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Posts posted by WaiLai

  1. Such shoddy reporting, sensationalism and junta efforts to be seen acting on behalf of an ever-increasing less happy populace!

    "Public Health Minister Piyasakon Sakolsattayatorn said old-fashioned medicine is growing more popular worldwide as it helps solve health problems which modern drugs cannot."

    ******* please list a few examples of such medicines IF YOU DARE!

    "... to make Thailand an international health center and to help stabilize the country's economy"

    ******* and just what other countries in the world don't have herbal remedies? and will the Thai medicines be so cheap that their cost will offset the travel costs of the foreigners? (foreigner husband to wife - "Honey lets head over to Thailand for a couple of weeks, get abused by transpo drivers, nearly killed on the roads, look at the mountains of trash and filth the Thais are happy to live in - and we will top it off with some real good old fashioned herbal remedies that won't have any English on the labels")

    "The agency is yet to make a national master plan for the development of Thai herbs..."

    ******* and this pretty much sums up the likelihood of this plan ever coming to fruition just as so many hare-brained pipe-dreams of the current government (sorry, junta) have failed quickly after the first headlines were posted!

    ******* what? no predictions from the Minister as to how long full implementation will take?

    ******* where will the start-up capital come from?

  2. Interesting comments about drivers in general.

    Got me thinking about 3 years of driving scooter and motocy in Taiwan(scooter capital of the world) as well as 1 year in Cambodia.

    I'll try not to generalize too much but basically the Taiwanese are a more educated, aspiring and motivated people. With the emphasis on education and social etiquette they develop a particular "attitude" largely founded on respect. Roadways are safer, neighbourhoods safer and cleaner etc;

    In Cambodia (which until I moved to Thailand, thought was the most dangerous country in the world), the problem wasn't as much the drivers as it was the rickety old vehicles and the poor quality roadways.

    The "attitude" of mainland Chinese and Thais is a far cry from that of the Taiwanese (and also the Cambodians).

    There's no need to go into details about the social milieu from which the first 2 groups are raised in. It unfortunately leads to a "me-first" and socially irresponsible "attitude".

    I learned to swear in Chinese years ago and I can tell you that it is an easy and worthwhile skill set.

    Useful on the roads and at the restaurants.

    Try it out and remember to smile immediately.

  3. The water in the taps at my condo is murky at best! Not fit for much really.

    I pay 2 baht for approximately 6 litres of water (RO/UV treated) from the dispenser in the lobby of my condo. Watched the tech change the 4 filters a month ago and he told me that he changes them every 5-6 months.

    My question is where does this water originally come from? Where does any of this bottled/treated water in Thailand come from? The Mae Ping? Must be one helluva sludge pile outside the treatment plant.

  4. 1. Thank you for your support: Now onto the POTY Finals

    2. Please share the living experience in Mae rim area

    3. Best Indian Restaurant

    4. Muslims and Christians in Thailand

    5. Star Wars IMAX 3D warning...

    6. Red Wine Box recommendation from Rimping

    7. Fat Elvis is open

    8. Rain

    9. Good place for an elderly folks holiday?

    10. Coffee Shops in Chiang Mai 2015

    All is well in Chiang Mai? ...... ahemmmmm!

  5. I can't imagine a Thai school not using properly licensed software.

    That's a pretty crappy and baseless accusation to make.. The software they are using Apache + PHP is FREE/ Open Source. There is NO licensing required.

    There are 2 issues here:

    1.) The server is not securely configured and is exposing versioning information (among other things).

    2.) The versions of both software packages they are running date back to 2008. They have not bothered to patch in *SEVEN YEARS*! There are numerous known exploits for both of these software packages.

    If the OP or anyone else has close ties to this school, please let then know that I am available to volunteer to come help them resolve this issue (free of charge, of course).



    Go for it Mestizo! Take that banana baton and run with it!

  6. Filthy, disgusting, corrupt, pathetic 3rd world country, liars. coffee1.gif

    They can control and fool simple uneducated natives, but not the ex-pats , many who are highly educated and can and will think for themselves.

    I can agree with the 3rd world country comment.

