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Posts posted by sharpnel

  1. 20 hours ago, Hawk said:

    This is yet another government "big brother" project and will ultimately be used as a form of control.  It seems that this government are using every possible means to control the masses, people who won't tow the party line will wake up to an empty or frozen bank account. Once cash is removed from the system and it is turned into a totally electronic monetary system then the state will own you.


    Question; Why is this government so overly eager to promote/push this system?  Its certainly not for the benefit of the public.



    they're trying to push this system because they want to know who doesn't pay tax or "money laundering" thing. 


    and if you ask why people don't pay tax, it's simply because they are aware of corruption. (there are many histories about corruption in the past. To make people trust the government is pretty difficult, it's like you borrow your friend's money several times and you do not pay back his/her money.)


    also, since that "YES" vote, a number of people are thinking about Thailand's future that will become like North Korea/China etc. and are preparing to move to another country which has "Democracy"


    Democracy is wayyyyyyy OVERRATED in Thailand nowadays.


    If you have skills in PROPAGANDA, you can create a facebook fanpage, a website and create some click bait articles then post them in facebook fanpage. Now, you will see how many Thai people read only the headline and jump into the conclusion.


    at this rate, the problem is not the government, it's the people themselves.


    from what i've seen when people have an argument about politics, ALMOST EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM is like THIS QUOTE BELOW


    "You can never win an argument with a negative person. They only hear what suits them and listen only to respond."

    Michael P. Watson.


    ps. i am a native Thai.

  2. Why can't they just leave this abbot alone? I have been receiving lots of FB and LINE feeds about this story and most Thai commentators (actually virtually all of them) are worried that this is an example of the government seeking to destroy Buddhism. That to me is extremely worrying, if true, though given how often new Buddhist temples are built in upcountry Thailand I am a bit skeptical of this claim yet I do understand where they are coming from.

    One commentator even went so far as to say that he believes the general is pimping himself to Islam, allowing them everything but when it comes to Buddhism, the authorities feel they can enforce the law on whatever charges they believe are justified. This is quite an accusation in what is supposedly a Buddhist nation.

    I also heard someone tell me how there are quite a few teenagers taking drugs inside some mosques in Bangkok. Yet the police is prevented from investigating because locals don't allow the police to enter these mosque compounds. By the sounds of it, the exact same thing is happening at the Dhammakaya temple - locals aren't allowing police to enter the compound to investigate supposed wrongdoing. Seems that the police don't have nearly the power the think they have, especially when religion is involved.

    thing is "Money Laundering"

    and people who protect the abbot are obviously brainwashed. Since the abbot doesn't want to come to the court then DSI received an order from court to arrest him immediately.

    additionally, government doesn't want to destroy Buddhism. it is the abbot himself(its temple) that destorys Buddism for years.

    i have friends who went to this temple once and now i have to unfriend them because they were brainwashed by this Dhammakaya temple.

  3. Where does it say she was in a hurry? She was invited to attend. Does her attended stop her from attended court?

    What the two who invited her are doing is not an issue. They are members of the EP, the request is genuine. When you become a member you may ask them why, though the reasons are stated in the letter.

    the invitation is completely bullshit. did you even read the letter? why they wrote Khun(you) instead of Mrs.? and WHY both Elmar and Werner have no position in the letter? http://puu.sh/lL0NL/ba8f6cf8d2.jpg

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