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Posts posted by jaiyen17

  1. imageproxy.php?img=&key=de238a8f491e857f


    Have done months of research and decided it would be best to ask for some help as it’s now 21 days until my husbands been out of the U.S for one Year. 

    Questions ~ 

    •  What are our chances of obtaining SB-1 returning resident visa from the Chiang Mai Consulate with our current situation (below)?
    •  We still have time to fly out before the 1 yr. out of U.S date.  Is it an absolute MUST that we go to maintain the Greencard? 
    •  What are our chances of just flying in February, March after we’ve gotten his father settled.  Out 15 months in Covid times.  How would we be treated at P.O.E in U.S?  
    •  Looking for recommendation for Lawyers who specialize in U.S Visa’s for Thai’s and specifically experience in SB-1 visa’s applied for in Thailand. 
    •  Would be very helpful to hear from anyone else who has gone through this process already in Thailand.  


    Thank you for any & all advice ~ Husbands info below 



    • Husband has U.S Green card / LPR since June 2015 valid until June 2025.
    • Departed U.S Oct. 16 ~ with Round Trip ticket to return April 7, 2020.   
    • Has filed Joint taxes with U.S spouse (me)  for 3 yrs with W2 tax form for his summer job in plant nursery in the U.S.
    • Has maintained U.S address, Joint U.S bank account, California I.D
    • Can obtain letter from U.S Employer stating ongoing employment upon his return. 
    • Mother died Oct. 2019, Pancreatic Cancer. Buddhist Ash ceremony Jan. 2020
    • Only sibling, Brother had accident and in Coma February 2020 ~ Died March 2020. Buddhist ceremony for ashes May 2020
    • Father, 70 yrs old now alone and declining mentally & physically after losing wife & son. Assistance required to find long term care. 
    • EVA air canceled return flight due to Covid-19 April 7, 2020. 
    • Village in Thailand locked down April /May limited inner provincial travel
    • Retail store in our live/ work shop in California closed due to Covid.19 ~  High local case rate of virus in home county. Rent paid monthly.
    • Income comes from joint U.S based online business shipping from California daily. Quarterly Ca. sales tax paid from joint account. 
    • Husband owns no property & does not work / have income in Thailand
    • Wife (me)  tore rotator cuff in Shoulder, MRI & Scheduled for surgery. 


  2. Hi Joe ~ You've helped me through every issue for 15 yrs! Thank you for your presence on this site.  If I'm on a Non-O multi based on marriage with a stamp till April 10th ~ is there anyway to extend it online or with an agent?  I'm living up on Doi Inthanon, haven't traveled anywhere since mid Jan. Feeling safe & don't want to go anywhere.  I will heed your advice.  Thank you!!! Christy~ 

  3. Well, with poor to no waste water management, a growing trash problem and an absolute BOOM in Diving tourism and related Dive schools over the last 10 yrs (400,000 visitors to Koh Tao this year) Thailand is facing a massive conservation challenge to preserve this natural treasure. If the sensitive coral reef is to be saved they're going to need to address uncontrolled growth as well as irresponsible diving. It is my belief that the current situation is 100% unsustainable the way it stands today. Great new video on the negative effects inexperienced divers can have on Koh Tao reefs here: "Diver Impacts - The Unspoken Threat to Coral Reefs" https://player.vimeo.com/video/124386121

  4. As a U.S / Canadian Citizen living in Thailand I too am following this very closely for a number of reasons. I've been watching it closely since June as I've feared something like this could potentially close borders and I split my time between 2 countries (U.S/Thailand). My husband is Thai. I fly home on Nov. 24th to run my small retail store for the Holiday season. Flying makes me a bit uneasy... but I'll most likely still get on that plane end of Nov. I am however worried with the current projections of numbers multiplying of the potential of Thailand closing borders to infected countries if things get worse. I am supposed to fly back here Jan. 15th and the thought of being separated from my husband isn't a good one.

    I also remember how I felt last time there was a potential pandemic in Ca. Swine Flu I believe it was. Anyway, being in Retail...exchanging money constantly with close contact to people and sharing a bathroom was something that made me feel very uneasy during that time. I washed my hands constantly and sanitized the doorknobs frequently.

    I've been following this thread since yesterday and haven't posted until now. 2nd reported case in the U.S of an infected health care worker in Texas 30 min. ago. Uh oh~ blink.png


  5. reading that the suspects are on suicide watch from other inmates!

    <deleted>??? They're keeping them with other inmates?? I can't say what I want to say for fear of a defamation suit!

    Prison Chief Fears Koh Tao Suspects May Commit Suicide

    SURAT THANI — The two Burmese men who were accused of murdering two British tourists in southern Thailand last month are being monitored to prevent possible suicide attempts, says the director of the prison where they are being held.

