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Everything posted by FunkyDunky58

  1. A foreigner overstays and they parade him with proud officers behind him as if they have caught a master criminal thats alluded them for decades. This happens all the time in all countries and is hardly headlines.
  2. This is a disgusting act by this cowardly POS, and he should be aggressively pursued by the cops. What I am bemused by is how a domestic violence matter is headline news here. Why? Because its falang. A lot of Thai "men" (young boys in an adult skin) beat their wives (and children) routinely. Does it make the news? No.
  3. Poor headline. My reaction was "wait, what?" if they are illegal close them down. Period. Not Monitor them (unless thats RTP code for seek brown envelopes). But reading the article it says they will monitor closely to see what ARE illegal (which ones should provide brown envelopes). Same old empty promises not followed up with any meaningful action.
  4. The fact that they feel a need in the first place to go through this circus to show they are trustworthy speaks volumes...
  5. "Crackdown"s have been a feature of the RTP as long as I can remember. Last about 2 weeks and then its the next news item.
  6. So with all this history he got in, and stayed in the RTP? Staggering.
  7. So he gets an extended term after promulgation of the constitution that his government wrote. Couldn't make this sh*t up. It was clear he knew about this loophole as soon as he said he trusted the court...
  8. The moment he said he trusted the court it was clear he is coming back.
  9. If he has made such a declaration it probably means he has found a loophole, will exploit it and has already lined up the result with the judges.
  10. Thais scam Farangs every day without any reporting but on the once in a blue moon occasion the tables are turned its headline news. Som Num Na I guess.
  11. More rules same absence of enforcement. So nothing changes except the police get richer.
  12. 200,000? But a ladyboy bashes a Farang and is sent home with a 500 baht fine? Double standards? There is now a hefty financial incentive for false accusations. I wonder what percentage went to the police involved?
  13. A daily event in Thailand but suddenly headlines if a Farang is involved. If it wasn't for the double standards in this country there would be no standards at all.
  14. Give pedestrians permission to push the <deleted> off their bikes and pull the ignition key. Then turn it into the police to redeem the 500 baht.
  15. So he is telling those at the top of the money received pyramid, who have been neck deep in corruption their whole careers, who are rich off of it, that it has to stop? He will not last long...
  16. If democracy returns and Thailand has an elected government, how long before the next Military coup?
  17. There are videos almost daily of stupid Somchai doing wheelies, laying down flat on his bike, or going way too fast and ending up needing a skin graft or worse. Its only news when a non Thai does it? These idiots are a menace and can kill innocent bystanders. They should all be shamed and punished regardless of origins.
  18. Watch out for this guy...
  19. If Thailand had quality police this would not be a problem...
  20. Thai officialdom xenophobia shining through with their obsession with painting Falang as bad people.
  21. Strange article that answered its own question.
  22. Another useless law that will not result in less road fatalities and will be selectively enforced by the BIB only when there is money in it for them. What about the law that people can't be in the back of pickups? Still happens. What about wearing helmets? Still not happening. What about kids riding motorbikes? Happens all the time. New laws is no solution. Law enforcement that is serious about safety more than tea money is what is needed.
  23. The fact that he volunteered that there were no behind the scenes investors without being asked suggests that there may be behind the scene investors that don't want to be identified. Also, ignorance of the safety regulations is NEVER a defence for not complying with them.
  24. "He said that he deserved bail because there might have been negligence but there was no intent" Zero intent to ensure the safety of his patrons because that would eat into the lucrative profits of such an establishment.
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