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Posts posted by Mark12

  1. Mark, a tourist visa last year and one again for your lady in the middle of next year I believe will be a breeze.

    Simple1 above gives some good advice and I know he's quite experienced in these matters.

    Good luck with the application, I'm sure it will be fine.

    She may even get a 12 month, multiple entry visa without even directly applying/asking for it.


    Hi Luke,

    A 12 month tourist visa would be great.

    This is now her 2nd time to Australia. She also came here in 2008.

    How long do we need to wait to apply for another Tourist Visa? (she will be heading home on the 19th of January 2016.).

    I was told it was a minimum of 6 months.


    Hi Mark

    Generally speaking it is what is reasonable and if can be justified or supported. I have seen them granted as frequently as a few weeks - but for a genuine need and purpose.

    Once a visa has been approved and complied with once then generally all things being equal it is easier to apply for an additional or multiple entry visa.

    However, factors like the Applicant's personal and employment history, industry, amount of annual leave will all become relevant. So if someone who claims full time employment has a 3 month visit and then applies again will raise questions, whereas someone that is not relying on employment iy would be more appropriate.

    I hope that helps.

    Best wishes


    Hi Simon,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Yesterday was a sad day as she went home to Thailand last night.

    I wont lie their were a few tears from both of us.

    I didn't think it would be this hard to see her go and everyone keeps telling me you can talk to her on the phone but its not the same.

    She is keen to come back to Australia. I would love her to come back straight away but our plans are for me to visit her in May for 3 weeks (such a long time to wait)

    Our plan is to apply for another visa for her while I'm in Thailand. She will meet me in Bangkok when I arrive and then go to Chiang Dau to visit her family.

  2. Mark, a tourist visa last year and one again for your lady in the middle of next year I believe will be a breeze.

    Simple1 above gives some good advice and I know he's quite experienced in these matters.

    Good luck with the application, I'm sure it will be fine.

    She may even get a 12 month, multiple entry visa without even directly applying/asking for it.


    Hi Luke,

    A 12 month tourist visa would be great.

    This is now her 2nd time to Australia. She also came here in 2008.

    How long do we need to wait to apply for another Tourist Visa? (she will be heading home on the 19th of January 2016.).

    I was told it was a minimum of 6 months.


  3. Mark asked:- Is it easier to get another visa into Australia as she has been here before and not overstayed?

    YES, it's a great start.

    You asked about the next Tourist Visa.

    You also mentioned a proposed trip to Chiang Mai in May.

    Were you looking for her to visit Australia before or after your visit to Thailand in May?

    Hello Supaluke.

    I would be going to Thailand first to visit her family.

  4. Hello, I have just started looking at this site as I have met and dating a Thai girl while she is on a 3 month tourist visa, visiting her sister who is a Australia resident. We have become very close and i can see the relationship continuing when she goes back to Thailand on the 19th of January 2016. Speaking to her sister I will be going to Thailand in May 2016 with her to visit the family and spend time with my girlfriend.

    Her background is as follows.

    33 years old

    Comes from Chiang Mai and lives and works on a farm with her family.

    She is Lisu and speaks Lisu as her first language but obviously talks Thai as well.

    She is happy to go home but is willing to move to Australia in the future to be with me in the future.

    I do have a couple of question which I hope you guys can help me with.

    I would be looking at having come back to Australia on another tourist visa (possibly 3 or 6 months). Is this possible to do straight away or do I need to wait? I would be looking at sponsoring her while she was here.

    Is it easier to get another visa into Australia as she has been here before and not overstayed?

    Having a sister and family living in Australia does that help her application to move to Australia permanently?

    thanks for your time.

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