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Posts posted by gareth1

  1. I then asked her if she wanted to do the ceromony and typicaly I was told "up to you"

    That means the final decision is up to you but almost certainly she wants to do it. Family is everything in Thailand. When you're sick, in trouble, or old, it's the family you rely on. So it's wise to keep the family happy.

    Now my dilema is should i go through the ceromony which I think is highly hipocritycal as Im not Buhdist.

    The Buddha didn't say anything about marriage ceremonies. Even though monks are invited to the ceremony, it doesn't mean you are pretending to be a Buddhist. Why would you object if Thai monks, or anyone else, blesses your marriage?

    I take your point about the familly but as to an objection i dont either way, but I am trying to find out more by asking people like yourself before I could make a decision.

  2. Going by what you said, legally you may be married but maybe not in the eyes of her parents.

    Perhaps what they want is a marriage ceremony in order to celebrate and show you to everybody. In doing so gain face with everybody.

    I don't know if this will cause problems if you don't marry as thjis is something that you will have to work out together.

    Personally i would have a ceremony as well. It is a very different experience and i found it really good.

    You say this is hipocrytical as you aren't buddhist, but then again i think it's hipocrytical to get legally married and not go to a church to give your vows. Marriage is not only about the piece of paper.

    Just my thoughts

    Hope this helps

    Thanks for your reply.

    I have some reservstions about the ceromony as I think I might be a little embaressed by all the attention and not quite understanding wot the monks and all that is about,seems from other posts it could be hours of hel_l.

    You said yours was a good experiance?

  3. I am from the UK and it is my belief that I am married to my Thai wife.

    Last year we were married legaly in Bkk at the registry office,and we registerd the marriage at the embassy.

    Last week following a very strange conversation with my wife, it appears that her parents dont recognise that we are married as we have not performed the Thai marriage ceramony, allthough they know we are married legaly.

    Asking my wife how she sees it and wot she belives "yes we are married but not in my culture"

    I then asked her if she wanted to do the ceromony and typicaly I was told "up to you"

    Now my dilema is should i go through the ceromony which I think is highly hipocritycal as Im not Buhdist.

    Will this make her happy and please the parents?

    If I dont do it will it cause problems for her later with her familly which could cause problems for us?

    My wife finished university last year then we were married leagaly,she is the youngest daughter from a Issan farming family.

    I have met the family several times but dont have any relationship with them although I am allways treated respectfully.

    I have never disscused any sort of sin sod or ever given any money directly to them,although once her mother went to hospital and I was asked for 1000 B and told by my wife that her sisters gave the same.

    So I dont think they are after money,or to my knowlage have demanded we have the ceromony.

    I keep asking my wife if she wants to do this and all I get is "up to you" this is so frustrating.

    I asked her if it is bad for her in her culture and she says "yes but things have changed and youger people are different than before and it's not important".

    I dont know wot to do and the more you think about it drives me nuts.

    So maybe you can all decide for me,perhaps we could have a poll?

  4. Before it went in the speedo worked fine, now it dances around up to 50 kmh then it becomes steady again. I've checked both ends of the cable, everything looks to be in order and screwed up properly. Surely it can't be a worn speedo head, not after just 8,000km?

    I'm baffled. :D

    The only thing that I can think of is that when it jumps to 50kph, maybe that is the correct speed that you're actually doing. And that perhaps when it drops or levels out at something lower, it's because something is worn or not connected properly like the worm drive, thereby causing it to mostly give out a false reading.

    Maybe something causes it to intermittenly engage properly to give an accurate reading of 50kph?

    At what speed does the needle jump from when it shoots up to 50?


    NAAH Your wrong there I think it's just the turbo kicking in when it hits full boost.LOL :D

  5. CBR 150

    Just a guess (maybe)

    125 Barrel and piston available from Honda.(don't tell everybody it's a secret)

    And then when nobody is looking it can be swoped back.

    Your 125 mates will be shoked with your incredible speed, just dont tell them why!

