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Posts posted by nb1984

  1. I'd like to also know of any good Reggae (or Ska) places in Bkk - particularly those with live music.


    I only know of the following (which does incl. Khaosan I'm afraid but they have in the past had some good live music):


    - Happy Bar

    - Brick Bar (used to but haven't been there in a long time)

    - Saxaphone on selected nights as previous poster said.

    - There's another place on Rambuttri (don't know name) but no live music to my knowledge.

    - I've heard that Black Cabin bar once did reggae but don't know for sure.

    - There is also a meetup group for people interested in reggae music but not sure how active it is.


    Comparatively Chiang Mai has a number of v good places (with very good live music) so would imagine there must be more places in a city the size of Bkk. Would be interesting to hear if anyone knows of more. 

  2. Hi again (I'm the one that started this thread),


    So I drove down to Hua Hin from Bangkok and then back again. I used google maps to avoid the major busy areas and take the scenic route (thanks for the advice from others). It was quite a long drive (I don't go that fast) but once on the 'scenic route' it was quite nice - not so much on the other roads.


    Here are some of the things I think are important to share in case its useful for anyone else considering a similar journey.


    - Anyone that rides a bike in Thailand should always be overly cautious and very alert to what is happening around them. If you haven't much experience driving in Thailand and you are surprised by getting cut-up or cars swerving when you least expect then get a bit more experience before thinking about a longer journey.

    - I didn't go into the faster lanes at all - the speed of vehicles in those lanes was v. fast. However be cautious about the vehicles (predominantly lorries) pulling into the left-hand lane to stop with little advance warning.

    - I did not have any notable trouble with the traffic and other drivers. I may be the exception but didn't feel it was particularly bad - it felt like a relatively normal journey on a bike in Thailand. If the previous points sound unsettling then probably don't try it for now.

    - One danger that those living in Bkk may not think of is the dogs unpredictably running out into the road on the 'scenic route'. One of the reasons I don't drive that fast is as there are things like that you can't predict and if you are going too fast to respond to such things then you're putting yourself at risk - not to mention the innocent dog.

    - Despite the unpredictability of the dogs - it's definitely worth taking the 'scenic route' - much prettier and easier.

    - The majority of the journey is pretty busy - meaning if you don't have a face mask for the traffic fumes then you will feel it.

    - Take lots of breaks - It took me about 4hrs one-way (shorter on the way back) so it can be quite tiring. This was mainly spent getting out of Bkk as you'd probably imagine but I also don't drive fast.

    - If you do this or a similar trip in Thailand enjoy it but also be careful and alert.



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  3. Hi all,


    I'm looking to learn Thai in group classes (rather than private ones) but there seem to be few I can find in Bangkok that offer classes in the evening (7pm or later - when I finish work). I just wondered if anyone knows of any? If not I think I'll have to do group weekend courses (although there don't seem to be too many of those around). Any advice is much appreciated.



  4. Hi all,


    I have a motorbike/scooter and live in Bangkok and I'm familiar with riding in the city. I'm thinking of riding down to Hua Hin as it's not that far and I'll take it slow. Has anyone done it? I know some of the roads/motorways have crazy drivers speeding around and riding a scooter is dangerous anyway but is making the journey any more dangerous than driving around Bangkok? I'd probably go early morning to avoid the weekend evening drink drivers. Any advice appreciated.



  5. Hi all,


    I'm trying to find some motorbike shops in Bangkok to buy a 2nd hand bike/scooter (probably a Yamaha) but have had very little luck locating any by searching online. Can anyone share some good shops to go to? 



    (Also - not had much luck trying to buy online & I'm aware of the dangers of riding in Bangkok)

  6. Hi all,


    I'm vegetarian and know that it's easy to get vegetarian versions of food in most places but I've been ill lately to the point I really don't feel well enough to go out for food. So do any of you know any good vegetarian delivery websites or apps? I've looked at food panda but nearly all the vegetarian food on there is either not Thai or is actually not vegetarian. Thanks for any responses.

