train. I know it's incredibly naughty, but I'm a natural risk taker :)

  12. So freaking sad.

    So after 19 hour flight, you would want to have more headache to save $1.50 just to see if you could save $1.50

    I guess different people have different priorities.

    I've said twice in this thread and atleast once in the video that it's not about the money. I could have gone and waited in a line with my bag on, then had someone fill in a form for me and then hand the form to someone else who then walked me to a car... I chose instead to stand on an escalator (could use lift) and walk 20m to talk for around 30 seconds to be on my way.

    The video was aimed at people who wanted an easier way to get a cab from the airport. It's not for everyone. But respectfully - Thailand is probably the number one gap year destination on the planet. Travelling on the cheap is important for a lot of people who come here. If I'd have payed that 500 he asked originally that equates to 5 street food meals to a student.

    Anyway - please don't look at my other videos of how to get the electricity to run without the card or you will think I'm really really sad :) have a good day mate.

  13. I am brand new to Thailand and I heard this expression, "Cheap Charlie".

    Something tells me you are the man to ask when it comes to a definition.

    Well with that post count I am guessing you are not that new to Thailand. But as I've pointed out - it's about time saving as well. The last time I came to Thailand I had to wait 45 minutes in a line for a taxi, this time I just walked straight through. I also pointed out I did tip the driver.

  14. I know this will get some scorn and ridicule from many on here. But for someone who is just visiting it might be helpful. It also shows the lengths the driver goes too, to make more money than the meter. For those who think I'm tight i did in the end give him a tip. I just wanted to see if you could do it. Apologies for the annoying squeaky voice - I'd just had a 19 hour flight :)

  15. Thanks guys - I'm in Khao San Road. Unfortunately I'm only here for another couple of days but then will have 3 weeks in the north. So I should be able to get something sent there :). Will try and find something today and then order online.

    This forum is a lifesaver :)

  16. Check the attractions around Kanchanaburi - lots to do there that you might enjoy, both historical and natural...

    Have fun.

    and please visit my webpage for more ideas on Kan and other places.


    Some Maps are also there.

    Win thumbsup.gif

    Some fantastic images in there. Some of your sunsets are really excellent. I do think your exhibition would be a laugh with the beers pics as well smile.png

    This is a challenge though. I'll end up brining all my cameras and lenses if I start looking at this stuff.

  17. Thanks guys. We fly in on the 21st at 23.40. I've already got a couple of nights accommodation booked in Bangkok. We both came for three weeks in June (Just the Samui, Koh Toa and Bangkok - with two days in Krabi). So we have done some of the really touristy stuff. I've seen the palace and the budda's. If I'm honest I've got little interest in spending days in Temples again. i'll do that for a few days in Cambodia in Angkor Wat.

    But I'm getting some really useful information here. Both on this thread and via PM. I'm fortunate that I'll still be getting a decent UK salary when I'm on this trip. So upping the budget isn't a problem. I negotiated that I'd work up until yesterday and take the next three months as gardening leave. That's why I'm doing some of my planning last minute. But I did like the idea of doing it on a budget, however won't be upset if I go over this to have a great time.

    After that I'm looking to get a sleeper train up to chang mai. I've never been on a sleeper train so it should be an experience. The flights I've booked to come back to Bangkok are actually about the same price as the sleeper train oddly. And it saves me hassle - as I'm flying back into the same airport as I fly out to Vietnam from a few hours later. So just some time for food and a drink. It should work well for me - touch wood.

    I've got just under three weeks in the north. So far I've booked some ziplining. As it was quite cheap and it seemed like fun. And we would quite like to see elephants being treated well. Last time we came we saw the other side of it when we stopped in Krabi. And my partner wanted to see the other side of it. We do want to see Pai, but I won't ride bikes anymore after losing a good friend whilst riding in the UK. After seeing his head come off I sold my bike and gave it a biup. I'd rather pay extra for a taxi, or rent a car. Obviously I'm looking like mad for things to do in the North apart from this. The advice given is really really helping me out. After a lot of work I'm hoping in the North I can do some trekking and just chill out a bit.

    In Bangkok we do have a few things we'd like to do. Big shopping malls are not my idea of fun. And I work in a big city as present. So have no interest in spending too long there. My favourite thing about if from last time was being able to get a metered taxi for nearly nothing compared to the tuktuks. I even got into a tuktuk after being told "the palace is closed" last time - I managed to realise that I wasn't being taken on a wonderful tour, but was lucky to not get into trouble when I got aggressive about it. Lesson learnt.

    I'm really looking for the last month of the trip which should be our holiday part really. I love scuba diving and found Koh Toa beautiful. I know about the problems there - and I know about the murders. But I currently live in London. A police officer was shot here in the last couple of days. I wouldn't walk through tottenham at night either - I felt safe there last time. I'm looking forward to spending christmas day on a beach. Apart from that I'll be happy to lounge out and read a book and just chill.

    As I've already tried to say. I'm lucky enough to have a very lovely partner who I'm taking. So I should be able to save my money and not have to pay for evening entertainment. Although if things go disastrously I'll take those comments on board as well. But again - thanks for everyone who has taken the time to answer. Really really appreciate it.

  18. Ha sorry I was being daft. I'm 27 and she is 26. I'm pretty active and enjoy exercising. Last time I came I enjoyed scuba diving in Koh Toa. We also both enjoy photography and anything else just to get out and about. More restaurants or a bar than a club. Give me nice views and I'm happy.

    I was just wondering if you guys had any suggestions of what you thought were the best things to do so I could look it up? Sorry if that's a bit demanding.

  19. Me and my partner are coming on a long holiday to SE Asia, starting next Tuesday. We have both been to Thailand before - however I've been reading these boards and am hoping that you guys could possibly throw some ideas at us. We will be spending just under two months in Thailand.

    We are flying into bangkok and then hoping to head up north for a few weeks. Then flying back to bangkok and going to vietnam for a month. Through Cambodia for a week or two and then spending another month in the South of Thailand.

    Our budget is approx £1000 each a month. So around 110,000 baht a month between us. We are happy to go with cheap accommodation - and if needed I can push the budget a bit (was originally higher but was told that you didn't need that much) . Neither of us are big drinkers and clearly I'll not be taking advantage of the girls, so I think that my budget is reasonable. All the flights are paid for - so really the budget is just for accommodation and food. Plus any activities we do whilst we out there.

    So generally - what I'm asking is what are your favourite things to do in Thailand which don't cost too much money?



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