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Posts posted by Rankie

  1. 1. Food and drinks - way too much sugar and chili. All meals include large amounts of rice and noodles (boring)

    2. Nightlife - drinks are overpriced, Thai's have an awful idea of how to party (stand around a table texting on phones), most clubs are either stuck up hi-so crap or tacky and full of whores.

  2. Resolved. I had assumed it was the postman/woman not doing their job. To my surprise, it was one of the workers in the office not doing their job. They had been putting my stuff in the back storage room despite there being a mail box right there and my door being a short walk away. I'd even told them I was expecting important mail. rolleyes.gif

  3. Hi All

    So, It started about nine months ago. I had a parcel with some clothes inside sent over to me from the U.K. It never turned up. Nevermind, They were just some old tops I'd left at home on my previous visit.

    Then, for my birthday a few months ago, I'd been sent a card. Guess what? It never turned up. However, this time the sender had recorded delivery and discovered that the card had both been received in Thailand AND signed for by the recipient. Who was this recipient? It certainly wasn't myself. I asked in my condo office. Nothing.

    This stirred me, but I thought 'oh well, it's only a card...' I knew better than to bother with trying to chase it up. in essence, it was more hassle than it was worth.

    Most recently (a few weeks ago), I had to get an important piece of paperwork sent over. And SURPRISE! it never turned up. It was sent on the 20th June and when the sender checked online, it said the envelope had been received in Thailand on the 27th in Chatuchak but this time not signed for (as of yet, anyway). So, it's been laying around who-knows-where for the last two weeks. I can only hope it hasn't been introduced to the bottom of a bin.

    I'm wondering what the &$^# has been happening to my post. I'm aware that the service can be dodgy but in the past I'd ALWAYS received parcels and letters without problems at the same address as my current one. The sender most certainly got the address correct as it has been the same one for a very long time. The latest envelope even had my phone number on it.

    Can anyone give some advice as to what I can do next? I urgently need this envelope. I reside in the Chatuchak area, if that helps at all. I'd like to know who I can contact, or better, where I can go to find answers.

    Thanks smile.png

  4. Hi

    Two quick questions for the experts smile.png

    1. Can a Non-B be extended for more than the 90 day period or must a WP be obtained within that time?

    2. I have 13 days left on a TV. Can I still go to Laos to apply for and change my TV to a Non-B? I was wondering if I have to maybe apply in advance. Can never be sure of anything in this country.

  5. I have 3 tourist visas in my passport (as well as a few exemptions). The first TV was from London, the second was from Savannaket and the latest was from Vientiane. Now here's my dilemma...

    I'm planning on going back to the U.K for a few weeks when my third and current tourist visa expires. I then want to obtain one more tourist visa from the embassy in London before returning to Bangkok. However, I already have three so I would like to know if this option would be safe, as I really don't know how strict the embassy in London is regarding visa history in a passport.

    Would it be better to just come back and get an exemption stamp at airport immigration? Or even forget about going back if it's all too risky?

    Advice welcome.

  6. I read your original post about being denied boarding on the Lao Airlines flight because of your Thai overstay. The same thing happened to me several months ago. I tried checking in for my Lao Airlines flight to Vientiane and I was told I might not be able to board because of my Thai overstay of a mere 6-7 days. Apparently it is a policy of the airline. I ended up standing at check in for about 45 minutes while the worker waited for contact from the Laos side to tell her if I was allowed to board the flight. I was finally told I could, but ONLY on the condition of showing 20,000 THB in cash at the check-in counter!. Luckily, I had it so I boarded the flight and lived to fight another day.

  7. So I got a double entry TV back on July 2nd. I entered Thailand straight away and did the norm by extending it by 30 days after the 60 were up to total 90. I then made the mistake of going away to another country for 4 weeks on the 25th September (5 days before the 90 were up) in the transition between the first and second entry. This was my own mistake because I was unaware that the 'enter before: 1 october' on the TV referred to the second entry. I had been under the impression it simply referred to the original entry which I made on july 2nd and the second entry could be activated at my own discretion...

    So, still unaware of the mistake, I came back to Thailand on 25th October, 24 days after the visa 'enter before' date. However, the immigration officer at the airport somehow missed it and he gave me the normal 60 days on the re-entry stamp! So basically, he failed to see the 'enter before 1 october' and so I had no charges or problem for being 24 days late. Of course, this came back to bite me hard in the ass when I went to immigration to extend my second entry. The officers told me the situation (which I was still blissfully unaware of) and said my only option was to report to the immigration at the airport with some proof of onward travel, suggesting I might not have to pay the full fine because of the mistake by the officer.

    Now I'm confused and unsure of what to do. Here I am with what I'm assuming is an overstay of 60 days but with a stamp saying '25 october - 23 december'. I'm wondering how to approach this. Obviously I need to book an onward flight before going to the airport, but how soon will I be told to leave by and will I be able to fly anywhere? My plan is to fly out to Laos for a new visa but I'm reluctant to book it now because I do not know when I will be expected to leave by. I'm also wondering how much money I will be charged. Do you think I'll be charged for the entire 60 days or just the 24 days I was originally late by?

    Thoughts and suggestions will be appreciated.


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