  7. Thanks all- yes I very clearly marked for a multiple entry and provided all the relevant info. Company has headquarters in bkk - not a UK company. If I can get a multiple entry in Thailand then fair enough - this just means that I'll have to get the reentry permit for Vietnam  and then try to get a multiple entry visa at some other point. The amount I'm likely to travel just doesn't make the reentry option very useful/cost effective but I guess that as I haven't any time to do anything before I fly to Vietnam I'll just have to bite the bullet. It's a shame as previously have had really good experience with London Thai Embassy. Thanks 

  8. Thanks all for your replies. I should have said that this is in my home country Embassy (UK). My main concern is really that I travel into Thailand for work and then have almost zero time to go to a reporting place or redo my visa in the country before I have to travel about out of the country (to Vietnam). This is even more worrysome for me if I get held up on the way back to Thailand after Vietnam as I arrive late at night and need to be back at work the following morning. I'm e tempted to go back to the Embassy in London and ask that they change it (if possible) just in hope that I'll save time (and potentially money too).


    Thanks again for your help

  9. Hi all,


    I went to the embassy the other day to get my visa for work and they've given me a single entry non immigrant visa. I asked for a multiple entry one but they said I could extend in Thailand. However I am already due to travel outside of Thailand within ten days or arriving and other occasions after that. I have previously had multiple entry non immigrant visa and worry that I'll be held up at the airport when I'm traveling in and out of countries in the region. I'm also worried I'll have to pay much more each time I go in and out. Any help would be very much appreciated. Thanks

  10. Hi all,

    I have a multiple entry non-immigrant visa (not tourist visa) and have to leave the country every 90 days or pay 1,900THB to change my visa type. I live in Bangkok and think there must be a way to cross a border nearby (without paying for another country's visa - like a Cambodian visa) much cheaper. Does anyone do this quite easily or have any advice? Visa services I've found online cost about 2,500THB so that is pointless (I may as well pay the 1,900THB at the local immigration office).

    For those that say you cannot do this I was at the visa immigration office yesterday and for my visa type you can but I just forgot to book a cheap flight out of the country in advance.

    All suggestions / advice is really appreciated.

    Thank you!!!!

  11. Thanks Lovelomsak! I think that's what I'm edging towards if I'm honest. I'm probably not an endurance freak but an overly ambitious! I'm intending to do a lot of roadtrips from bkk but will have to see how far I get - should have about 4 days at a time for an adventure although imagine I'll need a new pair of buttocks once I'm done!1

  12. Thanks Steven - I've already looked at most of these (other than enlighten and yoga house which I can't get price info about) and they're all either more expensive than Elements Yoga (per month) or far up the north of the city which isn't great for where I live. I appreciate the response though!!

  13. Hi all,

    I'm living in Bangkok for at least 6 months and wondering whether it'd be better to rent a scooter/bike or just buy a second hand one from a rental agency. After reading the posts it seems like it may be more hassle than it's worth to buy one as opposed to getting a cheap monthly rental but I'm looking for something to drive fairly long distances (weekend trips to Issan or part of the way down south) so imagine this'll throttle the bike by the time I'm finished with it. My friend suggests getting a bike from Ho Chi Minh for a cheap price and driving it back but there seem to be various problems with bikes from other countries and the books.

    With your experience what do you reckon would be the best avenue to take?


  14. Hi all wise Thai Visa people,

    I'm looking for regular yoga classes in Bangkok at the moment but have only managed to find really expensive ones so far. Are any of you able to help?

    I live in southwest Bangkok on the BTS line and the cheapest I can find is Yoga Elements (generally cheaper than Roots8, Invengar, and Yogatique) but averaging out at about 2,500 Baht a month still seems really expensive to me. I've heard there might be good and cheap yoga classes at Angel Yoga Club in Rambutti but can't find any info about that - do you know anything? I've also seen that there are yoga classes in Lumpini daily but from what I've researched it seems this is only in the mornings which is no good for me.

    Any help would be really appreciated!


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