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Posts posted by handels

  1. My immune system is in overdrive due to another medical condition, so I can't use my CGM anymore (it's a sensor that sticks in your arm and measures glucose to a phone app or monitor).


    Anyway, now I have 6 months worth of the things I dragged from the US, which is like 30k baht, so I don't want to just toss them. I was thinking maybe there is some way I can donate them, but I guess they don't really use them here and it's only enough for 6 months so not sure how useful. Any other ideas? I guess I could drag them back to the US too ????


    If anyone know diabetic association or other idea, please let me know!

  2. I should have come back and updated this long ago!


    1. Ari Pet Hospital (which is my cat's vet) will watch the cat for a couple hundred baht per visit. I believe the vet tech does this. They don't do it on Sundays though!


    2. I found a regular pet sitter. She watched our cat over this weekend and things went well. I think she was also 200 baht per visit. I can pass along your info to her for those interested.


    3. I actually have done the homesitters thing twice! People have come from Panama and UK to stay in the house and mind the cat, meanwhile they get a vacation. It's quite nice, if you like guests. So this is good for longer trips. I have used Nomador, Trusted House Sitters and House Carers. I'll be there are even more sites than those. Many people are doing this full-time now!


  3. Thanks for the replies. I didn't even know that cat cafes were a thing!

    The housesitters looks like a great idea for our long stays out of town. I love the idea of someone also getting to use the house while we are gone to have a vacation.

    For the short trip coming up, I asked our vet and their vet technician does pet sitting, so that is another possibility for others who need pet sitting.

    Thanks again for the help!

  4. We moved to Bangkok (Ari) a few weeks ago, have a cat, and would like to find a pet sitter for a trip next month. I did some searching and really don't see much in the way of pet sitting services in Bangkok (at least advertising in English). I found some pet boarding places, but pretty sure those places will not enjoy my cranky old cat and his displeasure at being boarded.

    Do most people just have maids/family watch their pets when they go out of town? I'm not sure if this is not a usual thing to need or if its the English-speaking part that is the problem. I saw that there is a classified area that I could post in, but it seems like that would attract lots of not-actual-pet-sitters*. I'd like to find someone with some experience if possible. Not as if it's difficult to care for a cat, but they do have to be in my home, and there is some explaining required.

    Any advice would be most appreciated. Also welcome any tips on Ari area.

    Many thanks!

    *and I have to give them a phone number as the Classified sections doesn't allow email. Semi-related story: we tried for weeks to get AIS to install fibre in our condo. They set appointment after appointment then finally said they wouldn't do it. So, we went to TOT. They said, sure we'll do it, then kept refusing to set an appointment. Yesterday, five workers showed up with no warning and installed the line (great!). One of them copied my mobile number from the work order and has been texting me kissy faces (less great!).

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