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  1. i've not seen any "global outrage".. why is there no "global outrage" about the 2 MILLION Afghan refugees being thrown out of Iran - fellow Muslims.. and I read a similar number are being thrown out of Pakistan.. maybe it is because "outrage" only applies when it is a European country kicking illegal criminal immigrants out ?
  2. "There's a specific concern regarding the discontinuation of requiring foreign arrivals to declare their Thai address on form TM.6"... Right, I have nefarious intentions, maybe some fraud, but I will put my correct address on the TM6 = Thai logic.....
  3. Terrible.. imagine the damage he has done to Thai society, or should that be the ego of Thai immigration and the Police.. ?
  4. Just call themselves a religion and they will be safe from any government action....
  5. ever heard of 9/11 and Bin Laden.. ever heard of the 10 year war between Russia (USSR then) and Afghanistan. You care to explain why such events by Afghans are not seen in Russia ? Of course you will know nothing about the 2 million fellow Afghan Muslims being thrown out of Iran - do we see such events in Iran ? You clearly failed in history...
  6. Can't wait for Thailand to boost tourism with "close ties" to North Korea....
  7. and you can be assured we will not be told of the ethnicity nor the immigration status of these "nurses"...
  8. I wonder if Thai maintenance will break sanctions to repair the plane - the US will have read this news as well 😉 ...
  9. The consequence of the entitled arrogance of the established Parties, who refuse to listen to the People...
  10. It would be interesting to know why Chinese need to enter Thailand illegally ?
  11. I had virtually no family from when I was about 10. The story was enough to give a psychologist a full blown breakdown right in front of me. He was covering his face as he was balling his eyes out - so I quietly got up and left the room. I don't really feel that sorry for myself as I have met many people much worse of than me - and they did have family. As younger people we all need mentoring and usually that comes from psychologically healthy parents - but it does not have to be them. I regret there was no one just to give me a few hours of advice and how different my life would have been. Now at 70, I seem to spend all my time mentoring others - and here we are mostly talking adults. I support some long term prisoners in NZ - as a mentor more than anything else. The crazy thing is, when I was a teenager, all I wanted was a girlfriend. Now in my old age - I am surrounded by girls - and no, it most certainly is not for money. I even have a 7 year old Khmer daughter. She is the only person I will call my family. I choose to remain "non family" even when I get offers all the time to be part of someone's family. I have to say for all their good intentions, I do not trust them if the chips were down. I write on crime, social issues and psychology. I am constantly learning. And it has just occurred to me that western children when they become older, as in mid teens and later do tend to have unrealistic expectations of their parents. They expect their parents to be "perfect" and when they are not, they feel they have been cheated. I do see a lot of lonely people in social forums. I think they are often consumed by fear, fear of (further ?) rejection and thus so not try to reach out to people on a very personal level - which means exposing just who you are - and hence they will stay the way they are. When I am trying to teach "my prisoners" how to be heard and express themselves, and they start to do it, and I have to point out where they need to improve, I remind them that it has taken me 25 years to get the communication skills I have and for them not to expect to get there in two years. Another point I like to make is "we spend all our lives learning the lessons we need to learn, then we die and the next generation have to start all over again".. crazy eh ? but then we are only random cosmic accidents made from star dust to which we will return...
  12. where is the sequel and the gofundme (for a lawyer) ?
  13. maybe he should be cremated in Thailand and have his ashes scattered where he was living out his dream ?
  14. there is a difference between socialism and social policies (support for the poor).. Immigration is what has destroyed Europe and I cannot see it helping the US... those on the left have supported immigration for all sorts of bizarre reasons and their justifications are factually incorrect. But going back to Thatcher/Reagan, immigration worked well for them as it broke the unions - excess supply of low skilled workers who are desperate to work - exactly what exists now. So those of the left and the right were happy and still are happy with immigration no matter what the longer term social costs are. Germany is now paying the price for this policy. We also have some sort of social idea that we must not upset anyone - I have caught chatGPT out on this where in one sentence it, quoted mutually exclusive terms and when I pointed it out.. it throws out a meaningless apology, then repeats the same nonsense again - very dangerous - just goes to how dishonest the bias is, which is programmed into it. But at a live person level, those of the left and the right play the same game to appease their voting base, then do what they (the leaders) own agenda dictates..
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