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Everything posted by Essaybloke

  1. Sure, but they will not be published on this or any Thai forum. I think that's the point.
  2. ...and why was it necessary to use the label 'transgender'? ...and the victims not labelled 'heterosexual', or whatever their predilections?
  3. Yes, I'd be interested to know by what mechanism they determine backpack is "suspicious", "slightly suspicious", "possibly somewhat suspicious" and "It's a 'Hello Kitty' backpack, no need to search it". ????
  4. Or is it too difficult to take an ethical position? Luckily for the world, most countries did become involved in European affairs- that's what stopped the systematic murder of millions of people aka 'The Holocaust'. Anyhow, I hope you're sharing your 'wisdom' with Ukrainian civilians.
  5. Exactly, like compulsory swim classes for primary school children. I'm thinking here of the Australian model.
  6. That's very harsh. By looks of the video footage, the car driver failed to give way.
  7. Arrrggghhh! That is such an offence to my sight!
  8. ...that's a great relief to those of us who do put the needs of others above ourselves.... thank you.
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