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Posts posted by mangyH2obuffalo

  1. Hello anyone who would be kind enough to advise.......


    Will CW immigration stamp a “punched “ passport....? I know I can’t travel with it.....

    October 5 my 30 day runs out.  I got a new job and they want to give me a 30 day extension (which I told exists even though I thought I could only get 7.....)


    There is enough room for the extension stamp but will they do it on a punched passport?


    can I get the passport renewal process started and get my extension at the same time?  Or should I wait get the extension first then apply for pp renewal?


    There’s one space left to get the extension but not enough for all the non b shenanigans of going to Laos exitting Thailand then entering Laos then vice versa as well as the non b stamp.



  2. Hello to everyone up there.


    I think I want to check out Buriram with the holiday weekend coming up Feb 10-13 and I was wondering how near or far the football stadium is from the city center or airport area.


    Also, when I look at the schedule it says the Chonburi game is on the 11th while another site says it is the 12th.........anyone know ?


    Also, any tips or advice about things to do around there and if a trip to RoiEt or Surin is worth it.


    Khrapun mach Khrap! 

  3. thank you robblock!  I asked if anyone had experience with this.  This referring to Testos specifically as it is otc where I am at in the islands and figured some older retirees may have tried it.  


    Its kind of inferred that that it is hrm therapy.  I guess it's nice and thoughtful of people to google for me but idk if they think I would just come on here without googling first myself and telling me to check my diet (also something I am perfectly aware of) has nothing to do with a testos experience nor does asking me a question about it.....why do you think I am asking?


    Thanks for sharing your experience. Guess the lack of testosterone made me a snappy beach!

  4. Anyone have experience with this?  I am 40 and survived testicle cancer about 15 years ago.  Feel a bit low on energy and have been forcing myself to exercise at a gym but I don't feel the endorphins as much as I used to.


    A 50+friend told me about Testos and swears by it.  He says he has more energy and feels more focused.


    I don't know if tinkering with my hormone system is such a good idea.  I will ask a doctor about it next week but wondering if anyone has tried this......

  5. ***all smiles in LOS.....


    Got it back!  I did mention a visit to el amphur and the Tax office but I sent it via WhatsAp and it only had one light tick mark which means she cancelled her account or blocked me but didn't get the message I suppose which is a good thing I guess.  Then I sent an email again mentioning the Consumer Protection Department.  We never emailed and it was given to me by a tenant who went through a few month ordeal to get their deposit back.  The email was never answered back.


    She did friend me on the app line a few weeks ago and I had forgotten which is a good thing because she would have received some mildly threatening messages (the same one I sent to her What'sAp).  Message apps suck.


    Then on the agreed date I was told it would be deposited by check.  Of course it was a 4 day weekend so I wasn't sure if I was getting a bunch of lip service.


     In the end it's just best to have the ole "cold heart".  It wasn't in my account Friday and I thought about hounding her throughout the weekend but that would have been a bit douchey considering the holiday and circumstances best to just let her relax with family and if she is telling me the truth I will get it Tuesday and if not I would have hounded her and went to the El Amphur and all that.


    Ok, so that's the 6th time I rented in BKK and probably the 12th time in Thailand and I have never had a major problem.


    If you're looking in Ari Do not rent from "100 year old" Park from an agent whose name implies "happiness" in English but I assure you you'll find no joy renting from this place.


    Thanks for all the advice! 

  6. On 12/4/2016 at 1:42 PM, DKNY77 said:

    Also I showed her a paper that had all the nec. info with regards to tax and revenue dept.I calmly explained to her

    Thank you DKNY77, may I ask where you got this paper? Just print off the internet?


    Also, may I ask what the TM 30 receipt is?  I am not sure if this person goes by the book.....this is Ari....


    Strange landlady, another tenant that I knew went a month late without paying and they didn't really come after him he just paid double one month.  


