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Everything posted by PremiumLane

  1. A war on drugs? Cos that has always worked so well in the past
  2. You mean it is something else that is of interest in the province?
  3. Wonder why you never say "Another straight guy stealing" when a thief is a straight dude? Now, I wonder? Could it be the old classic, if one person in the out-group does something bad, then they should all be tarred with the same brush?
  4. weight isn't everything, and not everyone is riding up Doi Suthep.
  5. Decathlon bikes are not junk - they have the RC520 at the moment, running the 105 groupset - and it is a quality bike for 25,000. Should check out the dudes on Cade Media, they have tested these bikes, and one of them is bike packing in Malaysia on the Van Rysel bike from Decathlon
  6. It was Jetts Fitness, right?
  7. Are the boomers on here getting al excited about this story again, they do love a good "hang em' up, jail em' and depot em' story, well unless they are personally impacted, then it is all "how dare the authorities do this!"
  8. well you aren't too bright, so tracks 🙂
  9. I know, you are all about "muh feel feels"
  10. Making stuff up to get mad about. I mean, we could look at the evidence of the benefits that immigration brings to countries, especially in economically, and that they are less likely to commit crimes, just like immigrants in Thailand are an overall a benefit for the country. Your kind of "muh feels" attitude is exactly the same that is driving this nonsense at the moment. To think of the millions of people that visit, or live in Thailand, and horror of horror, some of them act badly, a very very small amount. They can be dealt with by the existing laws in place, but we get this hyperbolic postering from those in power and talks of "crackdowns" - it is all just meaningless guff to make themselves feel important. Basically the "muh feels over facts" crowd like yourself who go and tar everyone with the same brush.
  11. Other than you made up a scenario in your head to <deleted> on another disabled person, way to go "A 2021 report from the Transportation Research Board, as part of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine, proved that airlines can install in-cabin wheelchair securement systems in airplanes. These systems would allow passengers to remain in their chairs for the duration of flights. Those with disabilities would not be forced out of their wheelchair to be carried to an airline seat, and they would no longer run the risk of breaking their wheelchair in the cargo hold. If airlines remove just two rows of seats near the front of the plane, the proposed securement system would work." We bailed the airlines out with billions, yet it is profit over service when it comes to disabled people.
  12. Millions come to visit, you are going to have some problems with some of them - it is hardly a crime wave involving tourists. Plus, there are laws in place to prosecute people if they do what they listed as being targeted. But of course, knee jerk reactions and the authorities <deleted>ting their panties again
  13. No it is not, cos I am dealing with facts - plenty of reports on this. While you are dealing with your emotions and feel feels and basically making stuff up in your head to get mad about.
  14. Is the woke in the room with us now?
  15. I see the usual crackpot boomers have these two hung, drawn, quartered and deported already
  16. Very clear evidence that the airlines can put in procedures and equipment to help disabled people travel, but I guess their shareholders just need more profit, right?
  17. Victim blaming again on this forum, I am shocked
  18. Funny how you post this as evidence of people being stuck being wheelchairs, then ask another poster if there were any wheelchairs on board... what a genius
  19. How is that victim mentality? So a disabled person must always travel with someone else? And how was it a set up?
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