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Posts posted by adgilcan

  1. So you fall just above my upper age limit, but as she has a son, and over 30, security will be her first priority, so as long as you understand this and except it, there should be no problem. Just take it slow. I have no idea what your plans are, whether you live here and are working and plan on returning to your own country or not. If you end up living with this lady and building her a house. Build a small one to start and then if all goes well you can add on to it. I ended up building a fairly big one, but I had been married to my wife for two years living in Canada together and knew her four years before that, so I was pretty sure everything would work out. Next month we will be celebrating 15 years if marriage together.

    Again, good advice, thank you. I agree that in all things romantic it is best to take it slow. May I ask how much it might cost to build a small house might be in the country? Somewhat less than in Rosedale, Toronto I would hope!

    Very much appreciate everyone's views! Thank you all

  2. Very interesting replies fellas, thank you. Regarding the tonsil medical treatment, she went to the Camillian hospital which is not too far from her. I had suggested the Bumrungrad as they do laser oblation surgery there but it was twice the price and she protested it was too expensive and opted for cold steel at the Camillian.

    Thanks for the thoughts on age difference. It is a concern as she is 32 and I am 55. Whilst I am in no way ugly, she has hardly hit the jackpot in the looks department. I also appreciate the thoughts on Thai girls seeking security. And why not? Life has no safety net in that part of the world. As long as there is give and take, alongside respect, I should be happy.

    I very much appreciate all your inputs.

    Many thanks

  3. I've been reading with interest the various threads on this subject on this and other forums. I have to say, I am confused and would appreciate the advice of those more experienced than me.

    I met a cute Thai girl who was just about to graduate from a three year accounting degree course. I didn't meet her as a bar-girl but through someone who is. I have photos of her graduation ceremony (it is me asking for photos, not her sending them unsolicited). Yes, she had used her looks to help pay for her course on occasion (she says four or five times) but there is something untypical of a bar girl about her, I think. Not least, and at the risk of being indelicate, in the bedroom she does not feel as though she has had multiple lovers, if you know what I mean, quite the reverse. I have known her for five months, now and she has not once asked for money. She did have to go into hospital to get her tonsils removed and I did insist on paying but I have photos of her in hospital all wired up to a drip etc, so I'm sure it wasn't a scam. She does have a father who is sick with diabetes and glaucoma who is in and out of hospital in Petchabon and she has had to take time off work to visit him but not once has she asked (nor have I offered) for money. She does talk about her mother who is not too well off and how she might need to build a house for her (and for herself when she gets old but all in the context of her life and plans. She has not, yet, hit on me for help. Yes, she has a fourteen year old son from her dissolved marriage and he is being cared for by his paternal grandparents. She ticks a lot of bar-girl boxes, yet is a sweet, very intelligent, girl who is great company and has not yet cost me anything I have not been prepared to pay and I have yet to catch her lying.

    Next month I am planning to visit het mother and son in Udon & Nongkhai. At first I thought this was an indication that she trusts me and looks to the future but plenty of previous threads would indicate that this is a well trodden path to entanglement. After, we are going for a secluded beach holiday, north of Phuket. Again, I am paying but that is no more than I would expect. I am massively more wealthy than her.

    I would ask for advice. Do you think she is playing the long game and that she will request the money tap to be turned on at some point, or do you think I might be paranoid and have hit upon a genuine good but poor girl? Of course my advice to myself is "wait and see". All the time I am enjoying her company for no more than I think reasonable, all is well. The only problem is that there are so many stories that abound about gullible Farangs being fleeced, that my suspicions are, perhaps unwarrantedly, aroused.

    What are the thoughts of the great and good of this forum, may I ask?


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