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Everything posted by earlinclaifornia

  1. Your post shows you have a gift of summarizing this man's faults to perfection. I had a gut feeling when he Birthered the President of the United States.
  2. where did you come up with that a VP has ever once helped an election, preytell?
  3. Democrats warn party: The threat of Trump winning in 2024 is 'very real' Democrats warn party: The threat of Trump winning in 2024 is 'very real' (msn.com)
  4. So then All you do have is a junkie desperate for more money for more drugs? I realize how low people go in a situation Hunter found himself as examined in the laptop.
  5. Nobody so far has attempted to provide a reasonable defense, zero. Not at all surprised. I think his only hope is for the Judge to disrupt or jurors from a ruby red county are sworn in. He should have asked for a plea and admitted guilt and thrown himself to the feet of the DOJ but he has not often shown he is even a little smart,
  6. Yes I do and I am very sure Trump would be the last person in line at a confessional.
  7. I believe he will agree to a deal where he wears a bracelet while locked in the WH.
  8. It seems like a slowly moving iceberg the trend away from Trump. Seriously doubt it can change enough and his being the candidate.
  9. On Fox Brit Hume: Trump defense of taking documents ‘incoherent’ https://news.yahoo.com/brit-hume-trump-defense-taking-231546590.html
  10. Not so much is reality in your world view. Here on Fox news this claim is destroyed by Bill Barr no less!! Farcical !!! https://www.foxnews.com/video/6329444568112
  11. Pence joined in along with Haley, Scott, Asa and of course Sununu and Christy solidly flipping. Will DeSantis join on not?
  12. Pretty wild imagination. Maybe a lesson in American History it's probably a good time.
  13. I read she is still the Judge but a Magistrate will take on this first appearance
  14. Some amount of GOP shifting, ie Haley,, Scott and the first Governor (Oklahoma) to endorse DeSantis. Time will tell...
  15. Most of us could not handle this sort of humiliation but Trump can.
  16. His party fully supports him and the two polls shows his lead has increased. Many in the GOP had claimed he has the nomination sewn up now after these indictments. File the likelihood he is "out" under "not likely to happen"
  17. His party is firmly supporting him after these inditements. Moving away from his hold is not going to happen. The sliver of hope is if many more competitors join in the Christy, Asa and Cheney position. Not at all likely but stranger things have happened.
  18. This shocked me as the sources is one of the most Conservative possible. 'Damning' Trump Indictment Is Impossible to Read and 'Not Be Appalled,' National Review Editorial Board Says (msn.com)
  19. Can you tell us what was the tipping point for you?
  20. I read one article that said interesting enough all of their reactions by current Republicans are all political and not one reacted that Trump did anything wrong. That being said Fox' legal expert response is quite different: Fox News' top legal commentator says the indictment against Trump is 'extremely damning' Fox News Legal Commentator Calls Trump Indictment 'Extremely Damning' (businessinsider.com)
  21. That is exactly what his lawyers should have done in last week's meeting. The claim is now that Trump is 100% going to be the nominee.
  22. That being said the other side of the coin is this from a prosecutor's point of view. Former President Donald Trump will face charges in the Southern District of Florida, a venue whose reputation for swift proceedings has earned it "rocket docket" status -- a colloquialism that reflects its strict adherence to the speedy trial clock. The judges in the Southern District of Florida adhere very strictly to the Speedy Trial clock, which, with limited exceptions, requires trial or conviction to occur within 70 days."
  23. I predicted several months ago Trump will exit his candidacy by the end of this month. Now the wheels are rolling into a probable dream come true. GOP opponent calls on Trump to drop out after latest charges and ‘disrespect for the rule of law’ GOP opponent calls on Trump to drop out after latest charges and ‘disrespect for the rule of law’ (msn.com)
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