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Everything posted by FunkyDunky58

  1. I see kids a lot younger than 14 riding motorbikes. No helmet, riding way too fast, almost always with a similarly aged passenger. The blame lies with the parents that are too lazy and let their kids on a killing machine, and the police that do nothing about it (can't collect money off a young kid). Will never change. I also see kids in school uniform on their way home from school, with passengers, pulling wheelies on busy streets. Again no helmets. More accidents looking for a place to happen.
  2. It will flop. Thai people move around a lot so what address will the fine be sent to? Only Falang who is monitored constantly will get tickets.
  3. Sounding a bit like a lemming. There is a lot of evidence of high percentages of false positives, evidence of labs being incentivised to return positive results, evidence of hospitals being incentivised to diagnose cover even when its something totally different, and evidence of death and permanent ill effects from these vaccines. Always follow the money. Before you start calling other people ignorant please go and do some research and present FACTS. And that does not mean quoting CNN or MSNBC.
  4. Says the man that had 6 (SIX!) vaccinations and still tested positive. Minister Of Ridiculously Obvious Nonsense
  5. He's had six vaccinations so yes I think he is on drugs....
  6. Does this bozo ever shut up? He just cannot resist opening his mouth to get himself in the news.
  7. It beggars belief that anyone would stand up and proudly take an award related to road safety when the record for this country is truly abysmal. And what do they focus on? The money - people not paying fines. Yes that will save lives for sure. Dismal. pathetic.
  8. Here we go again. Dirty Farang going around infecting everything. Isn't it enough that the Govt has convinced most Thais that we are all walking infestations of Covid?
  9. Great. Now perhaps they can do a better job at dealing with armed, drunk and aggressive Thai boys (can't really say men).
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