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Posts posted by EVEIE

  1. This is a joke....'kitchen of the world'???!!! Been here three months and I am fed up already,I can't imagine how the foreigners that actually relocate here and have to eat this food for a longer period of time survive.

    Couldn't agree more, I've been here a long time and I just can't handle Thai food, over spiced, over MSG'd and I have hard time working out exactly what is in the dish. Usually some chopped up pork with what looks like a few local weeds thrown in. Ok I can recognise the fried egg on top especially with 25% of the white uncooked.

    To me it's all the same cheap crap with different percentages of chili added. Fish sauce that has your body need of salt for a month in a teaspoonful.

    I make 90% of what I eat myself, the other 10% comes from tinned produce imported from UK, and I know I've washed my hands after going to the loo.

    Lol.. cooking for yourself is the only option,plus of course bringing some stuff from your country if you or a friend happens to go on vacation.

  2. Hey guys,I am a Kenyan who came to Thailand on a tourist visa a few months ago and after the normal two months I went to Lopburi Immigration and had it extended till the 5th of December. My return ticket is from Suvarnabhumi airport sometime next year(I had it opened so I am yet to decide my departure date). I am around with my European bf who is currently teaching in a government school somewhere in Thailand so I am planning to go to Cambodia before my visa expires to wait for him till end of this semester(feb of march). My question is if I can fly into the country next year(although I am not sure if it will be possible because Kenyans do not get Thai tourist visas from Cambodia) and await at the airport till my departure time. Does anyone know any information regarding these issues I raised? Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.

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