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Posts posted by buythisdashcam

  1. Oh dear, another cheap charlie ashamed of himself.

    How would one explain to Thai immigration when renewing the retirement extension, etc?

    Ah haarr shipmates, shiver me timbers, I come ere to renew me retirement extension. Or a short, hello sailor may suffice.

    I will explain nothing, I will just show my Elite card. I do not speak to officials anywhere, they are not my friend, they are here to do the job they are paid for.

    Oh dear, another arrogant tough guy full of himself.

    You are in for a rude awakening old mate.

  2. As you do not know what you are talking about and keep repeating the stupid things that only people who know nothing repeat, I won't reply, but just understand that you are so wrong about EVERYTHING.

    Sorry but it's the perfect statement of someoone who never did anything in his life and especially business, your comment is RI-DI-CU-LOUS

    People buy things from anywhere in the world and so many people do not even check where is located the shop. etc. so yes, anything can sell anywhere and only labour who I know who will always only be employees could think like this.

    To the OP

    Have you ever done any research to see what, if any Thai products sell on e-commerce?

    That might be the first step before wasting any time and effort.

    In today's e-commerce world, Amazon can deliver in many areas the same day for free with Amazon Prime.

    I think you would hard pressed to have something to sell that is not already being sold.

    Not sure how many people would want to wait for things shipped from Thailand plus the fact most people think there is no customer service or recourse if the product is defective or poor quality.

    Not sure which part of the post you are referring to. But I can say that if you are selling a product from Thailand, that must be shipped to the States, and Amazon is selling the same (or equivalent) product, you are fighting an uphill battle. Amazon Prime will deliver that same product in one or two days for free. So you would need a serious price advantage to compete with that. Alternatively, if you are drop shipping from the US, or using Amazon's drop shipping service, you can eliminate this issue, but then need to be able to place inventory in the US, which requires capital.

    As for the comment about "customer service or recourse", this is a legitimate concern, but can also be an advantage. Some products will actually have more credibility if they are coming direct from Thailand, for instance genuine Thai products that are not readily available outside of Thailand. The same applies for the wait time on shipment. The customer's confidence in the seller can be established with well known methods, but it does need to be addressed.

  3. Hello,

    I know that many foreigners survive in Cambodia but I wonder why so much crime and who are the criminals in Cambodia ?

    Are they drug addicts like in Thailand or do they steal and kill just for convenience like in the west ?

    And when they are caught, what happens ? Why not keep them in jail as we can put 100 of these cockroaches in a 20sqm cell ? They can also work for free !

    I know about corruption but most criminals have no money and cannot pay their way out, so why so many stories about robbery and crimes ?

    Thanks for your opinion.

  4. You start from far...

    First she should try to know if she is even able to write a full sentence correctly before even trying to do business.

    Successful dropshipping biz is the dream of the lazy who think that you can earn online without doing anything.

    Wow pocoloco I want to help my girlfriend to get set up doing ecommerce drop shipping so she can travel around the world with me and have an income as well...
    Any advice on how to do it?

  5. Hoffy66, it might sound strange to you, but i like to help people who i care about.

    I have no active role in the company, nor do i have any plans to start a business in Thailand myself. I'm pretty happy with my business in Europe thank you.

    Anyway, i have scheduled a meeting with an attorney to understand the regulations a bit better. I will report back when i know more.

    so funny, meet for no reason a lawyer who certainly know nothing

  6. Sorry but it's the perfect statement of someoone who never did anything in his life and especially business, your comment is RI-DI-CU-LOUS

    People buy things from anywhere in the world and so many people do not even check where is located the shop. etc. so yes, anything can sell anywhere and only labour who I know who will always only be employees could think like this.

    To the OP

    Have you ever done any research to see what, if any Thai products sell on e-commerce?

    That might be the first step before wasting any time and effort.

    In today's e-commerce world, Amazon can deliver in many areas the same day for free with Amazon Prime.

    I think you would hard pressed to have something to sell that is not already being sold.

    Not sure how many people would want to wait for things shipped from Thailand plus the fact most people think there is no customer service or recourse if the product is defective or poor quality.

  7. How would one explain to Thai immigration when renewing the retirement extension, etc?

    Ah haarr shipmates, shiver me timbers, I come ere to renew me retirement extension. Or a short, hello sailor may suffice.

    I will explain nothing, I will just show my Elite card. I do not speak to officials anywhere, they are not my friend, they are here to do the job they are paid for.

  8. Wrong, he just needs a German car...

    It is not hard as of course they are everywhere. But whether or not they will be interested in talking to you let alone dating you depends a lot on how you come across and what you are doing in Cambodia.

    If you are working here, it will be easier as you'll naturally get to know coworkers.

    You will be closely scrutinized by the family of any "nice" girl....and both they and she will want to be assurred of your intentions.

  9. Is true that when a roof is leaking the only solution is often to rebuilt it completely ? Small repairs will never be definitive ?

    And why all these houses are similar, nobody has any idea to build something different ? Why not adding a second roof or a giant sail on top of the standard roof ?

  10. Yes, Thai are smart sometimes, they know that it's stupid to use a ceiling fan to blow hot air down when it should stay up and leave somewhere.

    A ceiling fan is only useful if aircon is turned on.

    the blade screws loosen over time, that can cause the shaking, if they were working fine before. Do they go slow on all three speeds? They do wear out....The Thais aren't big users of ceiling fans the same way that Thai housekeepers will mop the floor a thousand times before cleaning the high up cob webs once...it's not in their comfort zone, and part of superstitious beliefs.

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