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White House

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Posts posted by White House

  1. Erdogan is a brutal dictator suppressing the freedom of speech in Turkey!

    Erdogan is even more evil than Assad.

    Erdogan is so arrogant and self assured that NATO will always protect him?

    I agree that "Erdogan is a brutal dictator suppressing the freedom of speech in Turkey".

    But I don't quite agree that "Erdogan is even more evil than Assad".

    And yes, Erdogan is very arrogant and self assured political leader.

    Now he has made a very big mistake by shooting down a Russian military air plane.

    The consequences of this mistake may be catastrophic for the World.

    It's high time to reconsider Turkey's membership in NATO.

    Turkey is casting a shadow on NATO's reputation in the World.

  2. Be careful it has side effects and in the end your progress will slow down. This is normal for anyone loosing weight.

    Yes, thank you for your advice.

    So far so good, no any side effects.

    I would advise exercise as its better for your body. It will ad to the quality of life. No exercise and you will age faster. Meaning you will be able to do less and less. I seen the difference between those who exercise and those that dont who are older.

    Yes, I want to exercise at home.

    But I don't have any home gym equipment unfortunately.

  3. I agree partly, because the one thing that is wrong here is that they only look at body-weight and not fat mass. In many of the studies they look at body-weight. However there are studies that show exercise combined with diet to be superior because they include fat loss not weight loss. With exercise you hold onto muscle and thus loose more fat. Too bad the studies did not all record that too.

    Also it depends on the individual, can give many examples where it helped and where it did not. It really depends if the person is weak willed or not. Dad did nothing about his food just went from 8.000 biking kms a year to 10.000 and lost extra weight this year. He will be 5 kg lighter as before. With me the same i lost more when i combined it with exercise. But sure if your one of those guys that needs to reward himself with foods after exercise then you loose out. If you have set meals like me then you win. So it all depends on who.

    But the easiest way to get rid of 500 cals, is not to eat it (H90 will come to debate that). Personally I don't exercise for weight loss (helps a bit in my case but diet is 90%). I exercise for the other benefits as no flabby body and more energy.

    No I don't debate that! One thing is, without exercise if you a small person and your body optimize on efficiency, the amounts you can eat per day get really very small if you want to have a very slim body.

    Some would prefer to blow out a 1000 kcal (+what you burn more because you are more muscular) on the bicycle and have a few beers and a BBQ.

    But it works perfect without: Don't eat and you get slim, no exercise needed....

    Yes, this is a good news for me. I hate exercising (but trying to do my best when I can).

    My height is 183 cm. I believe at my age of 60 the normal weight should be 85-90 kg. What do you think?

    But when my weight reached 101 kg recently I decided to do something to reduce it.

    Now it has been already 3 weeks that I'm taking Reduce (Sibutramine) every day, and I am happy i have lost 6 kg almost without any physical exercise.

    With the help of Reduce I was able to reduce my daily food consumption by 3 times approximately.

    The results are very assuring. I will keep up taking Reduce until my weight is down to 90 kg or lower.

  4. I know of only 1 and its been taken of the shelves in other countries. It did help a bit though. You can get it in some pharmacies it contains sibutramine. But google the stuff frist and check if its worth the risk.

    I am taking Reduce (produced in India) to suppress the feeling of hunger. I find it very effective. For me only one tablet per day is more than enough.

    The appetite is greatly reduced (as the drug's name is promising).

    It gives me the feeling of satiety for 7-8 hours.

    One pack contains 100 tablets and costs around 1,000-1,200 Baht in Thailand.

    This is a very good value for the price (taking into account that one pack contains 100 tablets).

    But please beware of a fake product.

    If someone in Thailand is selling it well below 1,000 Baht it is probably a fake Reduce (containing only Vitamin C - Ascorbic Acid).

    The real Reduce is very effective to suppress appetite as it contains Sibutramine.

    If you have a high blood pressure or diabetes, heart disease, please avoid taking Sibutramine based medicines.

    If someone is interested I can advise how to distinguish the fake Reduce from the real one.

  5. I have cut refined sugar out of my diet a long while ago. I will get some into my body because occasionally I eat outside and the water with syrup just a little bit of (sunquick black currant) that i drink. I try to not drink much of it and mainly tea but at times I like something else. Still after a hard workout sugar is not that bad as all the glycogen stores need to be replenished anyway.

    But cooking food yourself (make my own bread too) you have total control over the amounts of sugar you get in your system.

    Still 1000 calories of sugar and 1000 calories of health food make little difference for weight loss (but a lot for your health) just because something is healthy does not mean you can eat loads of it. I could get fat on raw salmon from Oishy too.

    What about brown sugar? Is it better, possibly producing less calories?

  6. Private one on one tuition, however, there is no magic formula associated with "quickly" learning any new language. It takes time and effort.

    In my opinion the Thai language is a very difficult one.

    Especially the correct tonal pitch.

    What do you think?

    All "tonal" languages are 'difficult' which is why there is no "quick" means of learning!

    Yes, I do agree with you.

    The tonal languages are very difficult for a farang to learn: Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Lao, Khmer, etc.

    But I noticed that on the contrary the Malay language (Bhasa Malaysia) is much more easy to learn, and the alphabet is very easy.

    I have already learnt a few Malay words while visiting Malaysia way back in 1991.

    Tandas = toilet

    Tutup = exit?

    I'm sorry I already forgot many of them... sorry.gif

  7. practice, practice and more practice.

    you know, its a bit like asking how to learn the guitar quickly or how to lose weight quickly.

    Thank you for your answer.

    By the way I also want to lose weight.

    My weight is 15 kg beyond normal.

    I'm sorry I am new to this Forum. Sorry for off topic.

    Is there a separate area in this Forum to discuss slimming and diet?

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