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Posts posted by Chowna

  1. You got me wrong... I'm not nay sayers. It just that you got a good price from the local market. Wondering if you would share tips like how you strike a deal with them and are you supplying on a constant basis? Lime price fluctuated a lot. I don't make up that figure and it's advertised on their website. Anyway I don't grow any limes so it is interesting info for me.


    Today the price had dropped even further. If I interpreted the price correctly per sack, then your price is like striking gold.

    Hey Austin,

    I had a look at those prices,wow cheap!!

    Lucky for me I am a long way from Talaad Thai haha,

    We live in a small village but we have a couple of good markets here,

    Including a Laos market a few minutes from the house.

    Not a lot of locals grow Lime here so we get good prices in our local market,

    My wife worked out the deal with the lady who buys the Lime from us-

    as she was already buying fish from us to sell at the market.

    And if we want the uncle just sells them at his shop for no profit from us,

    To tell the truth I was going to sell them to her cheaper but my wife agreed the price-

    and by agreeing its a win win situation wink.png

    My wife says the lady doubles the price and makes at least 50 baht back a kilo,

    So its happy faces all around,

    Right now we don't grow a lot so its easy to sell them,

    But if we plant another hundred or so trees I'm not sure if we could get the same money,


  2. You got me wrong... I'm not nay sayers. It just that you got a good price from the local market. Wondering if you would share tips like how you strike a deal with them and are you supplying on a constant basis? Lime price fluctuated a lot. I don't make up that figure and it's advertised on their website. Anyway I don't grow any limes so it is interesting info for me.


    Today the price had dropped even further. If I interpreted the price correctly per sack, then your price is like striking gold.

    Hey Austin,

    I had a look at those prices,wow cheap!!

    Lucky for me I am a long way from Talaad Thai haha,

    We live in a small village but we have a couple of good markets here,

    Including a Laos market a few minutes from the house.

    Not a lot of locals grow Lime here so we get good prices in our local market,

    My wife worked out the deal with the lady who buys the Lime from us-

    as she was already buying fish from us to sell at the market.

    And if we want the uncle just sells them at his shop for no profit from us,

    To tell the truth I was going to sell them to her cheaper but my wife agreed the price-

    and by agreeing its a win win situation wink.png

    My wife says the lady doubles the price and makes at least 50 baht back a kilo,

    So its happy faces all around,

    Right now we don't grow a lot so its easy to sell them,

    But if we plant another hundred or so trees I'm not sure if we could get the same money,


  3. Hey Zlodnick,

    If you have concrete rings with bases what you are supposed to do is after you have your crop of limes -

    -you cover the top of the concrete and round the base of the tree with plastic to stop water coming inside,

    Then leave it for a few weeks until all the leaves fall off and your tree is "almost dying out"-

    Then remove the plastic give some fertilizer and water and your tree will grow back its leaves and a new crop of Lime,

    What you are doing really is fooling the tree into giving crops of Lime year around.

    I have only planted my trees from graft a year ago and I am on my second crop now so I will try it myself in a few weeks or so and see how it works,

    I got told this is the best way by a local plantation owner who is a professor at the local Farm School so hopefully it can work for me,

    All good fun and to keep busy about then place.

    Good Luck if your trying


  4. I think at 10 huge limes a kilo they would have to be like oranges,

    A golf ball size Lime sells at my local market between 7 and 10 baht depending on the season and if you can crop out of season you will get the higher price,

    The limes you must be buying are the tiny limes with very little juice,hence you buy them for what they are worth,

    There is always nay sayers everywhere..but as I grow my limes for joy of having my own little farm to keep busy on and still having a high paid job I doubt I need to lie about how much I am paid at the gate for the lime I sell.

    so if you are buying 400 limes for 187 baht and it is 10 limes per kilo as you say, that means you are buying a kilo of lime for 4 baht....yeah yeah whatever...!

  5. I just had a perimeter wall finished last week its 1.5 meters high and 60 meters long,I used around 44 concrete poles and I was charged 200 baht per pole, I had an outside toilet and side gate built as well and all in was 15000bt for labour,I used steel and concrete pour on the base and the top of the wall to tie it all in, I think the blocks sand stone etc cost me around 70000baht.

    Sand and stone has jumped hugely in price and even concrete and steel is up greatly in the last few years.

    3 years ago I bought the same concrete with steel poles for 220 baht this time there were 375 baht.


  6. Hey Guys

    I'm not sure how everyone else started but I bought some grafted tree's for 90baht at the local Farm College market,

    They were around one meter tall and they didn't look very strong when I bought them,

    I went and spoke to a local plantation owner who was quite friendly and he gave me advise on how to take care of them,

    On his advise I planted 25 in rings with concrete bases and 25 without concrete bases,

    I planted in normal dirt with a top layer of some better soil and some rice husks wood chips and cow manure,

    After 6 months as in the photo below we had our first crop of Lime,And we pruned back to shape the tree..(Lots of thorns..wear good gloves)

    The Lime were a little hard but had a lot of juice,We had been told the first crop would probably be unusable but they were fine we used them at home ourselves,

    We have them about a year now and we have just sold 80kg over the last few weeks and we use ourselves regular as well and all trees are still loaded with Lime,

    We are going to leave these ones a little longer to see how big they grow,as the the ones we sold were a mostly a little smaller than a golf ball,

    And the variety of Lime we bought is supposed to grow quite big,I will have to ask the wife the name as I have forgotten already.

    How I take care of them is I water them every couple of days I give them a good flood,and put on a layer cow manure (pooey) every couple of weeks.