    Exhaust needs EU mark

    Light lenses

    But its still worth it


  6. Heres some nice old photos of the trams in Bangkok <snip>

    Looking at the tram archive photos - http://www.2bangkok.com/2bangkok/Tram/dailytram.shtml - circa 1964/1965 Bangkok doesn't seem to resemble present day at all. At least not in some respects that I think are particularly surprising because you wouldn't think these aspects would change over the decades.

    For instance, has anybody noticed the neatness and cleanliness? I'm looking for litter - - any litter - and can't seem to find it. The buildings seem whiter and no so much stained with black. The absence of traffic in general, too. But, where are all the street vendors??? I was under the impression that they had existed on every street corner and everywhere inbetween, well, forever. I couldn't imagine what I'd do without them!

    Thanks, Daleboy.

    I bet the trams didn't have a two tier pricing policy for us lot then.

    I wonder when that all started.

    Does anybody know ?

    And who was responsible for inventing that one?

    Do you think we could bring them to justice like they do with war crimes. LOL :o

  7. In 2000 my father was visiting BKK he's 76 (thank god for viagra).

    I flew out for a long weekend to join him and was hooked,26 flights in 18 months.

    Mooved hear 4 years ago,many many ups and downs been through hedges backwards and forwards seems ok at the momment but who knows in this weird and wonderfull place I call home now.

  8. If you are over 50 and can meet the 800,000 baht in bank requirement or alternatively 400,000 baht and pension of 40,000 a month etc. etc., IMO it is easier to go the plain retirement visa way instead of the support Thai spouse. You would need a medical cert which is easy to get and a letter from the embassy certifying your pension, but you won't have to supply letters and photos of yourselves and accomodation and maybe have someone from immigration snooping around your place.

    Unfortunately or fortunately I have anouther 10 years for the retierment visa, and I have allready had the snooping for the married visa,very uncomfortable feeling that. :o

  9. You have departed Thailand without a valid re entry permit; yes, your application for extension of stay is now invalid.  You now have a multi entry O visa to allow visits to see the wife.  You can apply for an extension of stay after you are here 60 days on any entry of that visa if you so desire.

    One thing not clear is if you had a 60 day tourist visa in March when you were married (issued at a foreign Consulate).  Although they can be converted the easy method of getting into the one year extension of stay category is to make a trip to Penang to obtain what you now have received from Cardiff and make application 60 days after your return.

    Has your bank balance remained above the 400,000 requirements during your under consideration period in Pattaya?  That could be a reason for delay if not.  It is normal for most conversation to be with wife when you apply for this type of extension.  If you hold an 8 digit account (more than 10 million) as a normal bank balance you might consider investment visa possibility rather than wife support.

    Thanks Lopburi.

    Dont know wot hapend with my ast post thn.

    My balance has had a kicking since then but its Ok.

    The officer who totally ignored me was in Bkk last march when i was apling for the change to non imm from tourist, I guess it might be some sort of policy to see if its genuine and shes not doing it under duress.

    Can we re apply in pattaya for the married visa?

    Also could you please explain about the investment visa.

    How come you know so much about all this it seems a minefield to me?

    Thanks in advance


  10. You have departed Thailand without a valid re entry permit; yes, your application for extension of stay is now invalid.  You now have a multi entry O visa to allow visits to see the wife.  You can apply for an extension of stay after you are here 60 days on any entry of that visa if you so desire.

    One thing not clear is if you had a 60 day tourist visa in March when you were married (issued at a foreign Consulate).  Although they can be converted the easy method of getting into the one year extension of stay category is to make a trip to Penang to obtain what you now have received from Cardiff and make application 60 days after your return.

    Has your bank balance remained above the 400,000 requirements during your under consideration period in Pattaya?  That could be a reason for delay if not.  It is normal for most conversation to be with wife when you apply for this type of extension.  If you hold an 8 digit account (more than 10 million) as a normal bank balance you might consider investment visa possibility rather than wife support.

  11. I married a thai lady March 2005

    So we went to Imigration in Bkk to change my tourist visa into a nonimmigrant on the 30 March 2005.

