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Everything posted by diznax

  1. Dax here. The post above about 'breaking and entering' is an outright lie. I always ask permission if there is a guard, caretaker or owner if I've been able to attain contact details. I absolutely never 'break and enter', never do damage to private property or spray graffiti or anything like that. If I am told 'no' by a person in charge of the property or if there are clear 'no trespassing' signs, I do not enter the property, as it is not worth the stress or risk. If there is nobody to ask & no signs saying not to enter, then I go in. Many locations, esp outside of urban areas, are very open, as I think many who live here know. Often, entering the locations is a matter of parking and simply walking on, with no people/walls/gates to be found in the area, as with the two in the linked story above. In addition, before going I have usually been informed by Thai friends who've been to the locations themselves. I go in, take pictures, and am on my way. I have never 'broken and entered' anything, and saying so is straight up slanderous. Mike is just salty because, several years ago, I posted a drone picture in the bpg Facebook page, he commented about it being prohibited, I poked fun of him for being a bit pedantic as did a few others in the group, and apparently his feelings are still hurt. I no longer post in that group because I don't really have interest in the group & my close friend Dennie no longer runs it. I love discovering the history of forgotten places and trying to answer questions about their past and present. I find them interesting. If I'm able to share my experiences and pictures with others then I'm happy to do so. I do not consider myself 'famous' or anything like that. I think most people understand that, but along the way there have been a few negative individuals whose opinions really don't mean anything. I'm only responding to this one due to the false accusation. I always really appreciate when I hear from people who have enjoyed seeing my pictures and backstories. I'm glad to share them.
  2. He's still hounded by the press because justice wasn't served and he's been allowed to enter the country and leave whenever he wants in secret (his social media feeds have shown this). He killed a cop when he was driving drunk and high on coke, then fled the scene, dragging the cops body under his ferrari, then blamed the butler. The family paid a few million baht (3 last I heard, roughly 100k USD), which is nothing for a family of billionaires (in USD). Boss hasn't spent a day in jail for manslaughter just because he's wealthy and connected, epitomises everything that is unjust in Thailand and elsewhere, and frankly he deserves a lifetime of being harassed, at least until he actually pays a real price, jail time, which we all know won't happen. If a drunk rice farmer had run him down, he'd likely still be in prison. No idea who was at fault in this recent accident, maybe it actually was the foreigner, but it's understandable why people would be instantly pessimistic.
  3. The island has been ruined because...of all the things to complain about including the atrocious new pier....the roads have been paved? I still have a scar on my knee from wrecking while trying to drive through those deep rainy season tracks at night. Dirt roads don't hold some sort of quirky charm. I've been going to Samet for 14 years and it is still a nice island despite the development, just depends on where you stay and if it matches what your vibe is. Saying Samet is ruined bc the roads are paved is like saying Bangkok is ruined because the tangled power lines have been fixed.
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