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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. How do those MAGA spin this off? Dead man walking or senile old fool DonLies
  2. Only the sailor has more hysterics about a Harris as President.
  3. A family member? Or the brother or sister of yours, maybe. Perhaps your the one that is the autistic?
  4. How do you know how the autistic are in reaity?
  5. Forum rules Can you provide me your user name and link? Truth Social as well just so I have everything
  6. I don't understand your weirdo question! Pleas take the time to explain yourself if you can.
  7. You out of you freaking mind dude
  8. Can you lend me your QAnon user name so I can study this
  9. Your honesty surprised me, you being such a MAGA yourself. All I can add too. Why do you ask such a silly question is baffling. Go ahead an explain yourself to the listeners,
  10. Honestly? I seriously doubt that as he has been melting down since Harris. Bugs is your post as a solution to the climate change? I guess as your contribution to the topic. MAGA have weird ideas is all I can add.
  11. Well, it is true Trump has no idea what is happening.
  12. Crowd Chants 'We're Not Eating Cats' at Tim Walz Rally in Grand Rapids\ https://www.yahoo.com/news/crowd-chants-were-not-eating-012500693.html
  13. Trump Greeted by Crowds of Supporters in Philadelphia Ahead of Presidential Debate https://www.yahoo.com/news/trump-greeted-crowds-supporters-philadelphia-011553045.html Fact check: I paused the video and counted slowly. You can too. Not counting the cops but including the children, I counted at most 74 people in this shot. That's hardly a crowd. It's more like a staged photo op but keep trying.... or I've had more people in my backyard for BBQ's.
  14. The modern vice presidency is a position of significant power. You As weak as expected Me
  15. Do not think he can. Waiting lol
  16. For those that may really have Jake's coverage interest. Harris not likely to be overconfident is the take. She probably likely learned from Clinton.
  17. Prey tell the lighweight for clarity. Surely not because she is a woman?
  18. Springfield Police Chief Allison Elliott confirmed that Thursday’s threat targeted City Hall and other buildings in the city, including an elementary school.
  19. The Other GOP Dark Lord Speaks: Karl Rove calls Trump's Debate Performance "Catastrophic" https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/9/12/2269782/-The-Other-GOP-Dark-Lord-Speaks-Karl-Rove-calls-Trump-s-Debate-Performance-Catastrophic https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsaE_UDBmZY
  20. 2nd time you posted this same crap. Is it true that is all you have? Let me help you as you need something refreshing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gvQAEFQv4gU
  21. JFKjr thought Trumps was so bad he scooped him up and put him in the RoadKill freezer
  22. Wow that takes it to a new low meaning to a MAGA cult squirming. nobody likes me , everybody hates me, sitting in a garden, eating worms.
  23. Can you pronounce Delusional Even the worm eaten (soon to be) new VP has more going for him
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