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Posts posted by RickTik

  1. What the minions don't realize is that, within the Global Commission (NWO), a deal has already been reached.

    China will temporarily back-off of military pressure on Taiwan.

    In exchange, China can take care of business in Hong Kong.

    A little verbal rhetoric between China and the USA is just cover while the NWO operatives work together to secure the global police state network and cull the human herd.

    Nothing personal. It's just business. ✌


  2. People - just live free and let nature take its course.

    If COVID-19 knocks off another chunk of the minions, so be it.

    The smart ones will practice "social distancing", good hygiene, and quiet healthy living while the minions exterminate themselves. Everyone benefits. 

    That has been the plan of the Global Commission (NWO) from the start. Like Dr. Kissinger says:


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  3. When you think about the global tourist traffic that has come through Thailand these last three months, and the facts that:

    A. They came through unchecked;

    B. The true incubation period of COVID-19 is 28-35 days, (making the 14 day quarantine a cruel joke);

    C. There are very bad people out there specifically trying to infect as many as possible;

    Thailand, (along with the rest of the global community), is in for the roughest period of time in our lifetime.

    I tried to warn people on this site, but had my post "deleted".

    So what can be done?

    Survive the COVID-19 mess by avoiding crowds and practice good hygiene. See you on the other side. ✌

    Check out this "Royal's" comment:


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  4. There are multiple reasons why this latest U.S. warship event occurred in the South China Sea. Yes, the "freedom of navigation" right to travel freely in international waters is one of those reasons. However, you have to look at the whole story. I'll sum it up with two words: Hong Kong.

    Translation? - External pressure from foreign "special interests" is being put on Beijing from multiple angles. 

    Why? To make it more tricky and difficult for Beijing to aggressively go in and clean up the mess in Hong Kong.

    "The Art of War"


  5. Warren hasn't much chance to become "President". 

    In fact, the whole DNC thing is a sick joke. However, a "dark horse" has emerged. If Jesse Ventura decides to run, ha can defeat President Trump. What's even better? If "the Donald" wins re-election, Ventura might be in the cabinet.

    Of course, it's still too early. 

    One issue that Warren CAN win on:


  6. Reading the details of the scammer's angle - it is a common scam that usually starts with Emails pushing that specific type of story. 

    Although there are obviously scammers around the world, the one mentioned sounds like yes, it did come out of Nigeria. The "Christian Mark" sounds familiar also.

    We know she won't get her money back, but, life goes on.

    I certainly wish her well. ✌

    • Haha 1
  7. The "Global Moderators" may not like this answer. ????

    However, the answer is YES!

    In fact, Thailand will benefit from a global economic downturn.

    Why? For a couple of reasons.

    1. Less tourists takes pressure off of Thailand's natural resources.

    2. The junta's continued "heat" on forcing western expats out of Thailand lessens inflationary pressure on housing and utilities.


    All the way around, things look good for Thailand.

    It can easily handle, and benefit, from a slow economy. 

  8. Tourism being down is a blessing for Thailand. Why?

    It helps the Thai people protect their natural resources.

    Just like there are always "growing pains", there are also "shrinking pains", and maybe even more relevant, "changing pains".

    Instead of wanting more and more money, and more and bigger "things", the smart thought now is to protect your natural world and live close to the Earth. 

    Expats and tourists who understand this will always be welcome in Thailand. ✌




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  9. On 6/20/2019 at 5:16 PM, AlexRich said:

    Can't help thinking that the real Thai economy will be taking a hit in the near future, the rising Baht is a double-edged sword.

    Chinese investment secures the future of Thailand.

    In the U.S., understand the real reason for the Federal Reserve keeping the interest rates low:

    They want to squeeze the personal savings out of the middle class.

    How does that affect expats in Thailand?

    Their buying power and economic sustainability is weakened.

    End result for expats in Thailand?

    Thailand/Asia not as attractive for farang retirement like before.

    Is that what the governments want?

    Yes it is. 


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