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Mr Kie

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About Mr Kie

  • Birthday 07/25/1985

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    Bangkok, Chonburi, Yasothon

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  1. you said earlier that the area where you r going to plant the herb is only explored to the sunlight only few hours so i think that is good enough for the plant to get sunlight. So i don't think it will be good if you just keep them under the shade all the time. i'm not an expert on all the plant you wanna grow, but i have seen in my garden that leaving it outside the shade for few hours a day is better.
  2. now it's look better but again you need a plot, a big one with 15-30cm depth for growing herbs. but those herbs need more sunlight, but you can try put some plots under that mini greenhouse and leave another one outside, both way plants will be doing okay but outside the greenhouse will grow faster and tastier. lets try it out.
  3. Now i back after done this mixed farm project since 2016. IMG_5622.HEICIMG_5733.HEIC
  4. the tiny moveable greenhouse is not good for growing any herbs or plants you mentioned, coz it used for nursery or seedling only. so i recommend to use the concrete block or clay brick, line it up 75 cm width 1.5 m long and 30 - 45cm depth. then you can grow all plants you mentioned, much better than growing in that mini greenhouse.
  5. 9 x 6 is quite a small pond, the deepest you should do is 3 meters. the side slope angle should be around 30-45 degree. clay soil is very good for holding water and not easily cracking, so you either planting deep root grass or using rice grain spread it over around the edge of the pond it's growing very fast or you can grow both i mean vetiver and rice, with these two combined will protect it from cracking
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