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Posts posted by stary65

  1. Just for the record, I am the British man in question, Chris Stark and I would like to set the record straight about the incident that led to my hospitalization and an operation on my fractured skull back in January,2015.

    The report of the incident was initially made by the Phuket News and was not only inaccurate but false in every detail, a fault which the editor of the newspaper-rather grudgingly - acknowledged by retrospectively altering the details of that report which now languishes in the archives.

    A more accurate version of the incident appeared in the 'Phuket Gazette'" and they at least followed up the initial report with further updates.

    However,these are the most important facts.:-

    1 My skull was badly fractured by at least one ferocious blow to my head(temple) with a baseball bat.

    2 There is no record of any hospitalization of the assailant nor were there any marks on his face.

    3 My assailant"s case- that he acted in self-defense- collapsed almost immediately following the police investigation.The police were already aware of his record as a drug-dealer and a history of violence so he was advised to pay up or serve a lengthy prison sentence.

    4 He admitted liability and paid compensation of 200,000 baht to cover my medical bills and loss of income.

    5 The official police report records that the incident was an "an assault", not a "brawl".

    6 The hospital report showed that there was virtually no alchohol in my blood.

    7 On the basis of the latter,my insurance company agreed to pay compensation for the assault.

    8 One year on ,I am in reasonable health, although my speech and editorial skills are still impaired.(This post took a lot of editing!)

    I have read through the comments in the forum and would like to thank those that vouched for my good character and those that at least questioned the plausibility of the report. For those that were taken in by the "British yobbo beats up hapless Thai Bartender" line, I forgive you but please remember the classic and wise saying"never believe what you read in the newspapers".

    I hope that a forum which is supported by the Phuket News-which doesn't emerge with much credit here-has the courage to post this, bearing in mind that if this had happened in England I would have a cast-iron case for "defamation of character".

    However, this SHOULD be a kind of closure. All of the above numbered points are attestable FACTS.

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