    I usually pay rent 2-4 days early because thats when I get paid but my last month before this happened I was like 3 weeks late on rent and they never said anything.


    Ex girlfriend, snooped through medicine cabinet and a whole packet of cough drops fell into the toilet and she flushed it which clogged the toilet.  The condo building repairmen were never much help.  I explained what happened and they insisted on using a plunger something I had already done and knew they had to probably remove the toilet from the foundation which they did.  Anyways, fair enough a dumb move on the girl and I figured I would pay but they never charged me for it.


    She just seems to be a flake with the money or has so much coming from other sources that she doesn't care to track expenses and the property manager is her little minion.  She's old and probably goes to the beauty salon 2-3 times a week to desperately hold on to her already faded youth.  All white powdered up, heavy on the eyelashes, nicely manicured and polished nails.  She has probably used my money on cosmetics and I will never get it back :-(    


    Anyways, I've rented many times in Thailand and that was my 5th time renting in Bangkok (I rented 5-6 times in the south) and never had problems.  I may have got mildly swindled for damages and repairs and torn shower curtains but I get at least 80-90% back.  Just by coincidence I think 3 of the now 6 that I have rented from had lived and gone to university in the USA and have been to the city I am from.  One of them had a sister who lives in Omaha Nebraska.....anyways, this new land lord seems to have lived in the US and is very kind and welcoming even gave me a papaya when I moved in.  So guess if you rent enough you will run into it.  Managed almost 5 full years without a problem so find a place stick to it as long as you can (which is what I was trying to do).


    Ok, I guess I am going to press on with reporting to the Consumer Protection Department and possibly request the TM-30.....thanks for the advice!  She did tell me it would process on December 9 about 2 weeks ago so we'll see.   It's strange, again I have already moved out 3 1/2 weeks ago but we never met to exchange keys and last week I went into the apartment and no one has looked at it and since I live in the neighborhood I pop in and out of there every couple days and I ran into the property manager on the street a few blocks away and we acknowledge each other with a wei ...........

  7. Wow, thanks for all the feedback!  Thank you AdiP and Andre47 as well as others for sharing.   Minnehaha, I want my money back I already know I am right but realize it will never change the way they will continue to do this.  Yeah, should coulda wouda with the new lease.  It was just one of those things where the first month I kind of lost my temper with them because of the move in cleaning fee and it took nearly a month to get wifi put in.  Three weeks into the new apartment without wifi which coincided with the first 2 weeks of school (stressful and need internet) I voiced my displeasure.  Didn't "lose it" stated everything with a smile, albeit, with a tone of disbelief.  So two months before the lease was up it was a simple verbal agreement over the phone and not recorded.  With her working for multiple landlords and locations across BKK and me having my own schedule we never met up.  I tried not to feel uneasy and just actually trust them, have a little faith, "mai bpen rai", she would get here one day in two month and we would sign the new one but in the months leading up to it I was actually not in the apartment when the changing of the lease would have occurred........anyways, lesson learned.  I do have the deposit receipt and the contract which I foolishly retro signed.


    I think I will go to the ole juristic office in the lobby and start asking them questions about these tax papers she needs to file.  I have already made it clear to the juristic people that these people owe me money.  Now, I will find a way to ask him questions about this and I am sure he will turn around real quickly and let this deplorable woman know that I was inquiring about filing paperwork with this department.


    I may have made the mistake of writing a bit of a threat but I did tell the prop manager that this has caused me a lot of unnecessary stress and financial problems.  I told her it was not her fault and that I did not blame her. I knew she was acting on behalf of her employer.  I put on a crown of thorns and told her as a teacher I deserved the right to enjoy my holiday time off and that I should not have to lose a week of it waiting for my money.  I then made it clear that since school is out for 5 weeks I had plenty of free time to let other people know about her and Ms. X unethical behaviour via social media and other outlets where farangs look for rentals....................................................TO BE CONTINUED

  8. I am having a hard time getting my deposit back from my landlord (45,000B).  The month before my agreement was up I asked the property manager if I could renew the lease.  She told me it was no problem and that she would make a new contract.  Three months go by and she asks me to meet her to sign the old contract (the person is really flakey).  I meet her assuming I will sign a new contract as well.  I sign the old one and then she tells me the land lady wants me out in 2 weeks because she has decided to knock out my wall.