    I don't think that "Joe Thai" is fooled at all - perhaps without the necessary resources to respond immediately - BUT - that will change - and that's exactly what the junta leader and his cronies fear - especially the possibility of another coup - which is fomenting and sucking up a lot of their attention and energy

  7. Oh dear! If Burma invades, Thailand is going to get stuffed.

    Burma should "unvade". recall ALL of it's citizens working in Thailand and also cut off gas supplies. That would make a statement!

    That would be counterproductive!

    Let craftiness win here. I think Myanmar is crafty enough to sort out this matter.

    Let's say they decide to give the Thais a " drug holiday" - cut off the source for a month

    whoops! is that street rage building up in Thailand?

  8. Forget about these lackeys!

    Focus on the power play!

    A general from Myanmar has called into question the integrity of the investigation and proceedings.

    Now it is time for the general who lead a military coup to answer in kind!

    He is only a general - he is not a Prime Minister and therefore of higher rank.

    Stand up and account for yourself and your minions Mr. junta leader!

  9. whistling.gif Yes, and it will continue.

    China was a big import nation for commodities from Thailand.

    Now China is changing its economy from an importer of commodities. to a consumer based economy.

    That means Thai exports to China will drop in the next year or so.

    Will Thailand be able to produce goods that the Chinese consumer will want to buy from


    We shall see.

    90% of baubles, bangles, trinkets, household wares and appliances sold in Thailand are made in China.

    Pray tell me what China cannot produce in-country that Thailand can offer them?

  10. When was the last time you saw a "flash-point" between the USA and China? I can't remember one at all in my 66 years.

    The USA bankrupted the former Soviet Union while China was trying to get it's act together to announce itself as the next "contender"

    A contender needs money and legitimacy. Richard Nixon helped solve that problem and the USA/China game plan became a well scripted play.

    The Americans are not a stupid capitalistic society but the most aggressive and violent of all.

    The Chinese help finance the USA and it's goals by buying up the lions share of T-bills. Why? .. because they need an air breathing retail market for their stuff

    The Chinese and USA game is going as planned and everyone is making serious coin from it.

    Politics and news coverage of the same is just window dressing and subterfuge. The "big boys" are never distracted from their ultimate goal = market share

    Regardless of who "cries foul" over the other one's posturing, huge amounts of money are being invested and profited from.

    ... and Thailand is being steered by a junta general and some cronies from BKK?

    I have to give credit to the junta leader for visiting the USA in February in order to hustle more shrimp purchasing!

  11. whistling.gif Yes, and it will continue.

    China was a big import nation for commodities from Thailand.

    Now China is changing its economy from an importer of commodities. to a consumer based economy.

    That means Thai exports to China will drop in the next year or so.

    Will Thailand be able to produce goods that the Chinese consumer will want to buy from


    We shall see.

    The Chinese tourism industry has also started to take proactive steps to keep Chinese tourist home and within their budget as their economy slows down and profit making on the stock market impacts the population.

    ... and a junta leader is in charge of Thailand? 55555555555555555555555555555555555 - scraps for the leader and his minions and TAT!

  12. "He said the media should not accuse him of depriving them of free expressions as he had already made clear to them the limits of free expressions and media’s responsibilities."

    Isn't he contradicting himself here? giggle.gif

    he is a bricklayer, not an educated, eloquent, worldly leader

    he is a junta leader NOT a Prime Minister - stress the prime please

    It may well be the Thai to English translations that are undermining his image as being worth a 2nd look

    BKK will be his Achilles heel.

    * my guess is that he is spending more time and energy on preventing the coup in progress that will replace him

    * he truly is "ripe for the pickins"

  13. He's a grumpy little Santa isn't he? Must be the time of year that upsets him, all that happiness going on and it's nothing to do with him. Same time, same target, he threw his toys out of the pram again last year;

    Khaosod English

    26 December 2014

    On 25 December Gen. Prayuth said he has been enduring a daily barrage of criticism from certain newspapers, which he did not name, and warned that he had the power to shut them down.

    "I have endured it for a long time now. They criticise me on every issue, every page of the newspapers. What the hell is wrong with them? Are they crazy?" the NCPO leader fumed. "I get angry [every time] I read these newspapers. They made me lose my manner and have ruined my leader image."

    He continued, "But this time, I will shut them down for real. I cannot allow them to continue their disrespect. Otherwise, what's the point of me being [Prime Minister]? What's the point of having martial law?"


    So there you have it, from the horses mouth, what's the point of having martial law if you don't use it to crush all dissent?

