I was in Prakhonchai 10th of February to get new 5 year licence. This is my experience.
I parked outside the DLT office around 07:30 and went in, I was the first. There was an employee there who was going to register those who came. I showed him the app with the qr code, but he was not interested. "Hatch 4" he said. Hatch 4 was closed, as were all the other hatches, they were not supposed to open until 08:00. I sat down to wait. In the meantime, all the Thais who came were registered, these only needed an ID card and a medical certificate, I noticed.
It was 8 o'clock, the group I was supposed to belong to was called up and started with the tests, color vision, depth perception, reaction test and peripheral vision. I sat and watched. Hatch 4 was still unattended.
After a while, there was life in hatch 3 and I felt that my irritation was about to get the better of me. I went to hatch 3, which was also for driver's licenses, showed my old driver's license qr code from the app, and I politely greeted the lady at the hatch. She looked at me angrily and pointed to week 4 and told me to wait.
After half an hour, those who showed up at 8 had finished everything and they were called up one by one to get their new driver's licenses. I was like air to the employees here. Another 30 minutes passed and it was now around 9, when a lady came to stand in booth 4. I got up and walked away. She pretended not to see me and stared into her computer screen with a fixed gaze. I was now more angry than irritated but managed to control myself when I cleared my throat and said hello. The lady looked up and once again I showed her the QR code of my old driver's license and told her what I was doing. She then spoke to the lady in booth 3 who had previously rejected me before they called for another employee. I don't speak Thai fluently but I understand the language and here I understood enough of the conversation between them that they wanted to reject me and send me to Nang Rong (60 km away), simply to get rid of a foreigner.
I got ahead of them. I told them that I would now contact the head office in Bangkok and talk to "the big boss". I wanted to tell them that their app was not accepted by DLT in Prakonchai and ask what I should do. This helped, mentioning the head office and the big boss helps in most cases. If there is one thing Thais fear, it is the big boss. Wait a few minutes sir, now they suddenly spoke a little English here!
A few minutes turned into 30. But then I was called up and had to do the required tests. When these were passed, I had to draw a queue ticket to pay. When I did the tests, I was the last in a group of 10 Thais. All the Thais were called up and paid, were photographed and got their driver's license. Then suddenly the queue number system stopped again, that number 220 had been processed. I had 221. The lady at the payment booth was gone.
A new group of Thais did their tests and got a queue number after mine. Would they skip 221? The system didn't allow it so when the lady at the cashier's office came back my number came up. 250 thb for a motorcycle license and 500 for a car license was paid. Another wait but only a short time this time. Their opportunity to sabotage the foreigner more was exhausted, since the queue system was automatic.
11:30 I was the holder of 2 new driver's licenses. Will I choose a different office next time? Try to guess