    That was a nightmare talk about pedantic jobs worth,the guy in imigration refused to talk to me even as I was making the aplication, nearly every piece of legal documentation there was something wrong with it and we had to make numerous trips across Bkk to rectify them, even down to the way that the Head office of the Siam commercial bank had worded the letter. It said I had a 8 figuer balance and i was a valued and respected customer "not good enough" he requierd a balance.

    After three days of that he gave me an extension of stay and I had to report back in 1 month.

    Went back after 1 month and was given the non imigrant visa for three months and was told I would have to report to the office in Pattayain July.

    And I have reported there in july,August,September,October,November,December.

    And still no Married visa.

    Now the funn bit.

    As I am led to belive because in December my wife and I have left Thailand and have gone on holiday to the UK for six months I wll loose my aplication to a married visa and will have to ree apply. :o

    All this to get a 1 year married visa.

    This is maddnes suerly there could be an easier way of doing this.

    Any way I went to the Consuler here in Cardiff and they gave me a non imigrant multiple entry for 1 year, and it only took 5 minutes .

    Now I think I will fly back every year as it's easier.

    And the upside is I get a bit of R&R every 90 days (FREEDOM)

    Could anybody confirm it is correct about loosing the married visa application as I couldn't seem to get much out of the geezer in pattaya as he was quite busy and just said "Next" when I tried to clarify things(mabye it was his way of saving face as I really think he didn't know exactly)


  12. By real women I suppose you mean the hordes of impoverished Isaan girls that trawl the streets of pattaya looking for their next victim?.

        If any of you idiot farangs would learn the language to a reasonable degreee you would quickly realise that your lovely wife/girlfriend from upcountry is openly talking in Thai about how stupid you are.

          The bottom line is that if a girl is willing to go out with an old broken down man its because of money regardless of where you are in the world. 


    Why don't us fellas have a men only forum ? Not that I'm sexist or anything, but whats good for them- - - - . :o

    i agree Simbo , women have been selling themselves since time began so how can we let them have a opinion on this board , if a man is rich it does not matter to women if he looks like a bull dog chewing a wasp hes handsome , if hes broke hes a dirty old man and should be ashamed of him self for trying to get his leg over , women like children should be seen and not heard , and to all the falang women out there have a good christmass and get as much out of your man as you can , because if he comes out here and sees how real women look after there men , your days are numbered

    At least you get something in return from the women up country.

    In the uk you just pay and get f%£$ all

    I would never ever stay with a western woman again. LEARN A LESSON from these poor impoverished people.

    Belive me they are not poor and are rich in life.

    Thats my opinion and judging by how many more westernrs are arriving every day and getting hiched it says something.

  13. Welsh man presents a fake 20 Pound Sterling Note to Bank in Soi Beokeow.


    Police were called to the Siam Commercial Bank sub-branch in front of the Siam Sawasdee Hotel on Soi Beokeow after staff reported a Welsh man who had presented them with a fake Sterling Bank note with the intentions of exchanging the note for Thai Currency.

    Mr. Leonard Pearce aged 67 from Caerphilly in Wales is alleged to have presented the fake 20 Pound Sterling note to the teller, Khun Niranoot who quickly realized the note was fake. Police detained Mr. Pearce who denied he was aware that the bank note was not real. After some discussion it was decided to let him go on his way as only one of the notes he attempted to exchange was fake.

    -Pattaya City News

    Friday 30th December 2005

    Interesting where he is from the stories below are from the same place!

    Other facts - Tommy Cooper was born there and its famous for cheese!!

    Welsh rugby fan cuts off testicles after win

    LONDON (Reuters) - A Welsh rugby fan cut off his own testicles to celebrate Wales beating England at rugby, the Daily Mirror has reported. Geoff Huish, 26, was so convinced England would win Saturday's match he told fellow drinkers at a social club, "If Wales win I'll cut my balls off", the paper said on Tuesday.

