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Posts posted by Linden

  1. You were lucky same situation and both my passports were stamped in red Thai confirming only one passport (my near full older passport )could only be used in Thailand. They said the computer could not accept 2 pasport numbers for one person.

    Malaysia would not let me swap to the other passport either on entry which in the past was never a problem. UAE Cambodia & Singapore were never any problem. 

    • Confused 2
  2. Been through it all paid my 30.000 baht security money went court total costs 6000 baht (+ 6 month ban on motorbike licence as car licence I use different province address)

    and 5 days later got my 30.000 baht back ..

    Seen at least 10 thais and Farangs pay the 10.000 fine and go out of the cells .At court nobody got more than 6.000 baht fines.. Parasites if they want to enforce the Law  go all the way.

  3. Its your first indication about sex in thailand. It is only a job the cleaner performs as thats whats she gains cash from.

    Similary the Thai girl in the Massage with the add-ons.

    Simalary Teluk married to the Farang driving the Honda.

    Its a way to get cash some are instant and honest in the gogo show or blowjob bar.

     Some take a lifetime of deception to fulfill the cash dream.


  4. 7 hours ago, KhunBENQ said:

    This is the situation I expected.

    Not a big surprise.


    So nothing to do with the asian thing about getting in front regardless.

    Also education . When you are 14 years of age mentaly .(never met an asian that was over 14 in the head) you know everything so no education could change their thought pattern.

    "Live for the moment" can only add to the problem.


  5. 10 hours ago, Thechook said:

    This is a joke right?  Please tell me it's a joke, not even the Thai police could be such fools.  They vehicle should have immediately been slapped with a defect notice, put straight of the road and the driver fined for using a vehicle that doesn't comply with the standards of registration.  The defect notice can't be removed until everything is fixed and a roadworthy certificate obtained.

    Thai logic ..local van comes from Thailand .Humble man got a job to do . There might not even been a promise of a purple persuader .

    Maybe the police recognised one of the Bhudas round his neck.

    Good guy...

    He knows about the tyres so nothing will happen. Good Guy..

    Thai Logic

  6. On Friday, December 30, 2016 at 5:11 PM, guzzi850m2 said:

    You can get a multi entry on a retirement visa, I got one, so not reporting to immigration but fly out/in as I pleases. 


    I have 4 bank accounts here in Thailand in 3 different banks and never had a work permit.


    You seems well off, you can easily live here, IF you want.

    Is it worth the bother.

    For me it wasnt.

    A rough divorce horrible life a missfit in your home country fat ugly old.

    look at whats available in Thailand.

    I am lucky I was through all of the above.well not them all.

    To be a free spirit and move around is better than be in a country where you are marked as an income for everyone and anyone.

    It wasnt the place for me after 17 years Property business cars bikes wifes girls by the dozen.

    Its a holiday destination pay as you go.

    I will holiday again when theres a bit more value for money.

    I probably have more money than a lot of guys 

    I certainly have more funds at this moment than I ever had before.

    for me Thailands not worth it Jan. 2017.

    Sad but true.

    • Like 1
  7. On Friday, December 02, 2016 at 3:39 PM, Suradit69 said:


    Well the suicide rate in Florida, which has a high population of elderly retired, is around 8 per day.



    And Thailand is nowhere near as bad as South Korea in suicides generally, but especially among the elderly.


    suicide rates.png

    The number of foreign men commiting suicide that have been long term staying here must be higher than most places..Who could you turn to Thaivisa hohoho.

    Its a loneley place if your not paying for your company. Or you have been milked dry. Or the little Miss Different becomes the same as the rest.Or the bubble bursts 

    Yes I know "its different for me stories" this is a pay as you go country you are paying in one way or another.

    It can be a lonely place beware.

    Chances are it was a mental issue brought on by ? probably Thailand

    Its a shame whether 21 or 71 years of age.


  8. 18 minutes ago, Don Mega said:



    nah the standard green grass type is fast enough for me as growing anything quicker will require the gardeners to come more often to mow it and a hit like that to the monthly budget would be catastrophic.

    Boasting about Weed.

    You might get a chap at the door "Man"


  9. 50 minutes ago, alexlm said:

    In Pattaya, you can fill in your TM30 by yourself, 2 minutes before doing the 30 days Tourist extension...

    I did my extension yesterday there

    You need just one of the 3 following documents:

    1 - Copy ID card of House owner

    2 - Copy House Book

    3 - Contract of Rent

    Bring a picture + 2 sets of copies of first page, departure card and visa. Or you can easily get the picture taken and copies done directly at the immigration office.

    Pattaya is very 'Farang'-friendly, with Farang staff.


    If you stay one night in an hotel in Pattaya, ask them for a "paper for immigration/visa/passport" and they will surely understand and give a signed confirmation that you are staying at their hotel.

    Often wondered about asking hotel for letter to confirm where I stay for making extension.(probably the backpackers do it via 500baht agent fee)

    Anybody ever got the letter easily perhaps a hotel near Immigration in Pattaya, any past experiences?

    A two night stay would be enough they are only asking where you are staying on that day I think.

    Next years trip into the country I would put the same Hotel on my arrival T.M.

  10. 3 hours ago, rkidlad said:

    Good on the bus driver! As for the general public, know your "made-up-as-they-go-along' rights and film these things.


    If police are doing their jobs properly, there's no need for them to be worried about being filmed and recorded. Same thing the government and righties say about the government spying on us. Can't have your cake and eat it anymore. Times are a changin'. 

    LifeBlog Cameras.


    Just like carrying your passport or drivers licence or 2000 bht get out of jail money even if your a good guy.

    You need to cover your a***.

    It could be you.

  11. 2 hours ago, Johnniey said:

    I'm every year about half of expats consider leaving the country.


    The long-term newbie with 5 years fall off their pink cloud. The long-term expats learn how to have an attitude of gratitude and accept things as they really are.


    The main reason they are unhappier as they realize after a few years that the somewhat exotic dark-skinned Issarnite is not in fact desirable anymore.



    Within the first 5 years (some people 5 minutes) you realise the milking system some say they enjoy it many admit to their mistakes and move on.

    Some write on Thaivisa to point out how clever the wife and family are.

    Some tell the truth.

    Traveling to Thailand you pass many fantastic places to get here its got to be the Bitches not the Beaches and they do loose their appeal.

    Maybe some of these fantastic different ones will get a night out and we can all sample their wares.

    I am sure they will be up for it its in their cultured nature.

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