    "I have instructed other inmates to monitor the two Burmese men. I am afraid they may commit suicide, because they show signs of stress," said Chanin Liangsuwan, chief of Koh Samui District Prison. "They may be feeling guilty for the crime they have done."

    According to Chanin, the two suspects are being held in a general holding cell with other inmates, but he stressed that wardens are doing their best to keep the suspects under watch.

    • Like 1
  6. Sean Mcanna is alive with time on his hands to write songs. He uploaded two new songs to his soundcloud four days ago: "Johnny" and "wrong leg, right wing"

    People are adding comments to these songs on soundcloud, urging him to issue a full statement.I urge others to do the same thing.


    Does he know anything?

    Please Sean. Stop being cryptic and illusive and release a full statement about what you know/or don't know.

    (And please god speak up about the case or it will just look like you are cynically exploiting the current public interest in you to promote your music)

    I had a go at listening to his second song "too" many times, can't say I enjoy him, but I found lyrics are interesting~ I left blanks where I wasn't sure what he said as well as ?? where I wasn't sure... someone else can have a go at finishing this off. Why would he upload 2 new songs 4 days ago ~ either he's disgusting and looking for some kind of fame or possibly sending a message? wow. wonder who will have the movie rights to this whole saga ~ it's really quite something.

    Sean Hayes McAnna

    Sean McAnna

    Nowhere, Britain (UK)

    Wrong Leg ~ Right Wing (1st Draft)

    Be cool, don't worry, the lies you tell will come out sons no hurry

    be safe, back in the story , they'll thank you when we take that step towards glory ` yay

    …… with confusion at the end of the tunnel are sure you'll find the solution

    keep calm, I see ready?...better than one we have is just a delusion

    you falter don't you think…. you're runnin scared, runnin scared, you falter don't you think you're runnin' scared ~

    but be strange…it's your party to keep us entertained with thow money ~ yaa

    there's no strain and I know it……… skies and the gold is glowing

    have faith, have a drink… sit out your last stop?….. stop telling me how to think

    remain with exclusion, manifest fears with ???? sweet loving with ??sufferment?

    you falter don't you think…. you're runnin scared, runnin scared, you falter don't you think you're runnin' scared ~

    • Like 2
  7. I have to agree with those who have posted that the police will never back down at this point. Especially now with their "perfect investigation" statement.

    I agree that the police won't back down, but not because of the "perfect investigation" statement. Rather, they won't back down because there's no way they are going to give back the money they were paid by the real murderer's family to look the other way. If the police have already taken the money, they have no choice but to deliver on their promise to protect the real murderer. If they renege on their promise to protect the real murderer and the real murderer is arrested, then the person who paid them for the protection would have nothing more to lose by telling the world that the police accepted money from him in exchange for finding scapegoats. The police involved in this case are scared now that their sham of an investigation is about to fall through, so they're threatening to sue anyone who questions their conclusions. So in order to protect myself from being sued, let me state for the record that I completely and wholeheartedly believe their lies.

    I just "liked" and then "unliked" this... in case you get "sued" don't want to be an accomplice in defamation wink.png Hope I wake up in Thailand tomorrow...I keep having nightmares I'm in China 1zgarz5.gif

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  8. I would love to see some funds go to his poor distraught parents. Hopefully someone can facilitate at the very least a phone conversation. This article made this whole case even more sad ~ I just can't imagine what it must feel like to be this mother and father. I've already contacted Andy Hall with this ~ and would be more than willing to help .


    Mizzima: How did you hear of the murder case

    Father: People from our village living on Koh Tao informed us that Win Zaw Htun was arrested for murder. His mother did not believe it. Her son would not kill somebody. After we saw it on the TV news, we believed it. My wife is unable to eat or sleep anymore since then. She could go mad.

    Mizzima: What will you do to lobby for the release of your son? Will you go to Yangon or go to Thailand?

    Father: We have no idea what to do. We have no money to go to Yangon and no knowledge about how to go there.

    The forgotten ones, thats brought a lump to my throat

    Mine as well. I will go to sleep now dreaming of how to get some funds to this man. So many great minds on TV ~ we should get proactive where we "safely" can since it's obvious many of us can't get this off of our minds. Wish there was more we could do without worrying about our next passport stamp. sad.png

    • Like 1
  9. I would love to see some funds go to his poor distraught parents. Hopefully someone can facilitate at the very least a phone conversation. This article made this whole case even more sad ~ I just can't imagine what it must feel like to be this mother and father. I've already contacted Andy Hall with this ~ and would be more than willing to help .


    Mizzima: How did you hear of the murder case

    Father: People from our village living on Koh Tao informed us that Win Zaw Htun was arrested for murder. His mother did not believe it. Her son would not kill somebody. After we saw it on the TV news, we believed it. My wife is unable to eat or sleep anymore since then. She could go mad.

