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  1. How do we treat income while resident, remitted while non-resident. Or income while non-resident, remitted while resident?
  2. NAoZ

    Townhouse roof

    Anyone else about my questions, in case I just do it my self?
  3. NAoZ

    Townhouse roof

    How do I find decent labor for a specific job?
  4. NAoZ

    Townhouse roof

    Townhouse roof has a few spots that leaks on a heavy rain and I want to go up to patch and paint sealant for a quick fix. Is it normally safe to stand on these roofs? It looks like a pretty standard roof around here but Im not sure what kind of material it is. Looks very similar to this, most turned gray and newer ones are in red. I think each panel is larger than the one in the photo. https://www.shutterstock.com/image-photo/old-red-gray-roof-tiles-texture-635587301 House is close to 30yrs old so Im not sure if I can safely stand on it. Also do these usually contain asbestos?
  5. Dont freeze it, it can cause condensation. I dont know about Thai local services but Seagate's data recovery offers their service internationally. I think they can handle non-seagate drives too. I used them once and got back about 90% of data. Price is decent compared to where I came from (but in USD so current exchange rate) and my contact person was very professional. Not that I do or dont recommend them, but if you are interested, keep in mind that the actual recovery is not done in Thailand and if you end up receiving the recovered data on a new HDD you may get taxed by customs on the that HDD. Also start backup. I knew the importance of backup but didnt "know" it until it happened.
  6. No unknown switch in the room. The wire is hanging right next to the breaker that goes to the AC unit, not sure if it means anything.
  7. I kind of dont want to lick it, but seems like unimportant wires that I wont be able to use it?
  8. Cores are solid and quite thin, like 1mm thin.
  9. I unfortunately dont have a meter...
  10. It was already like this when I moved in. I never connect it to anything.
  11. Can anyone tell what this wire is for? Its just hanging there in a room not being used. The wire goes into a wall with other electical lines and I cant follow it to the origin.
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