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Posts posted by George2

  1. Hi all, I am interested in buying a OnePlus 5T and I'm not sure where to buy from Thailand.


    I have looked on sites like eBay and AliExpress and they have some decent prices but advertise crap like "custom international firmware" in which they've probably replaced the ROM with something that has malware and shit on it.


    Any recommendations?

  2. He's your average unfunny YouTube personality who makes money from kids who view his youtube videos. All this controversy about him only helps him. What I find funny is the authorities' crybaby response to this. Trying to deport a man for being a bad role model on YouTube? Really? And trying to claim he's working illegally, should every travel blogger require a work permit to travel here and record their visits?


    If any first world country tried to deport a minority for disrespecting western culture everyone would be up in arms about racism.

  3. 3 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Why am I not surprised?


    I saw examples of stupidity every time I made a long journey on Thai roads. Sometimes I nearly died because of idiots driving a lethal weapon. That I didn't may be down to the amulets my wife put in the car!

    I see multiple examples of stupidity just riding my bicycle down Jomtien road. Idiots on 2-strokes weaving between cars at 60km/h, Song-Taews stopping in the middle of the road and driving off at the same time as someone is driving around them, Fortuners tailgating and racing up to the back of other cars every time they dangerously pass one with oncoming traffic, the list goes on...

  4. 9 hours ago, Moonmoon said:

    i was driving along bangna trad and found myself surrounded by a teenage motorbike gang, even though nothing happen between us but they still ride at their own sweet pace refusing to give way even they saw me behind them. I just followed quietly and at a safe distance. another pickup came by and started tailgating and driving aggressively and they had to give way so when i saw the opening i just overtook and gone on my way clear of them.

    I am not dissing the teenage motorbikers but am asking what would u have done if u saw these teenage motorbikers racing or behaving recklessly towards you or other motorist?

    What would I have done? Not running them down would be a start.

  5. All the moody older expats commenting on his youtube videos are pretty entertaining. They just can't bear to see a young guy having fun in Thailand. Obviously the usual 'does he have a work permit to live here' reared it's ugly head too.

    I ride my bicycle up and down Jomtien beach almost every day. There's a large group of old people that sit down in one spot near the police kiosk. When I first started I got some funny looks and the looks got funnier as I continued to do this for a year without leaving Thailand. They think it's strange that a foreigner can live here on something other than a retirement visa.

  6. Absolute best low-budget smart phone is OnePlus X, blows cheap samsungs out of the water and has a fantastic design. https://oneplus.net/global/x

    $199 is a good price, and from everything I've heard, it's supposed to be a good phone. Though 7000 baht may not be everyone's idea of "low-budget".

    But AFAIK, they don't have any direct distributor for Thailand, meaning you'd have to source the phone from another country. Lots of retailers in Singapore and even more in Malaysia, including Lazada, but I don't see any via Lazada Thailand.

    There was some news of OnePlus bringing it to Thailand, but until then you will have to go 3rd party. I got my OnePlus One in Australia from a random online tech store based in Australia. They must have had an employee farming invites to purchase them or they made a deal with OnePlus to buy in bulk. Lazada has OnePlus One so hopefully it won't be long until they stock OnePlus X.

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