In Thailand is more dangerous to say what you think than walking in soi Nana.
Privilege visa rich Chinese tourists so much wanted by Thai tourism industries need to keep their mouth shut too.
Worried about Thailand image?
And what about the young girl?
Thai humanity at its best!
And we know about this only because exposed by a German tv?
This is an everyday story in Pattaya!
I married a Thai woman from Bangkok in 2004 and I paid to her family 160.000 thousands baht, that was all I could afford. They weren't very satisfied but accepted it. Her married brother and her elder sister had already a good job like my wife.
She explained me that dowry was a common practice in her country.
The fact is that on the news you find only reports about corrupted officials, politicians, police etc
I rarely read about positive stories, except for lauding honest taxi driver returning lost money
Strong rains and wind in Amnat Charoen Song Maseo area last night.
Fallen threes and some small flooding, but what a refreshment from previous too hot days.