    Friends at the club in Caerphilly, south Wales, thought he was joking. But after the game Huish went home, severed his testicles with a knife, and walked 200 metres back to the bar with the testicles to show the shocked drinkers what he had done. Huish was taken to hospital where he remained in a seriously ill condition, the paper said. Police told the paper he had a history of mental problems.

    Wales's 11-9 victory over England at the Millennium Stadium in Cardiff was their first home win over England in 12 years.

    In Caerphilly, Wales, UK, a 23 year old man wandered into his local train station to sleep off all the booze he had just drunk. It was only after a train had passed over him, missing him by inches, that railway guards became aware of the man.

    Police arrested the man and threw him in a jail cell to sober up.

    At least the poor old Welsh chap had a good reason for cutting off his knackers!

    Thailand hasent even got a rugby team!!!!!!!

    It doesent seem to stop them doing it!!!!!!!!

  14. Welsh man presents a fake 20 Pound Sterling Note to Bank in Soi Beokeow.


    Police were called to the Siam Commercial Bank sub-branch in front of the Siam Sawasdee Hotel on Soi Beokeow after staff reported a Welsh man who had presented them with a fake Sterling Bank note with the intentions of exchanging the note for Thai Currency.

    Mr. Leonard Pearce aged 67 from Caerphilly in Wales is alleged to have presented the fake 20 Pound Sterling note to the teller, Khun Niranoot who quickly realized the note was fake. Police detained Mr. Pearce who denied he was aware that the bank note was not real. After some discussion it was decided to let him go on his way as only one of the notes he attempted to exchange was fake.

    -Pattaya City News

    Friday 30th December 2005

    Imposible A "Welshman" with a 20 no way, the social security in wales only pay out in £5 and £10 notes

  15. Ah! this must be a closed shop union type thing?

    Or mabye every one has gone Thai native and free speach is not accepable as it might offend the twentyfith cousin's aunt's freind of the gardener to the Kings uncle.

    Or is it that Greng jai thing again?

    Tounge in cheek british style humor is famous throghout the world,old Ronnie Barker,Mr bean and many more.


  16. [WOW!

    You guys are making me think now.

    Iv'e been maried since March this year and havent been asked for a penny from the inlaws, they are a poor familly in Issan from a small village with a 2 room house and a couple of cows.

    I am reading this with intrest and if they ever ask I will have all the answers.

    This is great that we can all get an insight about &lt;deleted&gt; is going on in this crazy place.

    Keep on posting this sort of thing is very informative.


    Mabye in my case the sting comes later,mabye she will poison me and get the lot.

    Jesus you lot are making me paranoid now.

  17. Had to look it up.


    Best I can find is that "Greng" or "Grong" means jail/prison and "Jai" means heart obviously...

    Together it's "jailed heart", which could be meant to lock-up, own or somehow clamp-down on someone's heart/mind/spirit/soul...  Perhaps something like having leverage over a person or situation.

    And/or as in to corner someone's person/pride as suggested in the Stickman webpage.

    Any other takes?  I only found the words individually.

    My misse's says it's some one who "wants to borrow your money" but is concerned that it would bother you so they don't.

    Funny that SHES FROM ISSAN

    wonder where she learnt that one Eh!

  18. :o Fantastic! A SANDWICH BAR(makes a change from an AGOGO bar)

    I live opersit Laurel park and have been there for two years, I am currently on holiday in the UK.

    I was unaware of this as I have been away for three months now, It's a good idea as you have to go some way to get a sandwich and it gets quite tricky on the old Thai Harley Wave when you have had copius amounts of liquid gold(singha).

    Nice to hear the staff are pleasing to the eye but I will have to keep this to myself as the green eyed brown eyed monster indoors will be really pleased (NOT).

    I would guess it is one of Stevens prodjects from Laurell park(I hope it lasts longer than the corner shop which was the one other of his prodjects,very dodgy staff which led to the downfall).

    It would be nice to hear from some neighbours as there isnt much of a social scene around there,but I guess as the area is growing quite a bit that is set to change.

    Any water in the pond yet?




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