    What a sad excuse for a leader. Actually he is spot-on if he is referring to his prowess within the military junta but as a leader of a nation he has the skills of a grammar school boy and the political skill sets of a bricklayer!

    Is it the Thai to English translation that makes him sound so dim witted, egocentric and self-effacing?

  14. I wonder if the self-appointed "PM" has yet realized that the patience of the Thai people for a self-appointed supreme ruler has limits, too.

    Fr!ckin moron... coffee1.gif

    Hmmm...quite naive are you, as it seems. Thais dont care about democracy that much. Food, sanuk, facebook, selfies and money a.o. is what they care about. Thanks to the educationsystem and hierarchical structure of thai society he will get away with it for much longer.

    This is a society ruled by FEAR. The thais know and accept it.

    Indifference is the last virtue of a dying society.

    I can agree with this comment to a certain degree but think that regardless of nationality and culture people do have their "breaking points" "bottom line" etc;

    Fear being instilled into the nation and TV posters = YES

    Accept it = tolerate it to a point

    Indifference - NOT when you cannot feed nor water your family

    "getting away with it for much longer"? - not if the return on investments continue to decline for the BKK crowd and junta cronies and definitely not when the current threadbare fabric of deceit and illusion are called to task by the general populace

    all juntas have had to face the revolt of the masses - this one is close to facing it's own revolt

  15. More junkets than Mr T and Miss Y combined,a gov initiative to keep Thai Airlines viable maybe?

    A side trip to Orlando to see how America's Disneyland compares the current dark one in Thailand perhaps?

    Rather than be thought a fool, post nonsense and remove all doubt.

    How many trips overseas did the former disgraced PM Yingluck make? A few more than the current PM.

    He is NOT the current PM!

    He is a military junta leader who staged a coup!

    What part of this construct do you not understand?

  16. since there are many accusations about the integrety of the DNA testing and results and the judge has asserted that the conviction was based on the DNA tests and a couple of posters on here also claim that the defence team refused to retest and that all original samples are still available, there seems to be a very obvious and simple solution.

    If the defence team refused why didn't the prosecution/police have the DNA retested independently "from the original samples" (that some here claim they still have) at the Central Institute of Forensic Science a department of the ministry of justice in Bangkok, wouldn't that have removed once and for all the speculation surrounding the DNA, if the defence as claimed refused to do this then surely this would have been a slam dunk for the prosecution

    Pretty simple really unless they had something to hide

    so none of the hangem high brigade got any comment about my post ? lol

    also since you constantly post about how the defence refused to retest the DNA I thought this Idea would be one you would approve

    unless of course the DNA evidence was fabricated and nothing of the claimed original samples exist to have indepently retested

    the silence is deafening

    I rest my case

    The Myanmar government have officially now requested a fundamental review and investigation of this case through diplomatic channels with foreign media as observers, that would ultimately involve a complete independent retesting of all evidence

    If the Thai government agree to this (I don't see how they can refuse) then we may just see some truths emerge

    Bring it on!

    "toes to the flame"

  17. When you look at other crime scenes in Thailand , I am not surprised that Mon was able to walk around , after all he is the bar owner on that beach and he knew the police , everyone know eachother in a small community like this. The question remains if he did it on purpose to get rid of evidence if he was involved or was just a curious guy as most Thais would be when someone dies here.

    a bar owner - NOT the beach owner - NOT the police - so Thai? - right on ! disrespectful childlike curiosity - muddling everything that should be sacrosanct and YOU EXCUSE this?

  18. Cr@p view from Doi Suthep today. Hopefully, after a dry, wet season, less to burn...

    a dry, wet season, less to burn?


    into the cups already mate?

    Dry "wet season" = less rain, less growth, less to burn. Comprendez? Keep of the sauce thumbsup.gif

    the "dry season" is upon us

    the wet season is down the road somewhere

    the burning season is about to blossom

    Comprendez-vous? would have been more appropriate

    drunkards will lie in any ditch and spout what is reality

  19. Out & about east of SK today. The smoke generators (it's not mist) were in full swing bah.gif

    the locals have caught on as to when to burn and go unnoticed - they've been "discreetly" burning for months now

    and those beautiful no burning" signs put up by the government of the province along the motorways?

    they'll make a lovely sunshade for someone in need of one

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