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Posts posted by bitcoinforever

  1. language and culture dictated this as his only move, leave this predator in inflict more pain on more innocent people. his suicide would have been justified  if he killed the predator . but no leave him to go on being evil. sad statement on thailand and thai society in general . could not even sue him in civil court and take away all assets. very sad 

  2. they will never give them passports just waiting till international spotlight goes away. thai ministry of interior makes trump look like a saint. passports issued last year drum roll 181 , look hard at that number it is real , on that number alone their should be U.N sanctions on thailand. why do you think there is never government outrage about u.s. immigration policy here dont want them looking closely at us,  good luck kids hope you get it

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  3. These test were administered in Thai language. No one will tell you this because it is TABOO , thai language is not useful for higher learning . it habitually like a  lot all old languages make the user think a certain way. that is why low test scores has nothing to do with genetics. if the same kids were taught english score would be much higher. when was the last time you saw a thai read a book when they had free time? very rare. the ones that score highest also speak english.  that is how the elite keep the people down stress nationalism and thainess keep them dumb. that is your FYI for the day

  4. how do they expect the average thai to be a law abiding citizen when the politicians and wealthy get a free ride?  the only thing that keeps the people in line and not in full revolt is the language and culture , just like in india, south korean, and japan  . but the anger ,frustration and resentment is still there just on stand by. waiting to come out,that is why suicide,alcohol abuse, drug abuse are all high and above normal people self medicating for what they see and are powerless to stop till the reach a boiling point.

  5. totally unenforceable they are trying to scare you . that is why credit card companies do not issue credit cards to anyone not living in the country of issue because unenforceable to collect the debt. calling them up and tell them you have not intention of ever going back to live in Thailand see if they come down, and want to negotiate a settlement then you know for yourself it is all thai bullshit, which it is they bought that old debt forr pennies on the  baht

  6. how much gold do you intend to buy.? what reason investment, spec, jewelry?jewelry buy any where that is reputable the gold guys here all mark up with high premiums.spec or investment just go to the tfex and take delivery, no chance of fakes, everything   assayed and guaranteed by exchange , no mark ups current market rate, they have two contract sizes, you can leave it at exchange facility and just pay storage and insurance.

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  7. i dont know about the U.K. but if you are a foreign mafia figure here. there are few reasons why? did something stupid and got expelled not to bright. got push out not tough enough, chased by the law not smart enough to know how the game is played. so the stupid,rock heads end up here. dont tell me it is the weather and women because all of that is bought to you if you are playing the game well.

  8. the history of american is not all clean and clear we are just going back to the way we were

    After an initial wave of immigration from China following the California Gold Rush, Congress passed a series of laws culminating in the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882, banning virtually all immigration from China until the law's repeal in 1943. 

    In 1921, the Congress passed the Emergency Quota Act, followed by the Immigration Act of 1924. The 1924 Act was aimed at further restricting immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, particularly Jews, Italians, and Slavs, who had begun to enter the country in large numbers beginning in the 1890s, and consolidated the prohibition of Asian immigration.[23]

     Most of the Jewish refugees fleeing the Nazis and World War II were barred from coming to the United States.[28] In the post-war era, the Justice Department launched Operation Wetback, under which 1,075,168 Mexicans were deported in 1954.[2  

    this is just a continuation of american domestic policy as the locals see fit. no different from current china policy on foreign immigration.

  9. the root of the problem here is sheer disrespect for disabled people it comes from their version of Buddhism to even the words they use in thai for disabled people , mistreatment towards disable people in thailand will never change  till their mindset changes which will never happen. and there a lot of disable people here except they never come out because of the thai shame factor.

  10. Thailand is getting worry about trump because if thailand gets to closer to china trump will tax them just like china and Thailand second largest trading partner is trump. so they have to balance china now and not get to close or risk trump's wrath which would hurt this economy hard. Obama may have talked tough on military government but trade continued even increase but not now under trump ,if he does not like the thai's using slaves in fishing 35% tax on all seafood, they would stop slave labor overnight. Thailand <deleted>---- Trump can buy seafood from anyone else that gets inline, good luck world new sheriff new town

  11. you see Pai was original a nice laid back hippie town, then the Thai's discovered it and made it into a thai resort town . no girl bar mostly chinese and thai tourist. they chase the hippies out with widespread drug inpections and spot piss test. so all the hippies ran for cover, cambodia, laos,vietnam  so this means they are going to have to start up their anti drug program again

  12. does your son want to return to Thailand , and work and stay? does he want to live and stay in the u.s.? it only works to his advantage to get u.s. citizenship. he becomes available for the Thai draft soon. if his does not register for it has to avoid Thailand till he is over 30. do not worry about any of these tax problems till you are making over 100,000 usd. education ,and job opportunities better in the u.s. nothing for a young man in Thailand to build a financial future, unless he wants to work at a overworked underpaid job---- go for it

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