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Ching ching

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Posts posted by Ching ching

  1. The greatest threat to the USA is economics short term and environment long term. Our Constitution provides for a separation of powers: legislative, judicial, and executive. No one president can fix or break us. Gun control will ultimately be decided in the legislature. Tragedies such as the Orando massacre simply give rise to the voice of the people which, I pray, will finally be louder than the voices of the NRA and gun manufacturers.

    Though I generally disagree with most of the rants emitted by FOX news, Bill O'Rilley was spot on today... Terrorism associated with radical Islamist's needs to be confronted head on by law abiding Mulims world-wide.

  2. Sometimes it is fortunate that 'we the people' do not elect our President in the USA. The President is elected by an Electorial College. By and large the process serves us well. Every now and then we get a George Bush, Jr.; but mostly we get it right. Reaoned thinkers in the EC will ultimately deny Trump the office he seeks. Ms Clinton may be passed over as well, pending the FBI's investigation. But whomsoever becomes the next POTUS, our Constitution, and the separation of powers will insure that the POTUS elect can not break us. You may disagree, that's fine. Opposing political views and opinions are still legal and welcome in my country

  3. Traditionally, talk to the Mom about the sin-sod... but discuss openly w/your fiance' before talking w/ mom. Culturally, better to have a second (your fiance') do some advance negotiating to get you in the zone. Then ask Mom what she thinks. Generally bad form to ask if the gifts will be returned.

    I married a sweetheart, no college, never married and no children. Bought her gold. Gave parents 250k and extra 50k towards wedding. Great investment... family happy, wife happy, me happy.

    Your lady is educated and employed. So I'm guessing ballpark 500k to 1M, plus gold, and gifts for parents.

    Best wishes to you

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