    (No watering now as wet season)My Fil has a couple of hundred cows so he just brings the manure to the farm for me,

    I sometimes get problems with caterpillars I just pick these off the leaves,

    I'm not sure if its just the soil I use is good,Its from the Mekhong river but I have to say Im happy with the results and I'm thinking about doing another full Rai,

    I have been selling for 50baht a kg at the gate to one of the local market sellers,

    But I will up that price on my next sale,

    The trees are a lot bigger now and I can take some photos tomorrow if anyone is interested in seeing them,

    Hope life is treating everyone good,

    Happy growing


  7. I'm quite lucky as I live right beside the Mekhong and when the water level is low they dig the river bottom to get the dirt,

    It has gone up in price for 250 to 300baht in the last couple of years and if you want a tractor to level the dirt its 50baht a truckload,

    I know its more expensive to get to my friends village 20k away as there is some fines to pay in the Moo Bans the trucks pass through to get there,

    I'm North East Isaan.


    • Like 1
  8. Hey Guys

    I know this might not be the right place to post this,

    But I was wondering if anyone knew where I could buy an Anatolian sheepdog or "Kangal" as they're also known?

    I have seen there are some in Thailand but I cannot find any breeders on Google,

    I'm looking to buy a dog and bitch for my farm,

    Thanks in Advance



  9. Hey Canuckamuck,

    I bought a Brother laser Scanner printer copier for 5500 baht about a year ago as I need to scan paperwork quite regular for work,

    My wife is always copying stuff for College and we haven't had to buy any ink yet and the cartridges are not to expensive to replace,

    Brother also has auto clean so its just a matter of going into the menu and cleaning if it plays up.

    Its easier for me to have one at home just for copying stuff last minute for immigration as I'm always late!!



    (just re-read your post-I think your looking for a commercial grade printer..sorry no clues on that one)

  10. Haha I do know what your saying Canuckamuck I did transfer 30kg of Pla Duc to a smaller concrete ring with a little bit of dirt to change their color before I sold them a few days ago and when I went to take them out I had around 15kg left, But in fairness I did have 5 guys (family) building an exterior wall and I said they could barbecue some if they wanted....bad idea really lol!But in general I don't have any problems and now I have my exterior walls finished I will be buying some Kangal or similar that will have free range of our little farm wink.png!!

  11. I would grow Pla Duc if I was in your position,I would dig out a few more meters on your pond and buy some fingerlings for 1 or 2 baht each that way they will be hardy already and not prone to dying,

    I would start them off on small pellets with at least 30% up in protein,its around 400baht for a 20/25 kg bag,

    Pla Duc don't mind the water being a little dirty and I would change half the water out only when it started to get a little smelly,

    Easy to maintain easy to sell and you can sit and have a beer and catch some for dinner after a few months wink.png

    Pla Duc love earthen ponds.

    I would also go to a neighbouring pond or stream and take some of the floating veg and weeds and transfer them to your pond-

    -The fish will enjoy the cover and eat the weeds,it will spread quickly just clear it out every now and then.

    There is a lot of information on here about taking care of them,

    Best of Luck



    P.s Not everyone in Thailand is a thief as I find some of the hard noses on here believe,but I would cut down some tree branches and throw them in your pond so no-one can come in and (Sai Hair) cast net your pond in the middle of the night or when your away.

  12. Hey Once Bitten

    I have a one rai Suaan close to my house that I use for growing veggies etc that we use at the house,I have my gym and workshop there as well.I planted 50 Lime trees there about a year ago and they have produced around 80kg of Lime in the last couple of months and the trees are still full,I planted them all in circular concrete rings,25 with no concrete base and 25 with,I havn't noticed a difference as of yet with the bases,but with bases they are supposed to produce more Lime.I get 50 baht a kilo at the gate and they will keep on giving so I'm thinking of planting another rai of Lime trees.

    I also have around 100 papaya trees which get cut down and regrown,15 mango (Mangos are growing regular) and 15 lichee trees( No lichee as of yet),and I have planted 60 pineapple trees in around the other trees about 6 months ago and I have just had my first Pineapple!!( I thought they were dead they werent doing much).

    And my father in law grows string beans, lettuce,cucumber,Chilis,lemon grass etc.I also have 6x4 meter concrete ponds which I keep Pladuc,Plasawai and Pla Mor,as you can see everything I grow doesn't need much attention especially now as its the rainy season,feed the fish cut the grass and some weeding and water changes.

    Its my first year just passed with the fish and I have sold only Pla Duc as I want the Pla sawai to grow to about 2kg,I bought 5000 Pladuc to start for 40satang each from the government fisheries and they weren't great they were very slow to grow,so I bought 2500 more at 2baht each from a girl local to me and they grew quick, I have nearly sold all my Pla Duc now and I have made my money back for the fish/food and some of the money for the construction of that pond,I was selling them at the gate for 60baht a kilo.

    I'm not sure whether to grow more Pla Duc,Maybe I will do one more season with that pond and change to some type of Carp to see how that goes,

    Anyway just wanted to give you some ideas.

    I'm not out to make a great deal of money,just to keep busy although it is nice when you get some money back for something you have done yourself,

    I have just bought a farm so now I'm researching what I would like to do with that myself,

    Best of luck on your Adventure!!

    P.s (I tried Chickens a few year ago and they were a pain in the ass..they ate more food than they were worth.)

  13. I had a couple of bored wells done at my farm in Isaan,Both were 1800baht for the drilling,one was 16meters the other was 18 meters,I cannot remember exactly but I paid around 5000baht each for electric pumps they work fine and the water is very strong I use it on my Lime trees etc when the season dries out a bit using 2inch flexi hose,The water is crystal clean at my farm,But I had a well drilled at my house a few years before and there was a lot of sand in the water so I dont use it only when the village water goes down here,I also keep Pla Duc and Plasawai and Pla Mor so regularly do water changes.Regards Derek

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