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Everything posted by Superlight

  1. Same old from Hmg Politicians and civil servants foul up and blame the paying public. How about all the gov misuse When pensions were first introduced they commenced at age 65; at that time life expectancy was 45 to 50... Early 1960s civil servants started raiding the pension pot. In the past 4 years HMG and co. Tried killing off large sections of the public (covid shots) and are still suceeding. Now they are going after the elderly and farmers. You are regarded as useful as long as you pay all the various taxes. HMG & CO are not your friend. Stay free and safe xx
  2. Bit like the UK police, go to a "crime" scene with blues and twos, when they arrive all quiet....
  3. Already done and dusted.
  4. Was done, a long long time ago.
  5. They have no conception of depreciation, that and the tendancy to ignore even essential maintenance, wash it, polish it, and add a few goodies.
  6. Incorrect, Thai gold goes from 99.9 to lesser grades, try thai gold sites.
  7. If you involve in prostitution, expect to get <deleted>.
  8. Money talks, morality walks. The military like everything else suffer (or revel in) corruption. Village boys get dragged in, some it will make, some it will just abuse and confuse, and quite a few arrive back in the village, whilst a general somewhere collects his pay. Technically he's still in the army and will make the odd apperance if required....but...
  9. It has degenerated into a grab all, sod all melle, brought about by governing role models. Plus they are trying to catch up after being wiped out during covid.
  10. As Warren Zeffon sings... Lawyers, Guns and Money.
  11. Death Island, if the Thai police had done their job properly the boy and his uncle would have been caught, but no. Thais can do no wrong, so two burmeese boys get arrested. All of Samui knows what happened, and the nest was run from Chumpon.
  12. Interesting 96 bullets, usually in boxes of 50 so probably fired 4 to try it out then broke the weapon down thinkong the parts would not be recognised by radar...but didn't clean it properly so the nitrate deposit got picked up....
  13. Thais plant the rice Viet harvest the rice Lao listen to it grow... Move to Laos
  14. Given the US current track record with NATO and Ukraine I can't see PRC being over enthusiastic of the US setting up neuclear sites iN LOS.
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