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Posts posted by GabrielB

  1. I love how people think they are better than other people because they don't like an area.

    Nana indeed is a tourist area that isn't really a part of Thailand, pretty much like Buckingham Palace and Oxford street in London. Bloody tourists swarming all over the place. Who in the right mind would want to travel to London and go to Buckingham Palace, they will charge you £2 for a 50p can of coke. Right rip off. A place a true Brit would never be seen.

    It worked out pretty well for Kate Middleton. laugh.png

    A right Dick Whittington story she tells oh yes she does!

    Kate Middleton is from a very affluent family and from a very proper part of England, she is hardly a rags to riches story.

  2. Also bucking the trend... I always like the energy around Nana, I dont go for the seedy side, but its fun to go on a friday night, have some drinks and be around people who are just letting loose and enjoying themselves? The seedy side is just part of bangkok, but the contrast between the gutter and the extreme beauty is why we love it, no?

  3. Erm...no actually! Afraid I'm not nearly that interesting.

    Most of the things i've found online re bowie in thailand were published 2 weeks ago, guess it was trending then and im only just getting wind of it now. I keep re-googling and there isnt really anything new being written, thats why I thought I would ask on here.

    I saw that someone called mama noi was running a cooking school, but wasnt sure it was actually the same woman - is it really her?!

  4. Hi all,

    Kind of a long shot but wondering if anyone has any stories re Bowie’s trip to Thailand in 1983? I’ve been doing a bit of research about it. If anyone else is interested then this article is good:


    I’m especially interested in knowing more about the Shaman who blew water in Bowies face in the video. Anyone know who this guy is or where he practices? What does the blowing water in the face symbolize?

    Also got kinda hung up on the idea that he might have faked his own death (for what end I’m not sure…wanting to make a lot of money and then escape to live out his days on an island?) But the “evidence” becomes more compelling the more you read. Guess I got sucked in! This article sums up the basics:


    Seriously, any thoughts/comments/stories about this – anything at all, please share with me I would love to hear.


  5. Hey guys, wondering if anyone can advise on FATCA. My situation is that I basically did not know what this was until last week. Apparently all this time I've been away I was supposed to be filing with the IRS, and a friend tells me I could be looking at a hefty fine for non-compliance?

    Kind of confused about it to be honest, I have been living in Asia on and off for a few years, mainly in Thailand (where I currently am), and only go back home to the states about once a year, so not overly keen to pay taxes to the us govt.

    I'm not currently working, but have done in the past (yes I had the correct visas/wp etc) so I paid taxes in Thailand. Now I am told I was supposed to be filing US taxes too. Does anyone know anyone about this?

    Although I know I will have to face up to this, I am reluctant to speak with the IRS before I fully know my situation.

    Thanks in advance.

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