    Mizzima: What will you do to lobby for the release of your son? Will you go to Yangon or go to Thailand?

    Father: We have no idea what to do. We have no money to go to Yangon and no knowledge about how to go there.

    • Like 2
  10. That's nice.....How about a work visa for a foreigner married with a Thai?

    My wife lives in America and she's able to work....Why can't I take care of my family if we chose to live in Thailand?

    Dont understand your problem. You can work in Thailand, get a job and the employer will provide the work permit if they are a good company. If the company dont want to provide a work permit find another company to work for.

    And for the self employed? Can I legally help my husband with his small business? or volunteer for a local charity? or as a contemporary dancer - perform professionally when the opportunities arise? All things I'm presently afraid to do under the current immigration laws. unsure.png It's also worth pointing out that not everyone "gets a job" and works for "good companies" The thought sounds terrifying to most entrepreneurial types whose numbers are growing.

    • Like 1
  11. Sounds as though the suspects have finally received some counsel and representation from Lawyers and Human Rights org's and their Embassy. What is stated in this article posted 2 hrs ago is very interesting ~


    I've pulled some excerpts.

    Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September. However, he said, their stories were “somewhat inconsistent” and “their faces portrayed fear”.

    “From what we have learned, there are inconsistencies with both the forensic report and evidence provided in the case,” said Aung Myo Thant.

    “The defendants kept repeating that they were very drunk that night. Based on what we have been told, it seems to us like this case is a set-up and not based on hard facts.”

    Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, “We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

    Htun Aye said the Burmese legal team were denied permission to talk to a third detainee, Maung Maung

    Irrawaddy Magazine's Burmese edition supposed went further by saying the Burmese lawyer thought the suspects had been beaten black and blue and injected with a drug like rohypnol to ease their confessions and cooperation in the enactment as well as wipe out the memory of what happened during the confessions. Since I don't read Burmese I have no means of verifying this myself.

    Just found this as well and see it's already been posted here. http://www.irrawaddy.org/burma/burmese-suspects-koh-tao-murders-tortured-interrogation-lawyer It does give some glimmer of hope for their innocence. BUT How could it be such a different report from the DVB report when they're interviewing the same lawyer (Aung Myo Thant) about the same meeting? Has me confused. Anyone have any theories on why these two suspects would STILL be telling their own lawyers that they committed the crime? if indeed they didn't. Wouldn't they tell them they were innocent if they had been tortured, drugged or intimidated into making a statement? Wish I could read Burmese as well...The Rohypnol (or something similar) report is very interesting. Also of concern... with a history of conflict in their regions Why did they pick a “Rohingya” muslims translator for Rakhine suspects?


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  12. 2 violent rapes in the 2 weeks after the incident. Danish and Russian. One of the perps said he couldn't control himself!

    No 3 rapes, there was a Spanish girl raped in a Bangkok Taxi also (not to mention 2 westerners drifting up on Phuket and Koh Samet beaches, did I miss any? )

    and then there's this ~ happened at the end of Aug. " Foreign Couple found Decapitated" floating in the ocean off the coast of Pattaya. Strange that all news stories seem to have hit a dead end on this one. Wonder who these people were....Suicide...pfft.



  13. Well, after my recent google search, (this article is 2 hrs old) the case may still have lots of holes....but with these two telling their counsel they were "very drunk" and still saying "they committed the murders" (if this is indeed true) the rest of the evidence may not make much difference.


    Lawyer Aung Myo Thant said the pair, Zaw Lin and Win Zaw Htun, both 21, from the Arakanese town of Kyaukphyu, told a Burmese embassy legal team they had murdered English tourists Hannah Witheridge and David Miller by bludgeoning them to death with a hoe on 15 September. However, he said, their stories were “somewhat inconsistent” and “their faces portrayed fear”.
    “From what we have learned, there are inconsistencies with both the forensic report and evidence provided in the case,” said Aung Myo Thant.

    “The defendants kept repeating that they were very drunk that night. Based on what we have been told, it seems to us like this case is a set-up and not based on hard facts.”

    Speaking to DVB on Monday, Kyaw Thaung, a representative of the Myanmar Association in Thailand, who attended the interview with the defendants, said, “We went to the prison [on Koh Samui] and were allowed to meet with the two freely. They confessed to committing the crime under the influence of alcohol. When asked for further details, they said they bashed the victims two or three times each with the blunt end of a hoe, but not with the sharp end. They said they did it because they were drunk but did not intend to kill the couple.

    Htun Aye said the Burmese legal team were denied permission to talk to a third detainee, Maung Maung

    • Like 1
  14. Here is today's interview of a policeman and a police pathologist by Sorayud on Channel 3 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZ_1WfVs7RY . There are a couple of interesting points.