    I was really upset since I had no time to look for an apartment as the uni I teach at is quite a commute and I was finishing the last weeks of the semester.  I told her that she couldn't just expect me out in 2 weeks that it is kind of unexpected and unrealistic.  Her solution was to move me upstairs into another unit for more money.  The unit was bigger without a kitchen and the property manager said she would ask the land lady to rent it for $18,000 (I was paying 17,200 for my original).  I really didn't want to deal with apartment hunting so I said I would look at the unit.  I met the land lady and prop manager.  We got off to a bad start when the land lady told me she would rent it to me for $20,000 a month.  That is when I made the mistake of trying to logically sum up the situation  (1)  you are kicking me out with 2 weeks notice and (2) you're trying to make me pay 3,000 more.  They acted like they were doing me a favor and tried throwing in meaningless concessions like an iron for my clothes and that she would by me a hot plate and lower the price to $19,000.  I said absolutely not and I think they're missing the point.


    The prop manager contacted another prop manager to find a place for me and I have since relocated and had to fork over 51,000Baht for the new deposit which has really screwed my school break holiday because I haven't gotten my deposit back from the place that booted me.


    Anyways, two other people in my building had to fight tooth and nail to get there money months later.  These are the same people who charged me $1,000 baht for move in cleaning that done so poorly they didn't dust and merely swept debris to the corners of the room.


    What about naming and shaming via social networking, etc?  Can I name these people here?.........Be careful when renting in the Ari area is what I will leave it at for now.


    Any suggestions or advice would be appreciated.



  9. Live in Ari now and wanted to live near O Nut when I first arrived when they had the cool beer/restaurant tents which is now a construction sight.  Ari is a bit over rated with the western restaurants here as most are mediocre at best but it does provide a quiet area with some small parks.  Good luck though on those prices as the modern studios that have popped up are quite expensive.....20,000 for 32m near the BTS........the only chance you have at 10,000 a month would be in an older building built in the 80-90s and even then your not going to get the amenities of a new building.  Also, renting for four months might be a problem..........unless, you find something on airbnb  etc



  10. Thanks again. Yeah, it was 500 baht for the 3 of us boat all to ourselves with a mini tour a few km up the river and walking around. Lasted about an hour and a half. Scorching hot on the river bed but tolerable above it with shade from the trees and a nice breeze. The Grand Canyon reference is humorous.

  11. Thanks again. Yeah, it was 500 baht for the 3 of us boat all to ourselves with a mini tour a few km up the river and walking around. Lasted about an hour and a half. Scorching hot on the river bed but tolerable above it with shade from the trees and a nice breeze. The Grand Canyon reference is humorous.

  12. 4 years in Thailand and I've never been to Pattaya.....Nana, well that's a different story?. Those darn Muslims! Actually, as a uni professor I pray to God, Ala, and Budha for Muslim students as they have academic principles instilled in them and actively participate more than trying to bs me with a weigh and a "thank you teacha" ..... Thanks for what?- that I didn't wake your useless ass up in class? Lost in Isaan good luck casting your absentee vote for trump.....you should cast it in the Mekhong

  13. Just arrived of a spontaneous flight to escape Fakekok rat race.......what to do from 1600-23:00?

    Looks like tomorrow is Sampanbok.

    Tuesday flight leaves past 19:00.......any ideas for the day?

    I have a friend in Detudom which I am told is about 60km outside the city.......maybe maybe not. Could use a day in a sleepy village (is it a sleepy village?)

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!

    Thank you!

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