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Posts posted by leosurin

  1. Well you may said so...

    My tough, this time ain't gonna go down easy. 

    Myself working in turism industry's got hit hard last summer,not work and little help by Gov.Now they close the skiing places,so no winter season too,restaurants and coffee shops closing at 18.00,people getting affected, Italians as happy and solar peoples are not used to this kinds of restrictions. 


  2. 3 hours ago, The Farang said:

    They forgot to mention you also have to pay for your covid tests which is about 3000 baht.  Pay for the expensive resort room.  Pay for covid insurance. On top of that stay quarantined in a room for 14 days?  Total waste of money. Nobody wants to come to Thailand that bad.  Only ones will do that are the ones have family there.  

    Not even those...if I have to spend that much,I 'll stay at home send money to my daughter and probably fly her over for holidays. 

  3. 1 hour ago, herwin1234 said:

    and why not? China has the crisis under control UNLIKE all western countries.


    Besides that, i dont see any Chinese (or other citizens from Asian countries) have protests AGAINST wearing masks or having a bad attitude against covid restrictions.


    It makes perfect sense to keep the border closed for westerners and first open it to other Asian countries, including China.


    Of course thats a hard pill to swallow for some farang....the thought that other people can go first and they have to wait!

    Hope you are joking. 

    China got 5 major cities under lockdown,massive flooding in the central part of the country,a lot factory closed coz flood,agriculture products been wasted trying to save the biggest city,grains are rotting in warehouses around the country,earthquakes hitting few weeks already,unusual weather phenomena,snow in Beijing,hail resemble covid shape,massive thunderstorms and lightning,problems with USA,India,Australia,and Japan. 

    I don't see them aloud their citizens get out the country any time soon.

    • Like 2
  4. 15 hours ago, FarFlungFalang said:

    I thought it was to the left hand side?I must have smoked too many bongs!Nah I could never smoke too many bongs from what I remember.Intensive baby sitting the hired help and excellent pay rewards for those that do it right would be a powerful incentive plus they are farmers I think one would really only require good genetic stock and loads of cow manure and a good broth and lots of water and an early start about one month after the shortest day to start the seedlings and the rest is just lots of tender loving care and Bob's you're uncle.Tonight I'll be dreaming of a green Christmas!


    The problem in Thailand is the length of light and darkness ,almost the same year around12/12.

    The  commercial strains not doing well outdoor in tropics,to many fungus and molds.

    I do belive they are talking about CBD cannabis,hardly any psychoactive effect.

  5. Well...what I did understood ..banks need cash....october start restructuring debts....Thais need to pay back....can't low the intrest rate less then 0.5....bath will keep strong...Thais loose jobs,can't pay back....repossessions start...less export coz strong bath....more unemployment....I see a descended spiral ..

    Where did they come out with 8 mil turists figure...?!

  6. 17 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    Bat consumption in Thailand

    Respondents who either had eaten bats or knew people who had eaten bats said that they were usually prepared by frying or stir-frying with garlic, chili and/or basil; or boiling in curry after discarding the intestines and wings. Some people also ferment bat meat as they would pork, and serve it with rice; or prepare a spicy bat soup.



    Had them 20 yers ago,deep fried with garlic, as a chef I couldn't refuse, didn't particularly like them,bittery coz liver they leave inside,crispy and salty.

  7. 3 hours ago, Number 6 said:

    I'm still absolutely unable to find facemasks or alcohol other than the initial amount I was able to scrounge up. Just asked yesterday at another ten pharmacy.


    Conspiracy to sell (millions?) of TONS of facemasks (did I read that correctly???) to Communist China might be an issue. So too the death of Chinese in Huay Kwang related. Another huge amount reportedly bad masks, soiled sold to Chinese for 2m baht.


    Western countries should really note this nation's alliegences and treat accordingly. Tariff on western food items is ridiculous. Virtually no western products in stores


    Just have this horrible feeling it's gonna get ugly for us farang by govt edict. None of what comes out of it ever makes a bit of sense.




     My fly from Germany  to Italy been canceled,I did call my embassy  to ask for a  document to bring to immigration for a extension  to my O Visa.They strongly suggested  to leave thailand as soon as possible, you are better off  in europe without a fly then here ,the worry wasn't  about the virus but about Thai government. 

  8. 14 hours ago, elliss said:


          Farlangs  living in Thailand , should be concerned about their future in land of smiles .

          I am , plan B is essential ..



    I'm from Italy,been living in Thailand 22 years,looks like I'm stuck in here,I was flying  on the 18th Lufthansa  try call me so maybe the fly been canceled. I really feel the pressure of the situation,normally I work in the summer in the catering  industry,this year 99% won't  be a job waiting  for me,but I still prefer to go back in the quarantine  red zone then spend  1  or more months in here,after this announcement  from Health minister,I really feel I'm better off  in Italy  sick and jobless. 

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    • Confused 1
  9. 4 minutes ago, Moonlover said:

    I wonder how much of the official investigation will focus on how it was that a soldier in, what is essentially a peace time army, (with the exception of the south) was able to amass such a large amount of weaponry.


    I read somewhere that he had around 700 rounds of ammunition. That should never be possible in normal peacetime circumstances.

    He went  take weapons in an  army  base  and killed  two  soldiers  doing  so. 

    That was been said in Thai socials.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, ThreeEyedRaven said:

    I recently got pulled over by the cops for one of their routine collect money stops, and while I had everything, I heard more than one tourist moaning loudly that they were paying out money for the stops that were "everywhere" every single day, and would never be coming back. Fair enough, they didn't have the right documents, but I have never been to a tourist resort that so actively looks to fleece their guests in such a way. Combine this with the murder of the town as it used to be and is it any surprise that the place is a ghost town?

    Police have to pay big money to get a job in Chon Buri province,guess where they are looking for money now when no body around!?

    • Like 2
  11. 19 minutes ago, Laza 45 said:

    A non immigrant OA visa is a multi entry visa that you apply for in your home country.. at the end of the first year you can leave the country before the visa expires.. re-enter and get a 2nd year.. but no re-entrys in 2nd year..  requirements:  65K per month income or combination income & cash deposit.. medical check.. police check...and now .. insurance..   Non O married visa is not mentioned in the press release.. Good question.. will Non O married require insurance too???  Does anyone know?   Also.. does anyone know insurance company that will cover 75 years+ ?? 

    Have you got any doubt !?The way immigration laws been going last few years, should give you the answer.

  12. Sorry for your loss.What about the house and land?...if you are not planning to come back in Thailand ever again,it may be worth try to sell it.If, like you claimed, your wife doesn't have any relative left who is gonna get the propriety once you are gone..?You could get a bargain deal,was you legally merried?

  13. 1 minute ago, BestB said:

    Whatever makes you feel you are treated any better back in your home country?


    Country where  come from Australia, if you park 2 cm over the allowed distance, you get booked, If you park 1 min over the allowed time limit, you get booked. If you want to paint your own house, you must seek approval from the council. massive tax, and list goes on

    Sorry for you man....in Italy we still got rights..can work and make money..you can build a family there.

    But i can see you are happy here...until it last...good luck to all of you.

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