    1. The pathologist assured the public that David's wounds were definitely made by the hoe, as per the confessions, and not by any form of knife. He didn't explain why the hoe wounds were so different to hoe wounds found on Hannah or why David's DNA was not found on the hoe.

    2. The pathologist confirmed that DNA of two men A and B (i.e the suspects) was found in semen found inside Hannah, as we have already been told.

    3. He also said that DNA of B and a third person C was found on Hannah's nipples. The third person was not David. The policeman didn't explain who the police thought C was or how he came to deposit his DNA on Hannah's nipples.

    4. The pathologist said they found Hannah's DNA on the outside of the used condom found at the scene but they didn't find David's DNA inside. The policeman tried to explain why David's DNA might not have been detectable inside the condom but seemed to be struggling and the pathologist didn't help him out. Neither mentioned whether anyone else's DNA was found inside the condom and it is not clear to me whether any semen was found inside it. Nevertheless, even a man who has sex wearing a condom without ejaculating would leave some traces of bodily fluid and skin cells inside the condom. Whether this would be enough to trace DNA I can't say but in cases in other countries DNA seems traceable even in tiny skin cells.

    So to sum up the police interview confirms that their is no forensic evidence that David and Hannah had sex before they were murdered. If this were the case, there should be DNA traces of pubic hair and skin cells from Hannah's body apart from the condom, admittedly mixed with those of A and B and whoever else was there.

    Apart from suspects A and B, another man C's DNA was found on Hannah's nipples but not in her vagina.

    Some one who cannot be positively identified as David (or C) used the condom to have sex with Hannah, although it sounded like the police didn't want to rule out David (or C), even though though can't proove it.

    The interview seems to raise the questions of 1) who was C that left his DNA on Hannah's nipple? and 2) was there a fourth man D who raped Hannah wearing a condom and 3) or did C use the condom too but without leaving any DNA in it that they have thus far been able to find.

    Perhaps I misunderstood some of the interview but that was my take.

    Evidence of the DNA of a THIRD person on Hannah!?! found by an official pathologist.

    This a is a breakthrough!!! Who is he?

    Why are the police not stating they are seeking a third man for involvement?

    Why have I been reading some reports saying the case is closed when this evidence remains?

    Is it at all possible that the police are well aware of the presence of a third man already?

    Please can anyone reliably translate into english if you aren't 100% sure dogmatix(no disrespect to you-excellent information-thank you!)

    This information must be shared.

    Please see my above post wai.gif

  15. Maw may be their #3 sad.png


    The Migrant Worker Rights Network, based in Thailand, will seek, in cooperation with Thai officials, to gain access to the accused migrant workers, known as Win and Saw, to interview them on their past and present treatment, as well as ensure these persons understand fully their rights as accused persons under Thai law, according to the British rights activist. Another suspect known as Maw, has also been arrested.

    "The team has already arrived on the ground and started work. Our mission shall seek to cooperate where necessary also with the Myanmar and British embassies, but it's important to stress that the mission itself is completely independent of any government or Thai officials," Mr Hall added.

    Good info.

    Maw, he was the police`s star witness who left scene before murders according to police statements. Right?

    And cleared by police dna test?

    Here is more info from an older Nation article ~ I also believe Maw is the one caught in the convenience store cctv pics


    A police source said the unnamed pub where Maw worked was owned by the relatives of a local politician.

    Meanwhile, Maw said he was playing guitar on Chor Por Ror beach near a pile of wood where a cigarette butt was found, the source said. The butt was found some 65 metres from where the bodies were discovered.

    Maw told police that he was smoking a LM cigarette, but later went home to his wife and did not see anything untoward, the source said.

    Police said Maw and Saw were apprehended on the island, and Win was arrested at a location in Surat Thani.

  16. Maw may be their #3 sad.png


    The Migrant Worker Rights Network, based in Thailand, will seek, in cooperation with Thai officials, to gain access to the accused migrant workers, known as Win and Saw, to interview them on their past and present treatment, as well as ensure these persons understand fully their rights as accused persons under Thai law, according to the British rights activist. Another suspect known as Maw, has also been arrested.
    "The team has already arrived on the ground and started work. Our mission shall seek to cooperate where necessary also with the Myanmar and British embassies, but it's important to stress that the mission itself is completely independent of any government or Thai officials," Mr Hall added.

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  17. On the original topic "Rights group arranges Lawyers for Myanmar Men" I give big props and respect to Andy Hall and his group the "MWRN". He can be followed on his blog www.andyjhall.wordpress.com as well as twitter @atomicalandy.

    He also encourages joining two FB groups

    Justice for Myanmar Migrant Workers in Thailand

    Justice for Hannah Witheridge and David Miller

    Hopefully the social media momentum will continue to grow and push this further into the international news headlines. We need questions answered as this story just does not add up...way! to many holes in this case and contradictory information.

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