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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Live Kevin on Fox right now trying to weasel his sad story. Press keeps the boy whinging about his claim he's has not ever lied ,,,
  2. But then there is also Stevie! LOL House speaker contender Steve Scalise reportedly called himself ‘David Duke without the baggage’ https://news.yahoo.com/house-speaker-contender-steve-scalise-211937557.html
  3. Texas Republican will nominate Trump for Speaker of the House https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4237172-texas-republican-will-nominate-trump-for-speaker-of-the-house/ LOL Good luck with that.
  4. https://news.yahoo.com/kevin-mcarthy-house-speaker-matt-gaetz-motion-to-vacate-153733944.html Brutal and historic both!
  5. Guess that skippy is missing responding because he is totally WRONG! Typical M O where if you say it. it is true in Trump world. Earlier in the morning, Engoron contradicted Trump’s claim to reporters that the judge “overruled” himself and about 80% of the AG’s case would soon disappear. https://themessenger.com/politics/day-two-trump-gagged-donald-bender-testifies
  6. Perhaps the extreme Right have the news attention but the overwhelming politicians still will help Ukraine.
  7. Contagious to some of the posters here. Can't take the time to become aware. Scary and more like redneck America than Thai retires.
  8. But she did have that vote so the impeachmant went beyond the House.
  9. SENIOR REPUBLICAN AIDE CALLS IMPEACHMENT HEARING ‘AN UNMITIGATED DISASTER https://www.politicususa.com/2023/09/28/senior-republican-aide-calls-impeachment-hearing-an-unmitigated-disaster.html
  10. Fox News Anchor Declares Impeachment Hearing a Dud: Just ‘More Smoke’ Fox News says it all. https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-neil-cavuto-declares-biden-impeachment-hearing-a-dud-just-more-smoke?ref=topic
  11. "I dare you to impeach him right now" https://news.yahoo.com/biden-impeachment-even-house-republicans-own-witnesses-see-no-evidence-of-wrongdoing-203421120.html Vote to see if you believe him guilty!
  12. Ah yes, https://www.ncja.org/crimeandjusticenews/is-it-true-that-eight-of-the-top-ten-murder-states-are-red-states Is It True That Eight Of The Top Ten Murder States Are 'Red' States?
  13. Crying often is a sure sign of weakness. Next time try and support your defense in a more mature manner.
  14. https://news.gallup.com/interactives/507569/presidential-job-approval-center.aspx?g_source=link_newsv9&g_campaign=item_245606&g_medium=copy https://www.realclearpolitics.com/epolls/latest_polls/
  15. What struck me was his recollection he first heard it from Obama and when he does find out it's origination.
  16. I seriously doubt all of you implications as Trump supporters are losers and never the sort to help the needy. Your claims are so different from the reality of the hatred I'v known of MAGA's. Wishful thinking on your parts at best. I left America because of this hateful Trump supporters. https://news.yahoo.com/texas-became-homebase-white-nationalist-100002032.html
  17. https://thehill.com/homenews/house/4220034-mccarthy-backtracks-says-he-will-keep-ukraine-aid-in-pentagon-funding-bill/
  18. No not at all. He is my President and I feel as supportive of Biden as you do of Mr. Trump.
  19. I do every day get the most humor from Trump supporters hopes, prayers and excuses that is honestly better than ANY other source.
  20. We agree on that point as Trump has a snowball of a chance to see the inside of the WH. Jail on the other hand is certain.
  21. Wishful thinking on him. My point was in addition of most all third-party races never have had any effect, today is no exception.
  22. I have seen no evidence of that being true. Please substantiate the reasoning you believe this to be the case?
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